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Our Guide to the Best Hip Brace in 2019 - BestHealthGear No matter the reason – whether it’s old age, arthritis, healing after surgery, or a sports-related injury – hip pain sucks. Simple everyday activities like picking up a toddler or bending over to tie your shoes become much scarier when hip pain is involved. Unless you secure that hip in place using a brace or hip support, your condition is bound to get worse. In extreme cases, you might end up with a full hip replacement (or, like my own mother, two hip replacements!). Getting an excellent brace is the perfect fix for reducing discomfort and strain on your hip. Our policy at BestHealthGear is to do most of the research for you. Major Types of Hip Support Sports Brace/Support These are designed to assist you during sports or at the gym. Post-Op Braces These are heavy-duty braces which are designed to stabilize the hip after a major operation. This type of support is stable and highly restrictive of motion, due to the fact that these braces aid recovery from major injuries. Support Braces
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