Au service des citoyens Archives - Civic Tech Brève description : Carticipe est une plate-forme cartographique participative conçue par des sociologues et géographes urbanistes pour favoriser les débats citoyens et la concertation sur une ville ou un territoire. Description: Carticipe a été crée en 2013 par le bureau d’études Repérage Urbain et a été déployé depuis sur plus d’une vingtaine de territoires en France et à l’international, pour des projets et débats territoriaux variés. L’ensemble des fonctionnalités de Carticipe et de ses options ont été imaginées puis améliorées au fil des expériences de terrain et des expérimentations méthodologiques de nos équipes dans les domaines de la participation et de la consultation des publics. Il est adaptable à de multiples démarches participatives (logos, couleurs, slogans, fenêtre d’introduction, thèmes de débats, pictogrammes, périmètres, options diverses pour un travail par phases, par catégories de projets, etc…).
Comment faire pousser le Moringa | Trees for Life English À partir d'une bouture À partir des graines: dans la terre À partir des graines: dans des sacs plastiques Repiquage Le Moringa est natif du nord de l'Inde, mais il est aujourd'hui commun partout dans les régions tropicales et sub-tropicales d'Asie, en Afrique, et en Amérique Latine. Le Moringa pousse facilement à partir de graines ou de boutures. Il pousse rapidement, même dans un sol pauvre, et fleurit 8 mois après avoir été planté. Faire pousser à partir d'une bouture: Après que les arbres aient cessé de produire des fruits, les branches ont besoin d'être coupées pour que la nouvelle pousse puisse prendre place. 1. En Inde, la coutume est de placer du fumier de vache sur l'extrémité libre de la bouture. début de la page Faire pousser à partir des graines : Les graines de Moringa n'ont pas de période de dormance et peuvent être plantées dès qu'elles sont matures. Dans la terre: 1. Dans des sacs plastiques: 1. Repiquage 1. Si les plants tombent, attachez-les à un bâton de support. Contes des sages zen (2013) - Pascal Fauliot Ce recueil de contes zen, avec de nombreux inédits en français, nous livre ici une anthologie sans précédent. Inspirés des diverses versions écrites ou orales, ces récits sont revisités avec un éclairage nouveau et mis en résonnance avec des poèmes qui en approfondissent le sens. Avec son talent de conteur et une connaissance vécue de son sujet, l’auteur fait revivre ces histoires porteuses d’une sagesse et d’un humour revigorants, donne de l’étoffe à ces personnages, célèbres ou méconnus, en remontant aux sources les plus authentiques et en les replaçant dans leur contexte historique.
Aether Psychedelic Mushrooms for Depression Psilocybin exposes the foolishness of pretenses, By opening the curtains of the mind, you meet deep truth and your inner self; allowing you to be okay with who you really are. Once you have accepted both the good and bad sides of truth and survived, You are free, you are truly alive. The skin is so thin, the current of blue streams that are your veins flow rapidly beneath it and are begging to burst free. “Freedom will be yours soon, and you will flow wildly and freely, the way you are meant to be,” you say. The knife is too dull though. The above is actually an account of my own experience with depression, after two years of failed anti-depressants, various herbs and counselors. Psychedelic mushrooms saved my life, and I know I am not the only one. Alright, let’s get to the alarming facts right off the bat –although quite frankly, they are all pretty alarming. “The truth is that even experts aren’t really sure how antidepressants work. References Andrews, Paul (2012). Top 20 Things Most Dangerous to Children Came across this article today and thought it was well put together and contained great info so here it is! Now before I post it, understand that what we have been lead to believe by much of mainstream media and mainstream medicine about these things may be different so please take the time to look into things further if something doesn’t resonate. 1. Mercury fillings Often called “silver fillings” to hide the fact that they’re made from mercury, these highly toxic fillings are placed directly into the mouths of children where they are inhaled (mercury vapor) and swallowed, causing systemic mercury poisoning to the child and leading to long-term neurological damage. Visit and watch the “Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas” video to learn more. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Whoever heard of drinking a topical medication in the first place? 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
The Bitcoin of governance could be coming soon? From a discussion on the pho mailing list: “After late-night discussions with my classmates acknowledging this reality, six of us started a project called Bitgov which ?enables citizens to vote on proposed legislation anywhere and anytime, regardless of nationality. It aims to make it easy for people to understand legislation, but also to express their opinions and join in the decision-making process. Here’s how the technology works: Public opinion is gauged using algorithms to find the most significant social media posts and the opinion leaders. ? Two critiques, the first from the list itself: Dan Krimm: “Bitgov seemingly will not address most of the important aspects of governance — far too narrow in scope. Really, this sounds to me more like a fancy name for Internet voting, which is still fundamentally problematic. 2. “That idea worries me! To place democracy under the same peril would be disastrous. (material suggested by Volker Grassmuck)
Le Petit Livre Vert : Ecologie Sociale et Revenu d'Existence | Pour une insurrection pacifique Le projet diaspora* Decentralization Instead of everyone’s data being held on huge central servers owned by a large organization, diaspora* exists on independently run servers (“pods”) all over the world. You choose which pod to register with, and you can then connect seamlessly with the diaspora* community worldwide. Find out more » Freedom You can be whoever you want to be in diaspora*. Find out more » Privacy In diaspora* you own your data. Find out more » 1. Find a pod that suits you. Find out more » 2. Once you’ve decided which pod is right for you, based on the ratings and information at Pod Uptime and maybe recommendations from people you trust, sign up there and create a profile with as much or as little personal information as you like. Sign up » 3. Start following some #tags related to your interests: it could be #music, #photography, #privacy or #linux - whatever you’re into. Find out more » Aspects Find out more » Features Hashtags give you the freedom to label and follow your interests with ease.
Savoir-être & éducation Frequently Asked Questions About Agreedis We seek to bring people together to solve problems! Agreedis enables people with vastly different opinions to come together and agree on compromise solutions that may not be their preferred solution, but represents a reasonable compromise that everyone can live with. Yeah, we are still working on that one. Not at all! Nope. Any good compromise solution will necessarily include ideas that appeal to members of all parties — otherwise it would not be a good compromise. Good question. People tend to define themselves by their labels. No! Did you notice that "Donate" button at the bottom of the page? In the near future, we will likely offer an enterprise version of Agreedis for organizations that want to use the system for their own purposes, such as fostering compromise solutions within their organization or even an entire city. For one thing, we have limited resources. How Agreedis is Structured We started with the goal of solving today's most complicated issues. Step 1: Score