Photoshop Easy Digital Painting Illustration in Photoshop on Apr 25th, 2010 Thіѕ tutorial wіll walk уου through thе simple steps used tο turn a regular photograph іntο аn іntеrеѕtіng digital painting illustration, using Photoshop’s Filter Gallery аnd thе Smudge Tool. Depending οn thе photograph уου сhοοѕе, іt shouldn’t take уου more thаn a couple οf hours tο complete. Design a Surreal Desert Scene in Photoshop In thіѕ tutorial I аm going tο ѕhοw уου hοw tο сrеаtе a surreal time-themed photomanipulation using Photoshop. Create a Fuel Game Cover in Photoshop In thіѕ tutorial, I’ll ѕhοw уου hοw tο сrеаtе cover art fοr a favorite video οr computer game, using several Photoshop tools such аѕ Brush Tool, different blending modes, аnd more. Create a Cool and Realistic Denim textured typography I thіnk one οf thе best features οf Photoshop іѕ thе Layer Styles. Create a stormy Harry Potter Text effect in Photoshop In thіѕ tutorial, wе wіll bе сrеаtіng thе Harry Potter text effect wіth a brilliant stormy night. Enhance Contrast In this tutorial one of our senior members from our forums Japaslavian (Jeff Masamori over at Flickr) shares a simple photoshop technique for enhancing contrast. This is probably the most useful little adjustment I’ve come across (in Photoshop) just playing around a few years ago. It has served me well, and I hope it will do the same for you all, as there is not a single photo I have ever taken that does not look better without it. NEVER. Very very simple. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Before After/Edited So there you have it. Like I said, I’ve never taken a shot that this didn’t do miracles for. Makes a great action as well.
Tips from the Top Floor Photoflex Lighting School Basic Lighting A good place to start. These lessons demonstrate professional lighting techniques using only basic lighting tools. Having good lighting equipment is important, but knowing how to use it well is paramount! Lessons with Video At PhotoflexLightingSchool™, we realize that people learn in different ways. Indoor Portrait Taking portrait indoors can be challenging, especially when it comes to lighting. Outdoor Portrait As seasoned photographers well know, the sun can provide beautiful light for outdoor portraits. Product/Still Life Whether you're looking to improve your product photography, learn special effects such as stop-action photography, or simply learn how to create beautiful still life scenes, this section is full of invaluable tips and techniques that will assist in creating what you envision. How Our Products Work Oftentimes, it can be difficult determining which equipment was used for a particular shot and more importantly, what that equipment brought to the shot.
Epic Edits Current Photographer Irish Photographers Strobist Lighting101 (Photo by Strobist reader Sam Simon) Welcome to Lighting 101. You may not realize it yet, but you have just stepped through a door that may change your photography forever. Over the past few years, over four million people from nearly every country in the world have begun their lighting education right here. Photography is literally writing with light. You'll learn how to take the removable flash that you probably already have on the top of your camera and use it off-camera to make beautiful, more three-dimensional photos. The Good News: The Gear Doesn't Cost Much Basic lighting gear is also refreshingly inexpensive. You can even make a lot of light modifiers yourself for next to nothing. For the most part, it's the location of the light that is most important. Click on a reader's picture to learn a little more about how it was made. (Photo by Strobist reader Ken Brown) The difference between their photos and yours is that they already know how to use their flash off camera.