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Le guide de l'iPad - A l'usage des enseignants de Ghislain Dominé

Le potentiel pédagogique de 150 applications iPad (Note: ce billet a été mis à jour le 26 juin 2015Les nouveautés sont indiquées en rouge.La section des applications de création pour réaliser des projets multimédias est aussi mise en évidence.) Des conseillers pédagogiques et une orthophoniste ont commenté le potentiel pédagogique de 250 applications iPad. Vous trouverez une description sommaire pour chaque application, un classement par discipline et niveau scolaire de même que des pistes d’exploitation pédagogique. Vous trouverez notre répertoire en format PDF. Le potentiel pédagogique de 250 applications iPad Voyez aussi notre liste d’applications phares et gratuites Applications phares et gratuites Voyez enfin les suggestions d’applications payantes proposées par le service local du RÉCIT de la CSDM Trousse Éducation préscolaireTrousse Éducation préscolaire et PrimaireTrousse secondaire Crédits photo: Licence CC flickingerbrad

5 applications d'histoires pour enfants Le dimanche, c'est le jour des enfants (et des parents !) sur iGeneration. Cette semaine, vous propose une sélection de 5 applis gratuites de belles histoires pour vos enfants. Certaines de ces applis poussent l'interactivité avec l'enfant tandis que d'autres se concentrent plus sur le texte, ce qui demande une plus grande implication des parents, mais aussi des super moments en perspective. iStory Voilà Hopus - iPad seulement - Gratuit - 3/6 ans L'histoire d'Hopus le lapin magique qui part à la découverte du monde et des couleurs. On aime : le petit jeu de coloriage qui rend l'histoire encore plus intéressante. Buddy le bus #1 : Demain est un autre jour - iPhone/iPad - Gratuit -3/8 ans Buddy est un sympathique bus qui transporte tout le monde et qui connait tous ses passagers. On aime : La trame de l'histoire et les dessins. Contes de fées pour enfants surdoués - iPhone/iPad - Gratuit - 4/8 ans Inventer des histoires - iPhone/iPad - Gratuit- 2/5 ans

Hands-on equations For many students algebra seems too abstract and hard to learn. They often resort to ineffective memorization and in the long run find only frustration and failure. Now there’s a new free iPad app that can turn frustration into success. The Fun Way to Learn Algebra: Hands-On Equations 1 Lite gives even the youngest students visual and kinesthetic ways to understand abstract algebraic equations. The app is intended for children from age 8 onward. The app, like the physical version, is also well suited for helping older students who are struggling in traditional algebra classes. Each of the three lessons of this free app is introduced by a short three- to four-minute video. In the first lesson the student learns that a pawn, or marker, has an unknown weight, or value, and that a number cube has the value shown on the cube. The “scale” does not actually move. After a short while the student will see that the value of 5 for the pawn will give both sides the same value, namely 13.

What We Learned: A 1:1 iPad Reflection This past week at Burlington High School, we started rolling out iPads for incoming freshmen. During this process, I couldn't help but reflect on what had occurred over the course of a year. Around this time last summer, BHS had roughly one thousand iPads ready to roll out to all students. The anticipation was great, the waters uncharted. During the 2011-2012 school year, we, the IT department and the teachers charted a course that led us to many exciting discoveries as well as many learning experiences. NOTE: When I say "we" from here on out, I am referring to Dennis Villano, Director of Instructional Technology for Burlington Public Schools; Patrick Larkin, Principal of Burlington High School: Bob Cunha, IT for BPS; Jose DeSousa, IT for BPS; John Allegreto, IT for BPS; and Tim Calvin and myself, Instructional Technologists at BHS. The Launch When you unfold such a large-scale initiative as giving every student an iPad, you tend to overthink everything. Learning As We Go Embrace Patience

iPad Apps & Bloom’s Taxonomy   I felt it was worthwhile to update the Top Post (over 25,000 views) on Langwitches: Bloom’s Taxonomy for iPads I have added links to each app represented on the visual. Remember: Exhibit memory of previously-learned materials by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers. describenamefindnamelisttell Suggested apps: Understand: Demonstrative understanding of facts and ideas by being able to: explaincomparediscusspredicttranslateoutlinerestate Suggested Apps: Apply: Using new knowledge. showcompleteuseexamineillustrateclassifysolve Analyze: Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. compareexamineexplainidentifycategorizecontrastinvestigate Evaluate: Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria justifyassessprioritizerecommendratedecidechoose Suggested Apps Create: planinventcomposedesignconstructimagine Related Bloom's Taxonomy and iPad Apps 21. In "Featured Carousel" 7. 29.

7 Key Steps to Creating an Awesome Infographic The younger generation would rather watch a 2 minute video than read a page of text. How do I know that?…because I asked them. Last week I was standing in front of thirty young adults aged from 18 to 25 at the International College of Management and I posed the question. “Would you rather read a blog article or watch a 2 minute video?” Twenty five of the thirty put up their hand and said ”video!” This maybe not the scientific method preferred by mathematicians with PhD’s and avid students of statistics, but it’s fast and efficient and measures the beat of the street. That crowd is not getting any younger and in fact they are becoming your mainstream audience as they move into management and create startups. This is a challenge for marketers and bloggers. Sensory overload Readers and younger viewers demand more titillation and excitement. Sensory overload is a journey of diminishing returns, but you have to play the game. Monochrome and mono media is not enough anymore. What about you?

