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A Natural Science Resource for Students and Educators
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Digital Library for Earth System Education Climate Change and Colorado's Future Climate change is real and it is occurring faster than originally predicted. In this video series, scientists explain how climate change is affecting the state of Colorado, while citizens share stories and solutions. One of the more recent videos features an interview with University of Colorado Boulder Professor Emeritus Al Bartlett on the "arithmetic of growth". A set of problem-based model lessons were developed by teams of middle and high school teachers with CU-Boulder scientists and science educators. Also available are the Colorado Science Standards for Climate and Energy.

Skogsäventyret - Svenska Orienteringsförbundet Kunskap, äventyr och laganda Skogsäventyret är Svenska Orienteringsförbundet och Sveaskogs stora skolsatsning för elever i årskurs 4. Skogsäventyret är ett verktyg för lärare att enkelt och effektivt arbeta med skogs- och kartkunskap i skolan. Startar med brev från ugglan Skogsäventyret startar med ett brev från ugglan i skogen. Redo för Skogsäventyret Efter utbildningen är eleverna redo för själva Skogsäventyret där de arbetar i lag för att samla in bevis för att övertyga Olfar att skogen behövs. Coke & Som Smith Photography & Travelogue Frozen Planet: Explore the polar regions Click on the image below to start exploring the Arctic and Antarctic. You can access geographic information provided by Arctic and Antarctic experts, watch videos of the wildlife in each region, and see important historical events as people explore the polar regions. Copyrighted image Credit: The Open University Launch Frozen Planet 9 Special thanks to British Antarctic Survey 10 for their assistance in developing this interactive map. Please note: If you've arrived at this page looking for our Frozen Planet poster, thank you for your interest, but unfortunately, demand for this item was very high and we have now exhausted our current supplies. More about Frozen Planet

Biology Archives - Science Sparks Playing Detective – add some science to role play This post is all about adding a bit of science sparkle to role play, the activities should hopefully add a simulating and educational twist to an already fun game. My little boy is usually a bit reluctant to play role play games, but generally if I add in a task or some props he is much more enthusiastic. Here are just a few of our favourite ideas. Make a disguise/camouflage Where are you playing? Read More Why do plants need water? A few days ago we noticed that one of our little pumpkin plants on the window sill had wilted. Challenge and Discover – Water Science This month, Inspiration Laboratories and I are challenging you to create a fun water experiment. Growing Microorganisms – Dirty Potatoes Welcome to more Spectacular Summer Science, today we’re growing microorganisms Following on from our hand washing exercise last week we tried another related activity. Heart Rate Investigation Germs and worms 50 Kitchen Science Experiments

ARKive - Discover the world's most endangered species Wildscreen's Arkive project was launched in 2003 and grew to become the world's biggest encyclopaedia of life on Earth. With the help of over 7,000 of the world’s best wildlife filmmakers and photographers, conservationists and scientists, featured multi-media fact-files for more than 16,000 endangered species. Freely accessible to everyone, over half a million people every month, from over 200 countries, used Arkive to learn and discover the wonders of the natural world. Since 2013 Wildscreen was unable to raise sufficient funds from trusts, foundations, corporates and individual donors to support the year-round costs of keeping Arkive online. As a small conservation charity, Wildscreen eventually reached the point where it could no longer financially sustain the ongoing costs of keeping Arkive free and online or invest in its much needed development. Therefore, a very hard decision was made to take the website offline in February 2019.

Taxonomía de Bloom para la era digital. Concepto y herramientas La taxonomía cognitiva de Bloom, para aquellos que no lo sepáis, clasifica las operaciones cognitivas en seis niveles de complejidad crecientes (recordar, entender, aplicar, analizar, evaluar y crear). Esta teoría permite conocer y desarrollar diferentes procesos educativos para llegar a lo más alto de la pirámide (crear). Con la taxonomía podemos saber las capacidades adquiridas por nuestros alumnos (por ejemplo, para que un alumno sea capaz de aplicar conceptos, ha de poseer las habilidades inferiores: recordar y entender). Con las TIC, se han dado algunos efectos sobre esa taxonomía, que ha obligado a introducirlas como vemos en el siguiente gráfico, tomado de Eduteka (ver documento íntegro), realizado en base a la traducción del material que Andrew Churches tiene colgado en su wiki, la adaptación de la taxonomía original a la era digital (en nuestro caso, al uso de las TIC de forma masiva en el aula). Docente desconcertado que intenta encontrar su lugar en un mundo que no entiende.

Experience Just How Big the Universe is, in One Mind-Blowing Interactive You need a more recent version of Adobe Flash Player. Recently, NASA scientists combined data from the Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes to discover the most distant galaxy known to date. The galaxy, named Abell2744 Y1, was formed around 13.2 billion years ago when the universe was extremely young. Image: Galaxy cluster Abell2744 obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope (Credit: NASA) But what does that really mean? Most of us have trouble visualizing the height of buildings, or the distance it takes to get home from work, let alone things on an intergalactic scale. Even cooler are the tidbits of information that are provided when you click on an object. 1. This is the smallest unit of scale in the universe. As you can see from the animation it takes a bit of zooming to reach this scale. 2. Fundamental particles such as quarks, neutrinos and the Higgs boson are theoretically point sized. 3. 4. Tres-4 is the second largest planet discovered so far. 5. 6. 7.

150 herramientas didácticas gratuitas para crear materiales educativos con tics Generadores de cuadernos, libros y publicaciones digitales Cuadernia online (Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de Castilla-La Mancha). Herramienta fácil y funcional para la creación y difusión de materiales educativos digitales. Permite crear de forma dinámica y visual cuadernos digitales que pueden contener información y actividades multimedia. Tal vez también te interese visitar el portal de recursos de Cuadernia donde encontrarás diversas versiones de esta herramienta para descargar tutoriales, un foro, novedades, actividades, etc.Tikatok es una aplicación en línea que permite de forma muy sencilla la creación de libros virtuales que contengan imágenes y textos. Generadores de webquest y cazas del tesoro 1,2,3 tu WebQuest generador de webquest de Aula 21. Generadores de cuestionarios y ejercicios Generadores de cuestionarios de autoevaluación (4Teachers). Generadores de hojas de caligrafía y papel pautado Generadores de mapas conceptuales y mentales Generadores de textos en otros idiomas

Skolprojekt Linné - Berättarteknik Idéhäfte 1 — Berättarteknik Hur kan torra fakta förvandlas till spännande berättelser? I häftet beskrivs en konkret metod för hur elever kan skapa berättelser med ett naturvetenskapligt innehåll genom att skriva, dramatisera och filma. Fakta och begrepp blir medveten kunskap när de fogas in i ett intresseväckande sammanhang. Nedan finns pdf-filer på de olika avsnitten i idéhäftet Berättarteknik, samt kompletterande material i form av exempel och kopieringsunderlag. Berättelsen som pedagogiskt verktyg » (Bi-lagan 3-2003) Hela Idéhäfte 1 — Berättarteknik (2,4 MB) » Berätta om naturen (sid 2—3) » Torra fakta förvandlas till spännande berättelser (sid 4—16) » Små böcker skrivna av elever på Håksbergs skola, Ludvika kommun 2006 (sid 9) Skrivproceduren där karaktärsschema, hinderschema presenteras. 1. 2. 3. Kopieringsunderlag: Responsfrågor (sid 10) » Exempel på responssamtal — uven 1 (sid 10) Exempel på responssamtal — uven 2 (sid 10) » Övning på temat Lumumma och Takete (sid 14) Pdf » Bildmanus »
