Bad Fairground Art John Conway's Game of Life The Game The Game of Life is not your typical computer game. It is a 'cellular automaton', and was invented by Cambridge mathematician John Conway. This game became widely known when it was mentioned in an article published by Scientific American in 1970. New developments of this page will continue on The Simulation Figure from the XKCD RIP John Conway comic. The Rules For a space that is 'populated': Each cell with one or no neighbors dies, as if by solitude. Each cell with four or more neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation. Each cell with two or three neighbors survives. For a space that is 'empty' or 'unpopulated' Each cell with three neighbors becomes populated. The Controls Choose a figure from the pull-down menu or make one yourself by clicking on the cells with a mouse. Development Game of Life is supported by Dotcom-Monitor, LoadView Testing, Web Hosting Buddy, Instructify, Security Guard Training Central, and Driven Coffee
PAYE TA SHNEK “J’ai toujours rêvé de baiser une handicapée, tu viens dans la chambre avec moi.” Lyon — lors d'une soirée. Venant d'un mec qui savait que j'étais lesbienne… Et même sans ça, je comprends toujours pas comment il a pu penser que je le suivrais sans discuter, sa phrase n'étant clairement pas une question mais plus un ordre. “Toi tu vas te faire violer.” Rennes — Un homme à vélo, qui me lance ça sans même ralentir. “Sortez les gars, je m’occupe d’elles.” Paris — dans le collège où je travaille. “Eh tu veux que je te ramène chez toi? Bordeaux — alors que je rentrais chez moi des cours, un homme s'arrête en voiture pour me dire ça, puis il repart en klaxonnant et un me faisant des gestes obscènes. “Alors, tu t’enfuis? Paris — je suis seule dans le métro, sur la ligne 11 un homme d'à peu près 50 ans me colle et tente des gestes déplacés. “Est ce que je peux te cracher dans la chatte ?” Angers — Il était minuit, je longeais la ligne de tram pour rentrer chez moi. Lausanne — Minuit.
Brain Food #2: Sage - The 11 Best Foods for Your Brain - Shape Magazine - Page 2 You really are what you eat! A study published in Pharmacological Biochemical Behavior found that young adults who took sage-oil extract (50 micro liters) before cognitive tests performed better than those given a placebo. Sage contains compounds that prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in learning and memory. Use this herb in dishes like this low calorie recipe. You can use your keyboard to see the next slide ( ← previous, → next) Snack on these superfoods to stay focused all day long Promo Subtitle Image Alt Text The 11 Best Foods for Your Brain Title Text Media Folder: Media Root By Matthew Kadey, R.D. Topics:
Ugly People Pictures - Funny People - Home Of Happy Wheels - Happy Wheels Hello pals. I'd like to continue hosting the flash version of Happy Wheels as long as possible. With the loss of certain ad networks, I'm going to try out a few different ad formats on this site as I continue to attempt to regain some of the revenue that went missing. I'll be making a few minor changes here and there to see whatever works best. Nothing should be annoying. The discord server, which is now official at has been very helpful to me and the game. Though I would prefer to be silent, I feel obligated to say that I am still working full time on the sequel, and it's still reeeeeaally time consuming.
MUSHROOMS deliver cancer-fighting antioxidants - 12 Best Power Foods for Women - Shape Magazine - Page 8 One study showed that women who ate just one third of an ounce of raw mushrooms a day (that's about one button mushroom) had a 64 percent reduction in breast cancer risk. Other research suggests that mushrooms reduce the effects of aromatase, a protein that helps produce estrogen – a major factor in some breast cancers. You can use your keyboard to see the next slide ( ← previous, → next) The best foods for women of any age. Promo Subtitle Image Alt Text Title Text 12 Best Power Foods for Women Media Folder: Media Root By Stephanie Clarke, R.D., and Willow Jarosh, R.D. Topics: By Stephanie Clarke, R.D., and Willow Jarosh, R.D.
Accidental Dong Curvy in HTML5 Curvy is a HTML5 puzzle game using the canvas element. Just rotate the tiles so that like colors connect. Modernizr tells me you don't have canvas support in your browser. Sadly, this game uses technology that's only in browsers with HTML5 support. Presented to you by FlamingLunchbox is a puzzle, originally for Android phones, using a simple idea. Each Curvy puzzle consists of a grid of hexagonal tiles. Curvy allows a variety of different puzzle sizes, providing puzzles that can be quickly solved as well as more complex versions depending on the size you choose. Want it on Android? We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.