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How do I get started with Node.js

How do I get started with Node.js

7 Free E-Books and Tutorials for Learning and Mastering Node.js OK, we won't bore you by telling you what Node.js is again or why it's so dang hot. You want to learn Node.js? There's no completely finished Node.js book out there that we're aware of. But there's one complete book in rough draft form, two partial guides and several other great resources for learning Node.js. No more excuses: Try Node.js for $0.02 or less in just a few minutes No more excuses: Try Node.js for $0.02 or less in just a few minutes is a short tutorial from the developers of NowJS. Up and Running With Node.js Up and Running with Node.js by Tom Hughes-Croucher hasn't been officially released yet, but O'Reilly Media has released a free text preview of the book as part of its Open Feedback Publishing System. Our previous coverage of the book is here. The Node Beginner Book The Node Beginner Book by by Manuel Kiessling is a new Node.js e-book. Felix's Node.js Guide Felix's Node.js Guide got a lot of attention this week, particularly the Convincing The Boss section. Mastering Node

How To Create a Meteor Project - Meteor Tutorial A big mistake that beginning web developers make when learning how to make web applications is trying to make progress without having a clear idea of what they’re trying to build. But this is like driving to a new destination without a map. You might make a little progress in the right direction but you probably won’t get where you need to go. With this in mind, we’re going to build Leaderboard — an example application that was designed by the Meteor Development Group to show off what Meteor could do with very few lines of code. Here’s what it looks like: Leaderboard has since been replaced by more advanced examples on the official website, but it’ll be our example project for two main reasons: First, the application already exists. Second, the application is simple. To get hands-on time with Leaderboard, visit and, while clicking around, take note of its core features: There’s a list of players. Create a Project HTML files, to create the interface. mkdir Meteor

maxogden/art-of-node How To Node - NodeJS Learn Code The Hard Way -- Books And Courses To Learn To Code NodeSchool The Node Beginner Book » A comprehensive Node.js tutorial Introduction :: Eloquent JavaScript This is a book about getting computers to do what you want them to do. Computers are about as common as screwdrivers today, but they contain a lot more hidden complexity and thus are harder to operate and understand. To many, they remain alien, slightly threatening things. We’ve found two effective ways of bridging the communication gap between us, squishy biological organisms with a talent for social and spatial reasoning, and computers, unfeeling manipulators of meaningless data. The first is to appeal to our sense of the physical world and build interfaces that mimic that world and allow us to manipulate shapes on a screen with our fingers. But we have not yet found a good way to use the point-and-click approach to communicate things to the computer that the designer of the interface did not anticipate. Human languages allow words and phrases to be combined in many ways, which allows us to say many different things. On programming It is up to you to make the necessary effort. 1.

Let's Make a Web App: Nodepad Welcome to part 1 of Let’s Make a Web App, a new tutorial series about building a web app with Node. This series will walk you through building a web app with Node, covering all the major areas you’ll need to face when building your own applications. The app we’re going to build is a web notepad called Nodepad. Selecting Frameworks and Tools Modern web applications depend on several components: Storage: Relational database, NoSQL Storage library: simple, ORM Web server Package manager Server-side framework Client-side framework Testing libraries Version control Ultimately, the choice is down to context. In this case my criteria for selection will be based on feedback we’ve had about what our readers are interested in, and my own areas of expertise. Server-Side Building web apps with Node typically involves a framework of some kind. An example of a popular Rails-like framework is Geddy. Models: user.js, note.js Controllers: users.js, notes.js Views: index.html (item list), edit.html, new.html

PHP Master | The MVC Pattern and PHP, Part 1 The Model-View-Control (MVC) pattern, originally formulated in the late 1970s, is a software architecture pattern built on the basis of keeping the presentation of data separate from the methods that interact with the data. In theory, a well-developed MVC system should allow a front-end developer and a back-end developer to work on the same system without interfering, sharing, or editing files either party is working on. Even though MVC was originally designed for personal computing, it has been adapted and is widely used by web developers due to its emphasis on separation of concerns, and thus indirectly, reusable code. In this article, I will go the basic principles of MVC, a run through the definition of the pattern and a quick example of MVC in PHP. Understanding MVC The pattern’s title is a collation of its three core parts: Model, View, and Controller. Model The Model is the name given to the permanent storage of the data used in the overall design. View Controller MVC in PHP
