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How a 140-Character Twitter Resume Could Land Your Next Job

How a 140-Character Twitter Resume Could Land Your Next Job

A Few Tips For Developers On How To Get Hired By A Startup Not everyone is cut out to work for a startup. It involves a lot of hustling, a lot of nail-biting, pizza-eating, sleeping at your desk, tears, failure, confusion, and on and on. And wearing your startup’s t-shirt. All the time. So, say you’re one of those people who is champing at the bit to go work for a startup, what do you do next? Today, we’re offering a small slice of holiday cheer thanks to Monetate, the platform that provides marketers with testing and targeting services for their websites (and recently raised $15 million from OpenView Venture Partners, Floodgate, and First Round Capital), as the startup has put together an infographic that offers a few tips for programmers who are looking to toss their talents into the startup ring. There are tons of places to find jobs, including cool career advancement platforms for developers like Gild, there are incubators, startup networking events and meetups, hackathons, and more.

Can Pinterest Help Your Job Search? Sean Weinberg is the COO and co-founder of RezScore, a free web application that reads, analyzes and grades resumes instantly. You can connect with Sean and the RezScore team on Facebook and Twitter. Just when you thought you had mastered the job search on all social media platforms, along came Pinterest. You’ve optimized your Facebook and LinkedIn pages and you’ve got the Twesume. Now it’s time to amp up your job search even more by putting your resume on Pinterest. What’s the Big Deal? For those of you not in-the-know, Pinterest is a social networking site where people can create and share content within the context of visually-oriented pinboards. Instead of butting heads with the “big three” social media sites, Pinterest complements social media usage by tying into Facebook and Twitter. Much like Facebook or Twitter, job seekers are using their Pinterest account to share portfolio work, personal content and yes, their resumes. How Can I Put My Resume On Pinterest? What do you think?

10 Buzzwords to Avoid on Your Resume | Power Your Future Provided by by Lindsay Olson Creative. -- Creative -- Organizational -- Effective -- Extensive experience -- Track record -- Motivated -- Innovative -- Problem solving -- Communication skills -- Dynamic If you're wondering how LinkedIn came up with this list, its data scientists examined millions of profiles to find out which words professionals used the most in 2011. What's interesting is that the buzzwords vary, depending on the country. If I'm Not Creative ... I hope seeing this list doesn't kill your holiday buzz. [See 8 Reasons to Continue Your Holiday Job Search.] "Competition for opportunities can be fierce, so craft your LinkedIn profile and resume to stand out from the professional pack," says Nicole Williams, LinkedIn's connection director and best-selling author of the book, "Girl on Top." LinkedIn recommends adding skills to your profile, which can serve to show hiring managers firsthand where your strengths lie. LinkedIn also suggests filling out your LinkedIn profile fully.

Can Facebook Get You a Job? [INFOGRAPHIC] In answer to the question above, approximately 18,400,000 Americans say yes, they got their current job through Facebook. Though Zuck's platform ranks #1, Twitter and LinkedIn don't have shabby numbers either — 8 million and 10.2 million Americans, respectively, have gotten their jobs through social platforms. Judging from our Job Search Series, it should come as no surprise that being socially savvy pays off in the job hunt for two reasons — it helps you network, and it's a highly marketable strength in your skill set, given all the openings in the digital space. So, it's about time you spruce up those social profiles and start networking. The infographic below combines data from Jobvite, CNN, LinkedIn and JobSearch to assemble a statistical picture of the modern-day job seeker. Infographic courtesy of MBA Online Every week we post a list of social media and web job opportunities.

Intégrez Pinterest dans votre recherche d'emploi Dans le milieu professionnel, nombreuses sont déjà les marques qui ont intégré Pinterest dans leur stratégie de médias sociaux. Voici quelques pistes pour utiliser Pinterest dans une recherche d’emploi. On a déjà parlé de Pinterest à plusieurs reprises sur Presse-Citron: ici ou là par exemple. En complément, sur mon blog, je donne des pistes pour utiliser Pinterest pour son business ou sa marque, notamment en BtoB. Certaines marques y cartonnent, comme par exemple les yaourts Chobani qui concurrencent désormais Yoplait ou Danone à New York. Le site a une audience très féminine et fait beaucoup parler de lui sur différents blogs et sites de presse que ce soit à propos du temps qu’on y passe, du trafic qu’il renvoie vers les sites e-commerce ou du nombre de visiteurs uniques. S’il est vrai qu’on y vient essentiellement pour épingler des photos de vêtements, de déco, de voyages, je pense qu’on peut aussi utiliser Pinterest de manière innovante et s’en servir dans sa recherche d’emploi.

