Prana Vidya Prana is all the energy that maintains the whole physical body. Prana can be dissipated through selfish thoughts and activities or it can be brought to one particular centre, perhaps ajna chakra or mooladhara chakra. Prana has the power of regeneration, therefore it can be taken to any part of the body which is suffering, for healing purposes. Prana is an inherent force in our life and kundalini yoga is the secret of awakening the super prana shakti. 'Prana' means cosmic or vital energy which is inherent in the evolution of human life.
Experiences of Prana The total human personality is composed of energy or prana shakti. This energy, in its various manifestations, provides a different type of insight into many dimensions of consciousness. The resulting insight into new areas of the personality and the utilisation of the faculties become the aim of Yoga for creative expression. Every kind of pranic experience carries with it an audible sound, a visual experience, and also the experiences of touch, smell and taste (the five senses). However, one thing is very clear. Very rarely is there any regression from that stage. There are two ways to go about developing the internal experience. In yogic terminology, divine sound is known as anahad nada (unstruck sound), and the divine light is known as darshan, a, visual impression or contact which comes from within. All the experiences which are associated with the chakras begin to manifest with the awakening of prana. I have seen different kinds of lights where there was absolute darkness.
PRANA VIDYA Prana Vidya is a science and manipulation of energy. This physical body is a storehouse of Pranic energy, a dynamo, with infinite types of electrical currents passing throughout. We see this body as a combination of flesh, blood and bones. For most people Prana means breath, oxygen, ions and so on but the Prana of the body is more subtle than the nucleus of an atom, and we have not yet been able to harness it. You know the famous equation of Einstein: E = mc2, that is, matter is energy in its potential state. The piece of bone which appeared to be dead matter was not really dead at all; only our eyes were incapable of detecting the energy within it. Each and every fibre of the body is connected with this Pranic current through a complex system of energy channels or flows known as Nadis. Mooladhara Chakra is the generating station. Where there is no electricity, there is no light; where there is no energy, there is no life. Everyone has experienced energy loss from time to time.
Five Keys of Prana Vidya There are five keys by which we can unlock the doors of our bio-plasmic body. The first key is the awareness of the psychic breath The experience of the breath can be both gross and subtle. The gross experience is the physical process of inhalation and exhalation! we breathe in, we breathe out, we become aware of the breath in the nostrils, in the lungs, in the lower abdominal region, and in the chest. Manipulation of this gross manifestation of breath through willpower, through concentration and the practices of pranayama is one aspect of the breath. The other aspect of the breath is psychic, the movement of inhalation and exhalation in the form of ujjayi pranayama. How can this awareness open up the door of your bio-plasmic body? Then there is the psychic experience. The second key of Prana Vidya is psychic sound. The usual experiences of this sound are a siren, a whistle, the chirping of birds, bells, a waterfall or the sound of something rushing inside.
PadmaSamBhava : Prana Vidya The word vidya comes from the Sanskrit root vid, to know, and means ‘knowledge’. During the period of the Upanishads vidya was used to mean meditation or dhyan. The word prana means ‘life force’. So prana vidya literally means ‘knowledge of the life force’. It can also be said to mean ‘meditation on the life force’ or ‘discovery of the life force. Prana vidya is a system of meditation by which we acquire knowledge of that particular aspect of consciousness known as prana, the life force that permeates the entire body. The aim of prana vidya The immediate aim of prana vidya is to awaken and manipulate prana consciously. What is prana vidya? Prana vidya is a technique that includes expansion, contraction, localization and visualization of pranic consciousness. What is prana? In the physical body we have two types of energy. Prana is light or illumination. The nadis (energy network) The pathways of pranic current, which flow throughout the body, are known as nadis.