Mathway: Math Problem Solver
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Justificación y Breve descripción del programa: De todos es sabido que en cualquier clase y en todas las Áreas encontramos niveles, ritmos y modalidades de aprendizaje muy diferentes entre nuestro alumnado. También debemos asumir que, el derecho que todos los niños y niñas tienen a recibir una educación de calidad, y el deber que tenemos los profesionales de la Enseñanza de proporcionársela, requiere que seamos capaces de atender a esa enorme Diversidad que tenemos en nuestras aulas. Para ello es necesario buscar y utilizar todas las estrategias, recursos y materiales en general que tengamos a nuestro alcance. Uno de estos recursos es sin duda alguna el Ordenador. Por todo ello, se propone este Programa: “Refuerza y Amplía tus Matemáticas”, que permite tratar a nuestro alumnado de una forma completamente personalizada, respetando sus ritmos y capacidades individuales. Se divide en dos grandes Áreas: Cálculo y Problemas: Requerimientos mínimos: Instrucciones de funcionamiento: · Menú. · Resumen.
Math Chimp Blog | Educational Games and Online Resources
While they are in 5th grade, some of them are not capable of teaching themselves to take on math, as noted by The Globe and Mail. For teachers, what makes the situation worse is that most students suffer from “Math Block,” wherein they develop a passive attitude towards the subject. Fortunately, mobile technology and gamification are here to save the day. In fact, Verizon notes that turning math lessons into games gives students the motivation and energy to master any subject. 1. Factor Samurai employs the similar gameplay of Fruit Ninja, while educating kids the basics of prime factorization. 2. According to the app description, Match Up Math helps students practice the four fundamental operations: Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction. 3. While teaching fractions and decimals, Chicken Coop Fractions injects an entertaining approach, as two chickens named Henriette and Gudhen fire eggs at the number line. 4. 5. 5th Grade Splash Math Worksheets Game About the Author
Algebra - Elementary Algebra - Homework Help
Can I take a course at HippoCampus for credit? How do I enroll in a course at HippoCampus? Are there any fees to take your courses? How do I make a comment or ask a question? How do I get individual help with my homework assignment? What are the preferred texts? How can I use HippoCampus in my classroom? How can I use HippoCampus in my home school? Can I use the resources you have available for my homeschoolers? Do you know of any wet lab resources to accompany HippoCampus content? Is there a script, app, or something that can be used to track student use of HippoCampus? Can I share my HippoCampus content with my fellow teachers? Can I download the video? Can I change the size of the video window? Why won't the Environmental Science animations play? What if my page scroll bars or "submit" button are not showing? I can't find closed captioning. Where does the content from your site come from? There is an error in the multimedia presentation. How do I report a course errata item? No. AP Course Ledger
Algebra Grade 7 - Mrs. Bundy
We will be using a non-traditional model for teaching this course. It is called The Flipped Classroom. There is no single model for the flipped classroom. The term is widely used to describe almost any class structure that provides prerecorded videos followed by in-class exercises or practice. In one common model, students might view multiple videos several minutes long. excerpted from Educause Learning Initiative I have included an Infographic below showing the difference between what a traditional classroom looks like compared to the flipped classroom model. Created by Knewton and Column Five Media
Visual Fractions - A Fraction Tutorial
Welcome to Seeing Statistics
Simulations Lesson Plans Reviewed by Teachers
Why Select Other Criteria? Sometimes you only have 45 minutes to review participles before Tuesday's assembly, or you need curriculum you know was reviewed after a certain date. Duration: If curriculum authors indicate how long it takes to implement a resource, i.e. a 30-minute vocabulary exercise, a three-day science experiment, or a two-week expository writing project, we note it for you. If not, our teacher reviewers may indicate an estimated amount of time it would take. When you select a duration in this box, you'll see only resources with that stated duration. Reviewed After: Limit the resources you see to those reviewed since the date you choose by clicking the box and making a selection.
Absolute Value
Absolute Value The concept of absolute value has many uses, but you probably won't see anything interesting for a few more classes yet. There is a technical definition for absolute value, but you could easily never need it. For now, you should view the absolute value of a number as its distance from zero. Let's look at the number line: The absolute value of x, denoted "| x |" (and which is read as "the absolute value of x"), is the distance of x from zero. Warning: The absolute-value notation is bars, not parentheses or brackets. It is important to note that the absolute value bars do NOT work in the same way as do parentheses. Simplify –| –3 |. Given –| –3 |, I first handle the absolute value part, taking the positive and converting the absolute value bars to parentheses: Now I can take the negative through the parentheses: As this illustrates, if you take the negative of an absolute value, you will get a negative number for your answer. Here are some more sample simplifications: