b5Studio Around the Sims 2 | Free downloads for the Sims 2: skins, objects, clothes, faces, buildings... club_crimsyn | Recent Entries NeptuneSuzy Teaches How To Make Sims 2 Body Meshes Creating New Clothing Meshes by NeptuneSuzy This is a tutorial for making a basic clothing mesh. It's meant for the beginner who has never made a clothing mesh before. However, basic knowledge of BodyShop, Simpe and Milkshape are required. My goal is to introduce you to Body Mesh Creation. Ok, Let's get started! What do we want to make? First we have to gather all our tools! 1) Simpe - 2) Milkshape (v. 1.7.7 or later) - 3) WesH's Unimesh Plugin for Milkshape - 4) Patience, and a dose of self-confidence! Ok, we've got all our tools and we're ready to start! Here's a brief overview of the steps we will follow: 1) We'll make a temporary texture for our New Mesh. 2) We'll find out the Maxis name of the dress mesh we intend to alter 3) We'll gather the parts we need to build our New Mesh Package 4) We'll build our New Mesh package Pictures will follow each step. "Shape"
Aurora Skies 1. Scope of Agreement. This Agreement (“Agreement”) governs your purchase and use of SimPoints and any of our products and services through which you can purchase or use SimPoints (“The Sims Online Services”). If you reside in the United States, Canada or Japan, the Agreement is between you and Electronic Arts Inc. If you reside in any other country, then the Agreement is between you and EA Swiss Sàrl. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Electronic Arts Inc., 209 Redwood Shores Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.
•°•Grapesfashion•°•® Lapiz's Scrapyard Free Sims 2 and Sims 3 Downloads by Sixtyten » AweSims The Sims 3 crashes / freezes to Desktop fix. (Updated on: 10-01-2012) Please read everything on this page very carefully, before posting that it doesn't work. Try EVERYTHING first! (So everything from point 1 to 7!) Hello there, Does your The Sims 3 (expansion) game keep crashing every time you start up, or just randomly in-game? 1. Always try to run the game as an Administrator first, by right-clicking on the game's .exe file and choosing "Run this program as an Admin". If it didn't work, remove ALL (Read: each and every one of) your Mods and Custom Content, if you have any. 1. Note: the "The Sims 3" folder you removed, will automatically be recreated when you start the game again for the first time. 2. Setting the instructions for DEP in Windows Vista: 1. Sims 3 base game:C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!] World Adventures:C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 World Adventures\Game\Bin\[Add ALL of the .exe files from this folders to the DEP exceptions!] 7. 1. 3. 5.
:::Sims And The City::: IMHO sims3: Frau Engel My dear friends and guests!!! Beautiful houses and buildings! Unique style and love for their work. Comfort and warmth in home and much more can be found in the blog this wonderful autor! Прекрасные дома и постройки! Особенный стиль и любовь к своей работе. Einfach Sims 蜉蝣 这次东西比较多就直奔主题吧。首先是和Sasha合作的替换睫毛、去EA自带唇纹、替换眼白和牙齿的一个多效合一小文件。 (因为我很懒,这次替换睫毛的对比图没有截,只好拿旧图来充个数,见谅。) EA自带睫毛效果: 突然想起几年前在sims2里做过一个眼泪化妆,许久不见怪想念的,就动手做了3的版本。 ,只好连着之前做着玩的血妆凑个一套化妆包来放下载。 这一套包含2个眼泪、1个伤疤、3个血妆、1个全身血迹和1个雀斑。 先祝大家马年快乐,万事如意。 制作Fresh的时候完全没想过这个皮适合做成替换,直到看到有人说希望能有替换版,才好奇的在游戏里试验了一下,发现效果还挺出乎我意料的。 为了能和自定义版宣传图有所区别,这次的模特用的是日落的史提尔和裘丽娜——虽然为了上镜把眼睛给改小了。 户外效果: 室内: 跨年感冒中,没什么很大动力去画画,所以摸鱼[喂]把年末做好的皮肤改出了个比较健康的相对深色版本。 原计划是怕只放一个旧皮修改版显得很没诚意,决定配个什么化妆才好。 说来新资料片总好像需要一栋现代风的新房子才好,但是实在也没时间盖新房,就把很久以前造的毛坯翻出来修改了下。 地皮是20x25,有车道,有个小小的泳池——不过这好像很容易出bug,家里有机器人的切记不要让机器人游泳不然只能重置。 版本1.63,需要全部资料片和物品包,需要的官物是Industrial Loft SET和Dark Industrial Set这两套里的窗户。 前一阵决定把皮肤改的尽可能贴近EA原始皮,起码保证眼睛部分的修饰尽可能的少一些。 也不知道为什么,midnight hollow里卧室数目大于一间的房子价格都在10W以上。 外观: 我很认真地在烦恼是不是该在出门前睡上那么一小会... 整理皮肤的时候想起来有这样一个库存物,本来也可以不修改直接放下载,不过我很爱做些无关痛痒的小变化,所以还是改了,然后目前觉得这变化很妙。 这版皮肤库存时间过久,现在再来详述制作过程实在也说不清。