The Job Search and Confidentiality [INFOGRAPHIC] We know that social media is a huge part of the modern job search. But being active on social media also can prevent you from searching stealthily. Coworkers and bosses can see who you've recently followed on Twitter (handles of job boards could tip them off), Facebook friends can see your new friends in the ticker (what if they're recruiters?!) It's no surprise that confidentiality is an ever-more important aspect of the job search — 88% of people say privacy and confidentiality are important when they're cruising for a new career. Do your job search off the clock and out of the officeUse your personal email addressKeep all job hunt files and correspondence on your personal computerDouble-check privacy settings on job boards — you don't want your current company's HR director to see your listing! Still paranoid? Every week we post a list of social media and web job opportunities. Infographic courtesy of TheLadders

How to Sort Googlers According to Myers Briggs If you are a fan of Myers-Briggs, the psychological testing that is commonly used by many employers, then you'll like this infographic that looks at the entire Googleplex and segments them into the 16 different categories. I was heartened to see that my type, ISTJ, is in the majority. Not surprising. The graphic comes via the folks at They offer both free and several paid plans so you can score your resume with particular job descriptions to see if there is a match. They analyze the difference bits of descriptions you have in your resume, and offer a variety of scores and suggestions on how to improve it.

Quels signes permettent de déceler un candidat talentueux ? Un développeur propose cinq indices permettant une embauche directe Le processus de recrutement passe toujours par une étape d’entretien, permettant un premier contact entre le candidat et l’entreprise. Cette phase de questions/réponses ou de test peut permettre souvent de déceler chez le candidat des caractéristiques impressionnantes, pouvant aboutir directement à une proposition d’emploi. Dans le secteur du développement informatique, quels sont les signes permettant d’identifier une perle rare ? C’est la question à laquelle répond Brian Kelly, un développeur senior, de par son expérience en la matière, qui propose cinq signes pour identifier un développeur talentueux. Pendant la période d’entretien, Kelly a pour habitude de proposer un test de programmation d’environ 2 heures. En dehors de la résolution du problème à temps, plusieurs signes permettent de déceler des facultés impressionnantes du candidat devant aboutir à une proposition directe d’emploi, selon Kelly. Source : Blog Brian Kelly Et vous ? Que pensez-vous de cette proposition ?

A Recruiters' Perspective: Job Boards and Career Websites Rob Byron is a Principal Consultant in the Information Technology Permanent division at Winter, Wyman. Winter, Wyman is the largest and one of the most recognized staffing organizations in the Northeast. Find out more on the Winter, Wyman blog or follow on Twitter @WinterWyman. If you’re looking for a job, you’re probably using job boards and social networking sites. Building Your Brand Every post, profile, picture or tweet you put online is a reflection of you. Utilizing Job Boards Monster and CareerBuilder are the predominant and most popular of the general job seeking websites. Job aggregators, like Indeed and SimplyHired, pull job listings from all over the web, allowing job seekers to do one-stop searching. Many professional associations, user groups and trade organizations also list jobs and allow members to post resumes on their websites. TheLadders is a job board that caters to senior-level executives and is an excellent resource for people seeking management positions.

5 Things You Should Look For in a Community Manager In honor of Community Manager Day, I thought it would fun and worthwhile to share some tips with employers looking for the perfect community manager for their business. The community manager role is more relevant now than ever, and the numbers show it. In a joint research report released by Booz and Co. and Buddy Media, titled Campaigns to Capabilities, brand marketers said that hiring full-time employees is the number one investment they are making in social media. Furthermore, 63% of all social media teams have dedicated community managers, and 59% of social media teams plan to hire full-time community managers in the near future. So, if you are one of the many companies looking for a community manager, what are the qualities any candidate absolutely must have? Guest author Michael Jaindl is chief client officer for Buddy Media. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. But equally as important is the ability to look at the big picture and to work toward long-term goals and objectives. Photo by jynmeyer

Les Patterns des Grands du Web – Les artisans codeurs Description Aujourd’hui, les grands du web nous rappellent qu’être un développeur est une carrière aussi prestigieuse que celle de manager ou de consultant. Pourquoi ? Ces entreprises ont dès le début orienté leur métier sur la satisfaction des utilisateurs afin de maintenir un cercle vertueux dans le développement de leurs produits. Les grands du web mettent tout en œuvre pour garder une forte satisfaction de leurs utilisateurs. Inutile de préciser que la situation décrite ici est encouragée par le management afin de maintenir la satisfaction des utilisateurs finaux tout en créant un système convivial permettant à leurs développeurs de réaliser des logiciels extraordinaires. Il est important de signaler aussi que pour les grands du web, la qualité n’est plus négociable et ceci pour une raison simple : le nombre d’utilisateur est tellement énorme que l’on ne peut plus leur livrer des applications buggées sans que cela ne se voit. Mise en oeuvre Alors comment font les grands du web ?

The Social Media Guide Tony Morrison is the Vice President of Business Development at Cachinko, a unique professional community where social networking and job opportunities come together. Find him on Talent Connection and connect with Cachinko on Facebook or Twitter. Social media is awesome, isn’t it? However, like most good things, social media can be a real killer for job seekers who use it inappropriately. 1. As much as you might love your fraternity brother who never really grew out of the Animal House phase, your prospective boss might not. Pay attention to how you interact with your friend and how they work with you. 2. It’s one thing to join a social network; it’s another thing to participate. More and more employers are searching candidates on Google, so that MySpace profile you started and thereafter neglected will pop up. 3. ​​On the flip side, a common problem many job seekers run into is putting too much out there on social media. Additionally, the job search is a lot like dating. 4. 5.
