How Government Cover-Up on Fish Farming Affects Your Health For related articles and more information, please visit OCA's Health Issues page and our Food Safety Research Center page. Many environmental experts have warned about the unsustainability of fish farms for a decade now, and we have documented those objections in many previous articles. Unfortunately nothing has yet been done to improve the system. As usual, government agencies and environmental organizations around the world turned a blind eye to what was predicted to become an absolute disaster, and now the ramifications can be seen across the globe, including in British Columbia, Canada. Salmon Confidential is a fascinating documentary that draws back the curtain to reveal how the Canadian government is covering up the cause behind British Columbia's rapidly dwindling wild salmon population. Tracking viruses, Morton moves from courtrooms, into British Columbia's most remote rivers, Vancouver grocery stores and sushi restaurants.
Drink Recipes: Over 32000 Mixed Drinks Recipes We are the premier mixed drink recipe, alcohol and how to cocktails website! We have tens of thousands of non-alcoholic, alcoholic recipes, cocktail recipes, bartending, shot and shooter drink recipes. These alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are sure to please you and your party guests. At iDRINK, you can enter the ingredients that you have around the house, bar, party, etc., and we'll tell you what drinks recipes you can make and how to make them! All recipes have directions on making them and by following these simple instructions you'll be on your way to being an expert mix drinks bartender in no time We have thousands of drink recipe ideas to get the party started and over 200 drinking games to keep it going! There are themed based sets of recipe suggestions for the Christmas, New Years Egg Nog, Current Affairs, Classic Cocktail Party Drinks and other events. We have drinks with alcohol grouped by type so you can find Coolers, Punches, Shooters, Shots, Margaritas or Martini's
Tartelette The Plethora of Pasta Permutations A delicious charting of over 250 shapes of pasta, broken down by those that emerge from machines (like penne, rigatoni, and fusilli) and those that are traditionally crafted by hand (like tagliatelle, gnocchi, and pappardelle). Covering all the wonderful varieties of pasta, from variations found only in hilltop villages in Italy to those stocked on supermarket shelves around the world, The Plethora of Pasta Permutations is a complete guide to the magic that happens when flour, egg, water, and artistry combine. 24" x 36" Each print is signed and numbered by the artists, and comes packaged in a Pop Chart Lab Test Tube. Using 100 lb archival recycled stock certified by The Forest Stewardship Council, this poster is pressed on an offset lithographic press with vegetable-based inks in Flatlands, Brooklyn.
Nyonya Food: Straits Chinese and Peranakan Recipes Dorie Greenspan: Recipes Archives L'Oeuf Neuf: A new way to cook an egg, with thanks to Buvette April 09, 2014 When I heard that Buvette in NYC made eggs with their espresso machine’s steam wand, the one normally used to make cappuccino, I was intrigued. When I tasted the eggs, I was obsessed. If I weren’t on the road, I’d have them again, right now. At home in Connecticut, we have a big (read ‘hulking’) commercial espresso machine. I’m going to tell you what I did, but first: If you’ve made these eggs – or if you watched someone at Buvette make them – please pipe up with advice. ...Continue reading L'Oeuf Neuf: A new way to cook an egg, with thanks to Buvette Brussels Sprouts + Bacon + Maple Syrup + Mustard, while the weather's still cool March 31, 2014 I've recently renewed my committment to Brussels sprouts. When I first started making B-sprouts and bacon, I cooked the sprouts in a little broth, but now I give them a quick steaming before I turn them around - stir-fryish style - in hot oil. February 14, 2014 For the cake:
smitten kitchen Tempeh Nutrition Facts and Recipes Tempeh is a soy product made by fermenting whole soybeans. Tempeh is a super food. Sadly, I've found many people have never even heard of tempeh! But be warned, tempeh is the underdog of vegan protein products. Why? Well just look at it! But don't let it's rugged exterior looks fool you. In a tofu vs. tempeh battle, I'd put my money on the gnarly looking bumpy stuff... Before you judge - do a taste test... Tofu is Great. Tempeh Nutrition Facts & Health Benefits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Favorite Tempeh Recipes: My Smoky Tempeh WrapTMT Pita (the vegan blt)Sunny Mushroom Tempeh BagelNapa Valley Salad with Lemon Pepper Tempeh Croutons (lemon pepper crouton pics shown in this post)Olive Tapenade Tempeh Vegan SandwichBroccoli Jack Soup with Mapoltle Tempeh CroutonsCheezy Chili Bread Bowl with San Marzano Tomatoes and TempehTempeh Bacon Shiitake Jalapeno Stuffing or try the super easy recipe below...Easy Tempeh Triangles Recipe: basic ingredients: Directions: 1. slice tempeh into triangles - slice thin. 2. 3. 4.
Orangette Cauliflower "Fried Rice" - Domesticate ME! It’s Friday, so I felt like I’d tell you a little story about the time I went to fancy fat camp. You’re welcome. It was August of 2007, and I had barely survived a summer of hard work selling cowboy hats at beer festivals in Boulder, Colorado. Because I had devoted most of July to conducting a personal taste test of the burrito joints in Boulder and drinking my weight in hobo sangria, I wasn’t exactly in fighting shape. Therefore, when my bff Fifi asked if I would like to accompany her and her mother to Canyon Ranch for a week, I enthusiastically accepted. For those of you who have never heard of Canyon Ranch, it is a lovely chain of “destination health resorts,” offering everything from nutrition coaching and creative exercise classes to meditation and exotic spa treatments. Upon arrival, Fifi and I settled into our cozy room and then headed straight to dinner with Ginny (Fifi’s mother) for our first “spa dining experience.” Days 4-7 are mostly a blur, probably due to malnutrition.
Six Tips: How to Go Vegan or Vegetarian in 2009 It's a new year and if you or a loved one is looking to GO VEG in 2009, by experimenting with a vegan or vegetarian diet, this is the post for you! These are 6 tips to help you along your road to veggie living. I recently read some advice, from Katie Molinaro of The Huffington Post, that I strongly disagree with. She says about embarking on a new veggie diet: I think this is horrible advice. It can actually be very challenging for a veggie newbie to maintain a balanced and healthy diet. Here are a SIX TIPS to get you through a successful "GO VEG" year! 2. 3. My favorite source of B12 is the natural kind, aka spirulina.Add a few scoops to a smoothie and you are set! Fortified foods: soy milk, cereal, vitamin waters: You can actually get your RDA of b12 from a quality fortified soy milk. 4. These are most likely going to be your trouble areas.Vitamin E and iron:Leafy greens are an excellent source of both. Per 100 calorie servings check out these calcium amounts: Cow's milk: 245 mg 6. I get it.
Cream Puffs In Venice 5 Delicious Green Smoothies For Beginners Have you ever heard someone mention a green smoothie and wanted to gag? I did. Three years ago a friend of mine suggested I have green smoothies for breakfast, and I wanted to scream profanities at her after I made my first one. She didn't warn me that green smoothies are something you have to ease into (for most people, anyway). My first green smoothie consisted of swiss chard (I didn't even know what it was until I bought it the first time), mustard greens (too bitter for a beginner), an avocado (gave it a great texture, but SUCKED with the rest of the produce), blueberries (contributed to an "eye sore" of a color; an ugly shade of brown), a peeled lemon, a banana (which added to the thickness of the smoothie... not a good idea at the time), coconut water and raw almonds. To be honest, not only was the smoothie absolutely disgusting, but I was mad that I'd spent so much money on something I didn't even like. Note: Try to use organic produce and ingredients when possible. 1. 2. 3. 4.