Création d’un album numérique au CP à l’aide d’une tablette Malika ALOUANI, professeure des écoles dans une classe de CP à l’école La Malmaison, Rueil Malmaison, nous fait partager son expérimentation des tablettes tactiles, dans son projet de création d’ un album numérique. Objectifs du projetEnseignante à Rueil Malmaison dans une classe de CP, j’ai souhaité exploiter des tablettes afin de réaliser un album numérique ; produire un album avec mes élèves est une pratique régulière mais contrairement aux années passées je voulais que mes élèves puissent prendre une part plus importante dans l’élaboration numérique du projet.Cet objectif ne pouvait être atteint qu’avec un outil facilement appréhendable par des élèves de CP et seul l’iPad me paraissait rassembler les conditions nécessaires.En effet, il réunit une palette d’outils capables de gérer toutes les options nécessaires à la confection d’un album numérique à savoir : l’écriture, la photo, le dessin, la vidéo et le son. Malika ALOUANI, professeure des écoles

One iPad in the classroom? iPad Published on August 22nd, 2012 | by Mark Anderson Many schools are embracing the use of iPad in education, with class packs, in 1:1 models but some aren’t. What if you’re one of those teachers though that wants to use an iPad in your classroom. What if there’s the possibility of using just one in your classroom, is there any use? Go! One of the most overlooked features of an iPad is actually one of its most useful. QR code idea posts: Learning spies David Didau was savvy when he nabbed the learning spy moniker, but we can take on board the idea of learning spies in our lessons in lots of different ways using an iPad. Showcase The ability to mirror your iPad to your whiteboard in the classroom opens up lots of extra possibilities. Option 1: Wired. Buy a wire to connect. Option 2: Wireless There are a number of wireless options. Option 2a: Option 2b: Projecting your iPad

5 iPad Apps to Help Students and Teachers Collaborate There are not an abundance of apps for the iPad that really encourage a worthwhile level of collaboration between students or between students and teachers. There are several that would allow students to share an iPad and work on something together on one iPad, but what if you want students to be working on their own iPads at school, at home, or at a time of their choosing? The following 5 apps are designed for just that, and help take advantage of the iPad as a collaborative tool. 1. 2. iBrainstorm – In days gone by, sticky yellow notes would litter a desk or whiteboard to record a brainstorming session. 3. 4. 5. Do you have favorite apps for collaborating across iPads? Like this: Like Loading... Related 15 Engaging and Creative Ways to Use iPads in a K-12 Classroom If you are looking for unique and innovative ways to use the iPad in your classroom, then you have come to the right place. In "Apple" The Collaborative iPad Classroom at #iPadU - Slide to Unlock Learning In "iPad"

Un seul iPad pour toute la classe… des idées de projets au primaire Audrey Miller, publié le 29 avril 2013 Mélanie Ouellet, enseignante en 1ère année, a jonglé longtemps pour trouver comment exploiter une seule tablette avec toute une classe. Elle y arrive maintenant, même si elle souhaite en intégrer d’autres très bientôt. Elle partage avec nous quelques-unes de ses bonnes idées. La tablette mobile est un outil généralement destiné à une utilisation personnelle. « Il m’a pris un certain temps avant d’exploiter le iPad en classe. Ses élèves de première année suggèrent maintenant eux-mêmes des projets à faire avec l’outil, ils ont des idées pour bâtir des histoires, écrire des « tweets », etc. Par exemple, dans le cadre du Jour de la terre cette année, ils ont créé une vidéo pour exprimer leur amour envers notre planète. Après quelques mois d’utilisation de la tablette iPad en classe, Mélanie Ouellet constate qu’un seul appareil offre moins de possibilités de projets en grand groupe, mais permet tout de même de petits projets individualisés, ouverts.

10 Incredible iPad Apps for Education Learning is rarely fun; it’s even less fun when being taught within the confines of a lecture hall or classroom. While this may be true, there’s no reason why you can’t make the process more entertaining and challenging. The tablet market has paved the way for educational resources in the form of slick, new apps, with text-books now being replaced by online downloadable versions of themselves. An array of stunning apps are at your disposal waiting to be exercised, so with this in mind, we decided to whittle down our top 10 iPad educational apps for students. Evernote It seems wherever you look nowadays, there’s Evernote. ➤ Evernote Price: Free Paper Winner at the 2012 Apple Design Awards for Best iPad app, Paper has taken creativity of app development to new heights. ➤ Paper Goodreader You could be forgiven for thinking Goodreader as just as a PDF reader for the iPad. Price: $4.99 Bamboo Paper – Notebook ➤ Bamboo Paper – Notebook iA Writer ➤ iA Writer Price: $0.99

24 iPad apps to support Bloom’s Taxonomy By Laura Devaney, Managing Editor, @eSN_Laura Read more by Laura Devaney March 15th, 2013 Many iPad apps serve to boost student engagement and collaboration. Bloom’s Taxonomy, introduced in the 1950s as a system of organizing learning objectives into a pyramid, traditionally has started with creating at the top, followed by evaluating, analyzing, applying, understanding, and remembering. Some educators today are flipping the triangle so that remembering is on top, followed by understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating on the bottom. During an webinar, educational technologist Kathy Schrock presented a variety of apps for iPads that can boost student engagement and collaboration, and that can be used for teaching and learning according to Bloom’s Taxonomy. “Remembering” apps:Diigo – A social bookmarking tool; teachers can use this app on an iPad to add relevant bookmarks, or create their own account and share. (Next page: Four more categories of apps)
