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Movie Sheets - Teacher Submitted Movie Worksheets for the Classroom

Movie Sheets - Teacher Submitted Movie Worksheets for the Classroom

Activities for your Classroom | Views from the Whiteboard On this page you can find some activities which I’ve used with my students. Feel free to download them and use them in your classes. Please double-check these fully-editable activities before you use them as you may need to change some parts which are aimed more at students in Spain. A 2 Day in 5 – A fun dictation activity for teens, from Catherine Morley Starters, Movers and Flyers dice games (speaking practice) KET and PET dice games (speaking practice – part 1) One-Board Games – Starters, Movers and Flyers Question sheets and FCE revsision questions Perfect Tenses Revision – A fun activity for upper-intermediate students to practise perfect tenses Present Perfect Board Game – A board game for students to practise the Present Perfect Simple. Question word match– A pelmanism activity to practise question words and simple questions. Reported Speech – A grammar guide with common reporting verbs and a transformation exercise Time – An infoshare for elementary teens.

List of Interactive Quizzes The quizzes with a magenta marble are also listed within the section or digital handout to which they apply. The twenty-one quizzes with a green marble and designated "Practice" have been adapted from the instructor's manual and other ancillary materials accompanying Sentence Sense: A Writer's Guide. They are duplicated here with permission of the author, Evelyn Farbman, and the publisher, Houghton Mifflin Inc. The seventeen quizzes with a gold marble were written by the English faculty at an estimable midwestern university and are used here with the permission of that department. The ten quizzes with a red marble were prepared by students in Professor Karyn Hollis's Tutor Training course at Villanova University. Clicking on the NUMBER immediately before the quiz's name will take you to the section of the Guide pertaining to the grammatical issue(s) addressed in that quiz. Clicking on the Guide's logo at the top of a quiz-page will bring you back to this page.

ESL Resources - RESCOL 2 - Topics - List of pages - New sites - Archives Recursos educativos | Armandosaavedra's Blog Armandosaavedra's Blog RSS de las entradas | Comments RSS Recursos educativos Actividades clicAGREGAEjercicios interactivos para PrimariaGenmagicJuegos educativos interactivosGoogle mapsMEDIVARecursos de AverroesRecursos del CNICERecursos educativos del MECRecursos educativos gobierno de CanariasRecursos educativos por áreas (CNICE)Recursos en flashMapas mudos de Andalucía Recursos del ITE: MatemáticasLectoescritura adaptadaRecursos educativos clasificados Imágenes, vídeos interactivos: Banco de imágenes, sonidos, vídeos y animaciones del ITEVídeos educativosInteractivos de muchos contenidos matemáticos Blogs: Blogs del CEPR Pablo Olavide El blog de las matemáticasEl blog de la clase de lengua castellana.El blog de conocimiento del medio. Otros recursos: Recursos y materiales (AGREGA)TUTORIALES (Para el manejo de programas) Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando... Deja un comentario Crea un blog o un sitio web gratuitos con Seguir Recibe cada nueva publicación en tu buzón de correo electrónico.

Proyecto Malted - Multimedia Authoring for Language Tutors and Educational Development MALTED es una herramienta informática de autor para la creación y ejecución de unidades didácticas multimedia e interactivas para ser utilizadas por el alumnado como prácticas de aprendizaje en aulas dotadas tecnológicamente. Esta herramienta ha sido desarrollada en particular para la enseñanza de idiomas, si bien su uso se puede extender a otras materias del currículo escolar. El sistema MALTED está integrado por dos entornos de trabajo, llamados respectivamente Editor MALTED (DVE) y Navegador MALTED (RTS). El programa funciona bajo los sistemas operativos Windows y Linux. Las unidades interactivas de este sitio requieren la máquina virtual de Java y el plugin de Malted Web 2.0,.

