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Debates and exchange of ideas Teragora

Debates and exchange of ideas Teragora
Related:  WebTools neutres Après DEMocratiques - after democracy

Au service des citoyens Archives - Civic Tech Brève description : Carticipe est une plate-forme cartographique participative conçue par des sociologues et géographes urbanistes pour favoriser les débats citoyens et la concertation sur une ville ou un territoire. Description: Carticipe a été crée en 2013 par le bureau d’études Repérage Urbain et a été déployé depuis sur plus d’une vingtaine de territoires en France et à l’international, pour des projets et débats territoriaux variés. L’ensemble des fonctionnalités de Carticipe et de ses options ont été imaginées puis améliorées au fil des expériences de terrain et des expérimentations méthodologiques de nos équipes dans les domaines de la participation et de la consultation des publics. Il est adaptable à de multiples démarches participatives (logos, couleurs, slogans, fenêtre d’introduction, thèmes de débats, pictogrammes, périmètres, options diverses pour un travail par phases, par catégories de projets, etc…). Aether The Bitcoin of governance could be coming soon? From a discussion on the pho mailing list: “After late-night discussions with my classmates acknowledging this reality, six of us started a project called Bitgov which ?enables citizens to vote on proposed legislation anywhere and anytime, regardless of nationality. It aims to make it easy for people to understand legislation, but also to express their opinions and join in the decision-making process. Here’s how the technology works: Public opinion is gauged using algorithms to find the most significant social media posts and the opinion leaders. ? Two critiques, the first from the list itself: Dan Krimm: “Bitgov seemingly will not address most of the important aspects of governance — far too narrow in scope. Really, this sounds to me more like a fancy name for Internet voting, which is still fundamentally problematic. 2. “That idea worries me! To place democracy under the same peril would be disastrous. (material suggested by Volker Grassmuck)

Le projet diaspora* Decentralization Instead of everyone’s data being held on huge central servers owned by a large organization, diaspora* exists on independently run servers (“pods”) all over the world. You choose which pod to register with, and you can then connect seamlessly with the diaspora* community worldwide. Find out more » Freedom You can be whoever you want to be in diaspora*. Find out more » Privacy In diaspora* you own your data. Find out more » 1. Find a pod that suits you. Find out more » 2. Once you’ve decided which pod is right for you, based on the ratings and information at Pod Uptime and maybe recommendations from people you trust, sign up there and create a profile with as much or as little personal information as you like. Sign up » 3. Start following some #tags related to your interests: it could be #music, #photography, #privacy or #linux - whatever you’re into. Find out more » Aspects Find out more » Features Hashtags give you the freedom to label and follow your interests with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions About Agreedis We seek to bring people together to solve problems! Agreedis enables people with vastly different opinions to come together and agree on compromise solutions that may not be their preferred solution, but represents a reasonable compromise that everyone can live with. Yeah, we are still working on that one. Not at all! Nope. Any good compromise solution will necessarily include ideas that appeal to members of all parties — otherwise it would not be a good compromise. Good question. People tend to define themselves by their labels. No! Did you notice that "Donate" button at the bottom of the page? In the near future, we will likely offer an enterprise version of Agreedis for organizations that want to use the system for their own purposes, such as fostering compromise solutions within their organization or even an entire city. For one thing, we have limited resources. How Agreedis is Structured We started with the goal of solving today's most complicated issues. Step 1: Score

A New Method « PublicForums Introducing Ethelo… Decisions can be costly when they divide a group. All too often contentious issues polarize a community, government or organization. After endless debate and much money spent, executive or majority-based decisions can lead to ill-fitting solutions. Existing polling and voting software simply divides people into piles; the majority often rules, but the decision can be deeply unsatisfying to a large portion of the community. How It Works Ethelo works by breaking a decision down into the set of all possible options, and categorizes those options by issues, values and constraints such as costs. What It Means In ancient Greek, Ethelo means “to will, intend, resolve.” Why It’s Important The Ethelo decision-making engine incorporates a variety of quantitative approaches to measuring inequity aversion, and takes into account both personal satisfaction and resistance to unfairness when identifying outcomes that maximize collective support.

La plateforme | Parlement et Citoyens La plateforme de Parlement & Citoyens, c'est l'outil web qui va permettre aux parlementaires et aux citoyens de co-construire pas à pas des propositions de lois solides, réfléchies, partagées et soutenues par le plus grand nombre. La plateforme sera accessible à partir du 13 février 2013, mais vous pouvez déjà vous en faire une idée ! Visite guidée Sur la plateforme web, chaque onglet correspond à une étape différente du processus de construction de la loi. La méthode Parlement & Citoyens repose sur une méthode de construction de la loi que nous avons élaborée patiemment. La charte Si la plateforme a été conçue pour éviter les principales dérives que nous avons constatées dans certains dispositifs participatifs, nous avons également prévue une charte afin que chacun sache à quoi il s’engage en participant au projet. Techno et licences Améliorer la plateforme Nous nous sommes beaucoup creusés la tête mais nous ne prétendons pas avoir trouvé la recette miracle !

Online deliberation Online deliberation is the fostering of serious, purposive discussion over the Internet through research and the use of dedicated software. It has similar aims to e-democracy. Online deliberation is very interdisciplinary, and includes practices such as online consultation, e-participation, online deliberative polling, online facilitation, online research communities, interactive e-learning, civic dialogue in Internet forums and online chat, and group decision making that utilizes collaborative software and other forms of computer-mediated communication. Work in all these endeavors is tied together by the challenge of using electronic media in a way that deepens thinking and improves mutual understanding. Open international conferences on online deliberation have been held at Carnegie Mellon University in 2003, Stanford University in 2005, and the University of California, Berkeley in 2008. The most recent conference was held at the University of Leeds, June 30-July 2, 2010.

Ontology editor Decision criteria for software choice[edit] Example editors[edit] Ontology knowledge base example editors[edit] OBIS (Web based user interface that allows to input ontology instances in a user friendly way that can be accessed via SPARQL endpoint) External links[edit] References You are currently not logged in. | Login | Sign Up ParticipateDB Home | Tools | Projects | References | About | FAQ | Contact | Blog References Here's where we collect any kind of related information on the web that can provide more context and detail to the tools and projects covered on ParticipateDB (e.g. product brochures, white papers, video tutorials, any kind of research, case studies, interviews etc.). « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next » This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ->tools You are currently not logged in. | Login | Sign Up ParticipateDB Home | Tools | Projects | References | About | FAQ | Contact | Blog Tools This section provides a growing list of tools and services that have been used for web-based participation in the past (also referred to as e-consultations, e-participation or online public engagement). Are we missing anything?
