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Top 10 Facebook Apps for Fan Engagement and Building Community

Top 10 Facebook Apps for Fan Engagement and Building Community
Are you looking for ways to better engage Facebook fans and build your community? These top 10 Facebook apps are, in my opinion, some of the most useful ones for pages when it comes to encouraging fan engagement and giving value to your community. They are also very easy to use. Some may be familiar to you, but you may find some new gems to try out. By the way, check out Top Ten Facebook Apps for Building Custom Tabs & Pages. #1: Fan of the Week for Pages Your fans like to be recognized. The application is free for the basic message shown below, but you can upgrade for a small fee to customize your message. When you are recognizing your audience for participation, they will watch for your posts. To add it to your page, just go to and then choose the page to add it to. Enabling the Fan of the Week for Pages app is easy. #2: Booshaka Booshaka is another application that will highlight the fans who are participating on your page more often. #3: NetworkedBlogs

The 20 Most Beautiful Bookstores in the World [Editor’s note: In celebration of the holidays, we’re counting down the top 12 Flavorwire features of 2012. This post, at #1, was originally published January 31.] With Amazon slowly taking over the publishing world and bookstores closing left and right, things can sometimes seem a little grim for the brick and mortar booksellers of the world. After all, why would anyone leave the comfort of their couch to buy a book when with just a click of a button, they could have it delivered to their door? Well, here’s why: bookstores so beautiful they’re worth getting out of the house (or the country) to visit whether you need a new hardcover or not. We can’t overestimate the importance of bookstores — they’re community centers, places to browse and discover, and monuments to literature all at once — so we’ve put together a list of the most beautiful bookstores in the world, from Belgium to Japan to Slovakia. A gorgeous converted Dominican church gives the power of reading its due diligence.

4 Easy Steps to Implement a Facebook Marketing Strategy Do you have a Facebook marketing strategy? Is your Facebook marketing is working? If you don’t have a strategy with goals in place for your Facebook Page, you won’t know if you are getting a return on your social media efforts! Your Facebook marketing strategy shouldn’t live in a vacuum—it needs to be integrated with your overall marketing plan. What You Need to Get Started Before you start marketing on Facebook, you should have these things in place: A good website: Your website is the hub of your business and should look professional and showcase what you have to offer your customers. Once you have done these things, you can begin to integrate your Facebook marketing with your overall marketing plan. Here are 4 steps to get your Facebook marketing strategy in place. #1: Set Goals Any strategy begins with goals. Consider some of these Facebook marketing goals as you craft your plan: Increase overall exposure and awareness. #2: Research Your Facebook research will include these areas:

10 Ways Universities Are Engaging Alumni Using Social Media Vadim Lavrusik is a new media student at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He is @lavrusik on Twitter and blogs at In the current economy, job security has become somewhat of an oxymoron. Of course, helping former students stay connected is just one reason universities are turning to social media; fundraising is another, and there are many more. 1. Though a lot of schools offer their own database of jobs online, many universities are finding LinkedIn to be an effective tool to provide alumni with career resources. Keidra Chaney, an emerging media specialist at DePaul University (@depaulalumni), said LinkedIn is by far the school’s biggest success with 5,500 members currently in their alumni network on the site, and about 100 new members joining weekly. Michigan State University uses both LinkedIn and Twitter to share job leads with alumni, said Dave Isbell, alumni career services coordinator at the school. 2. M.I.T. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

How to Run a Facebook Timeline Promotion - 6 Tips for Success Social Media Examiner Are you thinking of running a Facebook contest or promotion without using an app? Would you like to run a contest or sweepstakes on your Facebook page timeline? On August 27, Facebook made a major change to its promotion guidelines. Although you can run a promotion directly on your Facebook page timeline without using a third-party app, there are several factors to address before you decide to run your contest. In this article you’ll discover six things to consider before setting up a contest on your Facebook timeline. #1: Know How You Can and Can’t Collect Entries Facebook’s new promotion rules and the accompanying guidelines are pretty straightforward. You can collect entries by having users post on your page, message your page, comment on or like a page post and use likes as a voting mechanism. In other words, you can ask users to enter by posting a photo on your page or in the comments on your post, and then select a winner based on which entry has the most likes. #2: Follow ALL the Rules

How to Get More Out of Limited Market Intelligence Budgets December 12, 2011. Ask any market intelligence director what his or her key challenge is, and it will almost always point to how to constantly deliver intelligence that is of strategic value to top management. Another common challenge is how to leverage internal networks; turning consumers of intelligence into active contributors. But as businesses grow more cautious with spending due to the anticipated slowdown in 2012, how can market intelligence teams tackle such challenges with fewer resources? In late 2011, GIA hosted a forum and interviewed 11 senior market intelligence managers from leading companies in the USA. Participants agreed that it was possible to achieve world class standards in market intelligence with limited resources, as long as they are utilized optimally. The following captures some of the key points and suggestions made by the participants on how to make the best use of limited resources. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Subscribe to GIA Insights

New Facebook Contest and Promotion Rules, What Marketers Need to Know Social Media Examiner Have Facebook rules stopped you from running contests on your Facebook wall in the past? Are you wondering how the new Facebook promotion changes might benefit your business? Facebook has made a huge shift in how they allow contests to be run. Keep reading to discover what your options are and how other businesses are responding to these new changes. What’s New For years, Facebook has been saying that promotions and contests needed to be run through an application and not on your timeline (or wall, as we used to call it). You were not allowed to ask people to like or comment on a picture or a post to be entered to win. But now that has all changed. Facebook announced on August 27 that they’ve changed their Pages Terms to make it “easier for businesses of all sizes to create and administer promotions on Facebook.” Collect entries by having users post on the page or comment/like a page postCollect entries by having users message the pageUtilize likes as a voting mechanism 1. 2. 3. 4. Advantages

Market Intelligence in the Consumer & Retail Sector Has the Potential to Help Companies Weather Economic Hard Times December 6, 2011. As discretionary consumer spending is hit by unemployment and economic uncertainty, the need grows in the Consumer & Retail industry for strategies to mitigate the impact of a global economic slowdown. Traditionally pioneers in the use and application of market intelligence, it stands to reason that Consumer & Retail companies will make the best possible use of market intelligence to underpin their business strategies. GIA’s latest Global Market Intelligence Survey reveals that more practitioners and intelligence users in the Consumer & Retail sector than in any other sector are dissatisfied with the benefits of their market intelligence. The Global Market Intelligence Survey surveyed 50 respondents from Consumer & Retail companies in Europe and the Americas about their intelligence functions. What is the state of the market intelligence function in Consumer & Retail companies? "The Market Intelligence (a.k.a. Source: 2011 Global Market Intelligence Survey by GIA

Essential Facebook Marketing Resources: A Complete Guide