My Favourite Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries "What do you call this in English?", "What do you call that in English?", "What does this word mean"? If you are a non-native English teacher who teaches in a non-English speaking country you will be familiar with the picture below. Now you are smiling, aren't you? In this post I'd like to share with you my 5 favourite online dictionaries and I'll tell you why I like them. What's a monolingual learner's dictionary? It's a dictionary designed to meet the reference needs of people learning a foreign language. Why I like it: The definitions are written in simple English accompanied by clear examples. Here you are an example. Why I like it: I like it for its boxes. Here you are an example of the word remember. Why I like it: Students can easily use it at home. As you know, a word has usually different meanings according to the context it is used in. Moreover, I love the star system. We usually think monolingual dictionaries are for students whose level is intermediate or more.

ENGLISH FLASH, POWER POINTS & FLASCARDS - ICT TOOLS FOR ENGLISH TEACHERS A continuación tenemos varios enlaces para descargar "Flashcards" y presentaciones en "Powerpoint". 1. Entramos en el buscador "Google" y pulsamos en la opción búsquda avanzada. 2. ¿Cómo podemos descargar y almacenar actividades en formato flash? Aquí tenéis un manual para poder descargarlos. Powerpoint (PPT) 2. Ideas for songs to teach English grammar - ESL and EFL teachers looking for inspiration for lesson planning will find this list of songs to teach English grammar we’ve compiled a useful resource. Highlighted are songs available as complete ESL song lesson plans here on Songs for teaching present simple Eric Clapton / Wonderful Tonight (lyrics) The Beatles / She Loves You (lyrics) Bette Middler / From A Distance (lyrics) Songs for teaching present continuous Rod Stewart / Sailing (lyrics) Fool’s Garden / Lemon Tree (lyrics) Suzanne Vega / Tom’s Diner (lyrics) Songs for teaching past simple The Beatles / Yellow Submarine (lyrics) Gloria Gaynor / I Will Survive (lyrics) Celine Dion / Because You Loved Me (lyrics) Songs for teaching past continuous John Lennon / Jealous Guy (lyrics) Oasis / Champagne Supernova (lyrics) Aerosmith / Cryin’ (lyrics) Songs for teaching present perfect Songs for teaching present perfect continuous Songs for teaching past perfect Songs for teaching used to Songs for teaching going to future

If I Were A...Mayor: A Lesson Plan When I plan my lessons for my groups of teens I always take into account: 1) Teenagers are creative and highly motivated. 2) The use of technology combined with real life is crucial in the classroom. 3) Teaching a language aims at communicating properly. 4) All the four linguistic skills must be introduced. Considering these four points above I've created a series of lessons I call I'd like to share with you the lesson plan If I were a mayor. Politics is not my cup of tea. Students: TEENAGERS Level: B1-B2 Time: 110 minutes (Ideal lesson plan for a 2 hour lesson) Warm-up (5 minutes): Tell your students they are going to guess a profession. City/Town Hall Laws You can write them on the board so the whole class will guess and have fun together or set a challenge by giving the key words written on a paper and 1 minute to think about the possible profession. If they couldn't guess it you can play the Hangman. Lead-into Listening (5 minutes): Ask the students: How can you become a mayor? Possible answers:

Pruebas de Certificación en las EEOOII de Andalucía La Dirección General de Ordenación y Evaluación Educativa de la Junta de Andalucía ha convocado recientemente la realización de las pruebas terminales específicas de Certificación en las enseñanzas de idiomas de régimen especial, aprobando las instrucciones sobre su realización y fijando el calendario de celebración de las mismas. Ver Resolución en BOJA de 15 de marzo de 2012. Con anterioridad, la orden de 12 de diciembre de 2011 reguló la elaboración y la organización de las pruebas terminales específicas de certificación en las enseñanzas de idiomas de régimen especial. Boja de 3 de enero 2012 Estas pruebas medirán el nivel de dominio del alumnado en la lengua meta, por lo que serán elaboradas y evaluadas teniendo como referencia los objetivos, competencias y criterios generales de evaluación definidos en el currículo para cada uno de los niveles que constituyen estas enseñanzas. Las pruebas terminales específicas de certificación se organizarán conforme a lo siguiente:
