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National Digital Learning Resources Network home page

National Digital Learning Resources Network home page

NSW Premier's Reading Challenge 2013 : Booklist Home Scroll down to download individual titles in approved series. K-9 booklists can be downloaded at the right of this screen: in short form (title and author only) with full details (including annotation and publication details) new books for 2014 or download this basic excel version To find specific booklists, select the required Challenge level above and choose listed by author or title before downloading. Please note: Only the name of the approved series is included in the PRC booklists. Categories Books are also listed in categories eg animal fiction, fantasy, adventure. Easy ReadsFor easy reads on the 3, 4, 5 or 6 lists, select the appopriate link below or use the search function at the top right of screen by searching for 'Year 3 easy reads', etc. Series books - approved substitute books! Series BooksIn an approved series, any two books from the series can be read as part of official PRC reading. Approved series with their individual titles and PRC ID numbers can be viewed below.

Mathematics Enrichment :: Learning Mathematics Through Games Series: 1. Why Games? We all know that children enjoy playing games. Experience tells us that games can be very productive learning activities. But ... What should teachers say when asked to educationally justify the use of games in mathematics lessons? This article supplies teachers with information that may be useful in better understanding the nature of games and their role in teaching and learning mathematics. What is a mathematical game? When considering the use of games for teaching mathematics, educators should distinguish between an 'activity' and a 'game'. Oldfield (1991) says that mathematical games are 'activities' which: involve a challenge, usually against one or more opponents; aare governed by a set of rules and have a clear underlying structure;normally have a distinct finishing point;have specific mathematical cognitive objectives. Benefits of Using Games Few language barriers - an additional benefit becomes evident when children from non-english-speaking backgrounds are involved. References

Share To share a digital curriculum resource nationally, it is essential to have a way to distribute or publish it. Education Services Australia is the acknowledged body that distributes digital curriculum resources to all educational jurisdictions and sectors in Australia. When you contribute a digital curriculum resource to Education Services Australia for national sharing, there are several considerations. The resource needs metadata (data that describes the characteristics of the resource as well as copyright and moral rights information) to ensure that it can be easily discovered by teachers and students. The metadata must be created according to Education Services Australia standards and specifications. The method of distribution must be based on one of Education Services Australia's two systems: the Metadata Exchange (MEX) or the Sharing Exchange (SHEX) Title Description Key learning objectives Educational value Topics (ScOT) Keywords Spatial coverage Temporal coverage The Metadata Exchange

Learning Resource Exchange for Schools The Learning Resource Exchange (LRE) is an infrastructure that: Federates systems that provide learning resources, e.g., learning resource repositories, authoring tools;Offers seamless access to these resources by educational systems that enable their use, e.g., educational portals, virtual learning environments (VLEs), interactive whiteboards;Supports multiple strategies for collecting and exposing metadata. The documentation provided in this section of the portal is intended for current and prospective content providers. Here you will find LRE Regulations, the LRE Metadata Application Profile and controlled vocabularies that will help content providers to connect to the LRE. Please note that the old LRE website is no longer in use.

Victorian Certificate of Education Index About the VCE The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is the certificate that the majority of students in Victoria receive on satisfactory completion of their secondary education. The VCE provides diverse pathways to further study or training at university or TAFE and to employment. Senior Secondary Initiative Strengthening Senior Secondary Pathways (pdf - 251.41kb)VCAA Report, December 2013 VCE Study Designs VCE Study Designs and ResourcesA 'study' is broken up into four units. VCE Publications VCE PublicationsA list of publications for teachers. The VCAA Bulletin VCE, VCAL and VET is the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority's official publication for VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) and VCAL (Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning) studies. VCE General Advice and Policy Information and advice on VCE policy and processes, including specific information about the cyclical review of VCE studies. VCE Administration & Forms Return to Study - VCE for Adults Results VCE Awards

Quality assurance Key elements of the digital resource should be reviewed in an iterative process at each stage of development to ensure the resource is an effective learning tool. You need to check various aspects of the resource against the previously agreed specifications and relevant guidelines after each version is developed. You should cover the following aspects of the resource in the review process: educational soundness – are the learning objectives met? (it may be also be useful to conduct an in-school evaluation)factual accuracy, editorial consistency and claritytechnical issues that could affect usability and accessibilityfunctional behaviour to ensure it is easy to usemetadata, for discoverabilitya warning appears if the material includes the image, name or voice of an Indigenous person who may have passed awaycopyright permissions and conditions of licences have been fulfilled.

