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52framework - The framework from the future, HTML5, CSS3, and more!

52framework - The framework from the future, HTML5, CSS3, and more!

KNACSS, a simple and lightweight CSS framework Rendera - Online HTML5 Editor Jeet Framework 960 Grid System Topcoat InK - Interface Kit Toast | A Simple CSS Framework Toast is a CSS framework made as simple as it can be, but no simpler. A plain-English responsive grid makes simple layouts a breeze, and with box-sizing you can add padding and borders to the grid, without breaking a single thing. .unit.two-of-three .unit.span-grid .unit.two-of-five .unit.three-of-five No floats, no clearfix; no worries. By using display: inline-block, Toast saves the headache of clearing floats, and allows you to use floats what they were originally intended for - not for laying out websites. Responsibly responsive. Toast includes two main states - a single column layout for narrow screen and mobile devices, and a multi-column layout up to a default width of 960px. IE7 is dead - long live IE8. Using pain-free CSS properties like box-sizing and display: inline-block hasn't come without it's sacrifices; Toast only supports Internet Explorer 8 and up. Usage Using Toast couldn’t be simpler. Notes
