Science Musings Blog 32 Amazing Inspirational Pieces of Graphic Artwork | Blog.SpoonG Continuing on from the recent post; Graphic Design Inspiration. Here’s another selection of inspiring Graphic Artwork from a range of extremely talented artists. Selectively picked from Designflavr – a new art and design aggregator pulling together a variety of different art forms such as Illustration, Urban Art and Digital Art to name a few. See more at Designflavr Join the mailing list to have every new post hand delivered to your email inbox.
breathe. | zen habits Pink Floyd Pink Floyd were an English rock band formed in London. They achieved international acclaim with their progressive and psychedelic music. Distinguished by their use of philosophical lyrics, sonic experimentation, extended compositions and elaborate live shows, they are one of the most commercially successful and musically influential groups in the history of popular music. Wright left Pink Floyd in 1979, followed by Waters in 1985, declaring it a "spent force". Gilmour and Mason continued as Pink Floyd; Wright rejoined them as a session musician and, later, a band member. The three produced two more albums, A Momentary Lapse of Reason (1987) and The Division Bell (1994), and toured until 1994. Pink Floyd were inducted into the US Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996, and the UK Music Hall of Fame in 2005. 1963–67: early years Formation Noble and Metcalfe left the Tea Set in late 1963, and Klose introduced the band to singer Chris Dennis, a technician with the Royal Air Force (RAF). Animals
Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks | Monday Ins Advertisement Street culture and graffiti are well-known for being provocative, appealing, bold and uncompromising. Originally used by gangs to mark their territory in some urban area, graffitis have now become a rich medium for unrestricted expression of ideas and statements. In fact, creative designers and artists across the globe use this form of art to deliver their message and showcase their work. Probably the most prominent graffiti artist is Banksy1, a famous pseudo-anonymous British artist whose works focus on topics such as politics, culture, and ethics. In this episode of Monday Inspiration series we are presenting a tribute to street art and graffiti — over 50 examples of beautiful and impressive graffiti artworks. Graffiti Art Michael.jh3 Mrzer4 Deuce 75 zevs6 imminentdisaster7 Banksy8 Marquis Lewis9 Retna Saber Revok SeventhLetter10 Mr Mucho11 Gaia12 Wall Spankers Project13 Our goal is to bring together international artists and designers in a collaborative, sharing environment. Muck
The 5 Most Terrifying Weapons Ever Created | The Daily Interweb Like many people, I am fascinated by the human capacity for violence and destruction. Now, the stuff you see on the news, fires, shootings etc. is all pretty morbid but it is nothing compared to what humans are really capable of if we put our minds to it. You see, when I am surfing the web, it is inevitable that my ADD will kick in, and I will mindlessly click through Wikipedia for hours. The information I found regarding some of mankind’s most awesome and destructive weapons was truly terrifying. Yet while using them may be a terrible idea, sharing their destructive capabilities with the world isn’t. 5. I begin with a weapon that has already seen active duty for over 30 years. 4. Our next terrifying weapon isn’t terrifying because of its destructive power, size, or speed. Robot wars. Even though the Predator is remote controlled, it is the first step that I believe will eventually lead to robot warfare. 3. Star Wars fans might like this one. Picture this scenario. 2.
15 Artistic Representations of Lady Liberty Artistic Liberties: 15 Faces of the Statue of Lady Liberty Article by Urbanist, filed under Drawing & Digital in the Art category. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free!” These words, bronzed into the foundation of the Statue of Liberty have been a symbol of hope and freedom for nearly two centuries. Below you will find some of the noteworthy examples of the ways in which the Statue of Liberty has impacted the world, as well as how different individuals have decided to portray these same concepts. (image from The Saturday Evening Post) The Saturday Evening Post began circulation in August of 1821, and this particular issue was released after the fourth of July during the height of the depression. (images via Flickr) Star Wars isn’t just for geeks and fanboys anymore, it’s for pop artists too. (images via Flickr) This picture was taken outside of the former US embassy on Taleghani Street in Tehran, Iran. (Image viaNeatorama) (Image via Danny O. (Images via G.
This Is Luck This Is Luck Look at the top picture and you can see where this guy broke through the crash barrier (right side where the people are standing on the road). His truck left the road, traveling from right to left. He flipped end-over-end, across the culvert outlet and landed on the left side of it. Now look at the picture below. Generation RX | A film by Kevin P. Miller The Great Thompson Hunt - HST & Friends This is easily one of the largest sections on the site. It includes articles about HST, interviews that he's done and how he has been popularized in other media. You can find many of the same issues that I have on eBay or on microfiche/film at a public or college level library. About HST Biographies By HST Fear and Loathing in Elko - Rolling Stone Interviews Time to get Loaded - British mag interview The Last Outlaw - High Times story POV article Studio For Men - interview, 1989 High Times 1977 - interview with Ron Rosenbaum, pix Charlie Rose 1997 complete transcript Puritan interview - with Phoebe Legre Mojo, 1999 New Times interview - 1976, Robert Anson Hustler interview, 1998 Fear and Weird Clothing Hunter Thompson Has Cashed His Check Media Treatments Miscellaneous Articles Clothing / Other You can purchase legit gonzo merch from, Ralph Steadman, or Doodah Designs. HST's Friends & Whatnot