Agrega è una piattaforma dell'amministrazione… Curriculum planning framework with programming support :: Curriculum Planning, Programming, Assessing & Reporting to parents K-12 NSW Board of Studies syllabuses provide for a common curriculum for all students in NSW. They are developed for government and non-government schools, as specified in the Education Act, 1990. The Department policy, Curriculum planning and programming, assessing and reporting to parents K – 12, has specific requirements for NSW public schools. Curriculum planning processes will provide a systematic approach to covering outcomes and content areas across years and stages. Curriculum planning enables a school to monitor the coverage, continuity and development of desired knowledge, skills, understanding and values across the stages of schooling. The development of scope and sequence or continuum for key learning areas, and secondary course plans, are all examples of curriculum planning. Teaching and learning programs represent the implementation of school curriculum planning. Department support for curriculum planning and programming 7 - 12

Australian Curriculum mapping The Australian Curriculum Connect project provides a technical approach to assist with implementing the Australian Curriculum. Funded under the Australian Government's Digital Education Revolution initiative, the project seeks to create a technical framework for sharing, discovering and using content in different e-learning environments. It is not a new national website, product or solution that mandates a particular approach. Australian Curriculum Connect will have flexibility built in to enable education authorities to use it in a way that best suits their jurisdiction or school system. Australian Curriculum Connect will use data-locating and transmission technology to locate digital resources from a variety of sources and make them discoverable against the Australian Curriculum. Education Services Australia is also working to support the implementation of the Australian Curriculum by aligning nationally available digital curriculum resources with the new syllabus.

Graphite è un servizio offerto da Common sense… Booklists - Read - the Pulse / te Auaha Here are some sites with even more reading suggestions. Books and Authors Explore the latest genre fiction, essential non-fiction and the authors behind the titles. Email newsletters Be one of the first to know about the latest releases for your favourite genre or area of interest by subscribing to our regular newsletters. NoveList The guide to practically everything - you can even do a plot search if you can't remember the title of the book. OverDrive Free eAudiobook and eBook collection. TumbleBookCloud Access an online collection of e-Books, read-along chapter books, graphic novels, videos, and audio books. Wheelers eBooks Access a free eBook service of fiction and non fiction titles. Golden Bay High School Wiki A great resource to help choose NCEA wide reading and themed reading. Barnes & Noble One of the most popular on-line bookstores that has masses of teen fiction, featured authors, etc Bettendorf Public Library Teen Page Reviews and fun stuff. Fantastic Fiction Holiday Reading Inside A Dog

Teaching with digital curriculum resources Education Services Australia develops and licenses digital curriculum resources to support teaching and learning. They are aligned to state and territory curriculums and are progressively being aligned to the Australian Curriculum as it develops. The resources are available free of charge to all Australian schools. combine still and moving images, text, audio and animation to provide interactive multimedia experiences for students. They engage, motivate and support the learning of concepts and skills in a range of curriculum areas from F to 12. are interactive resources that support formative assessment. have been sourced from leading Australian and New Zealand cultural and scientific institutions and private collections. bring together up to 30 interactive, assessment and other resources with similar themes and subthemes drawn from the curriculum. highlight ways that teachers use resources in their learning programs to inspire and challenge their students.

Zunal WebQuest Maker

Repository australiano di risorse digitali per l'insegnamento. La raccolta comprende risorse interattive e animazioni, materiali per la valutazione formativa, idee per l'insegnamento, unità di lavoro e strumenti aperti che permettono all'insegnante la costruzione di risorse proprie. by maestrafrancy Jan 16
