Teaching the Brain to Learn -- THE Journal Research | Feature Teaching the Brain to Learn Here’s how educators can use the latest neurological research to help improve math and science instruction. By Greg Thompson06/02/14 Many educators have heard the old maxim, “If all learning is 0 to 10, then 0 to 1 is the most important.” Brain research backs up this nugget of wisdom, and neuroscientists such as Bruce E. Wexler makes it his business to keep up on the latest brain research, and his analysis suggests that the right kind of early interventions and techniques can change a child’s educational future. According to Wexler, “These systems are not wired at birth, and they’re not determined by our genetics. Wexler’s analysis supports the notion that kids who come to school without healthy cognitive stimulation may not be operating at their potential. Emotion and Learning The idea that the brain must be prepared to learn also applies to emotional states, because emotions influence cognitive abilities.
iLearn Technology ly and All-Time Best & Worst Lists The 13 Sassiest Brands on Twitter Friday, Feb. 07, 2014 We enlisted social media and marketing experts to help rank the brands that tweet the best quips, digs and smackdowns 10 Great Movie and TV Sherlocks Thursday, Jan. 23, 2014 According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the legendary sleuth is the most oft-portrayed character in cinema Women Behind the Camera in 2014 Friday, Jan. 17, 2014 A report found that women were underrepresented among 2013's filmmakers — but these offerings are a chance for change in 2014 New Padagogy Wheel Helps You Integrate Technology Using SAMR Model Sometimes a visual guide comes along and it just makes total sense. That’s how I felt about Allan Carrington’s clever ‘Padagogy Wheel‘ which we featured on Edudemic last week. Check out the previous version then view the one below to see the differences. From what I can tell, putting the wheel on this site has generated a bit of buzz and I’m glad we could help spread the knowledge. But I was quite amazed this morning when I saw that the Padagogy Wheel had been updated. This new Padagogy Wheel (which honestly is less about iPads and more about technology integration now) should encourage you to focus on redefining your current standards, the current role tech plays in your classroom, and just about everything else. Want to print out the poster? The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
2¢ Worth Listen A few weeks ago I worked and attended North Carolina's ISTE affiliate conference. I opened the NCTIES conference with a breakfast keynote address and Marc Prensky closed it with a luncheon keynote the next day. Sadly, I missed the second day of the conference. I would first offer some constructive criticism to NCTIES , and to all such ed-tech conferences across the nation and around the world. You do a fabulous job of offering dynamic learning experiences for teachers who are new to teaching or new to utilizing contemporary information and communication technologies in their classrooms. The only idea I can think of is to have one or two session rooms devoted to unconference topics. Now to the surprises It was in the student showcase, a part of most ed-tech conferences that I often miss, using it as an opportunity to visit the exhibitors or dash up to my room for something or other. “No software. After my hesitation, she continued, “..the game master.” And then, 1 Warlick, David.
인터넷 커뮤니티 사이트 정리 - 국내 중대형 인터넷 커뮤니티 사이트, 카페, 유머사이트 - 2proo Life Story 인터넷 커뮤니티 사이트 정리 - 국내 중대형 인터넷 커뮤니티 사이트, 카페, 유머사이트 국내에 있는 중대형 인터넷 커뮤니티 사이트들을 정리해보았습니다. 정치적인 색깔은 제외했습니다. 빨간색 글씨는 커뮤니티 이름, 그 옆에 해당 사이트가 생성되거나 오픈된 연도를 표기 하였습니다. 카페 형태의 커뮤니티 일 경우 회원수도 기재해 놓았으며 해당 커뮤니티 URL도 모두 기재하였습니다. 그리고 커뮤니티 사이트에 주석도 달았는데 개인적인... 이 포스트는 불펌을 원칙으로 하며, 공유하고자 할때는 이 포스트의 링크를 이용하세요 컴퓨터, IT, 하드웨어, 제품 관련 커뮤니티 클리앙(클량) 2001년 원래는 소니 PDA 소모임으로 싸이월드 클럽에서 출발하여 현재는 IT관련 대규모 커뮤니티 사이트로 성장 온갖 IT 기업의 담당자들, IT 고수들이 많이 있음. 파코즈(파코즈 하드웨어) 2001년 하드웨어 사이트로 시작, 실명제로 운영자가 직접 관리 IT, 컴퓨터 관련 하드웨어의 성지로 불리우는곳. 시코(SeeKo) 1999년 시디플레이어와 이어폰, 헤드셋 관련 커뮤니티로 시작 현재는 각종 음향 관련 디바이스와 관련된 포털 커뮤니티로 성장함. SLR (SLR클럽, 스르륵 클럽) 2000년 디지털카메라 SLR 관련된 커뮤니티로 사진과 카메라 관련하여 능력자들이 많다. 뽐뿌 2005년 스마트폰과 각종 IT기기 가격 비교 커뮤니티 사이트. 세티즌 2000년 한때는 휴대폰, 스마트폰 관련하여 잘 나갔으나 어느새 알바들로 득실득실... 보배드림 2000년 자동차 관련 성지. 스포츠 관련 커뮤니티 중소형 인터넷 커뮤니티 대형 포털 인터넷 커뮤니티
Downloadable resources - For teachers - Pearson Longman - best English courses. Christmas trees - for students Traditions of taking branches and leaves from trees into the home in the winter are very old indeed - much older, in fact, than Christmas. Christmas trees - for teachers Teacher instructions and answer key Da Vinci - for students When people talk about greatness, Leonardo da Vinci is often described as the greatest person who has ever lived. Da Vinci - for teachers Dealing with stress - for students We have all felt it many times. Dealing with stress - for teachers Films you will never forget - for students Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner is... Films you will never forget - for teachers Guy Fawkes - for studens Remember, Remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder, Treason and Plot, I know of no reason Why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes - for teachers Hurricane - for students Severe and extensive damage; the air is filled with spray, it is almost impossible to see. 118 km/h and over...wow Hurricane - for teachers New Year is Here - for students
Cool Cat Teacher™ - Vicki Davis , Cool Cat Teacher Blog 고급 사용자를 위한 15가지 필수 크롬 애드온 고급 사용자를 위한 15가지 필수 크롬 애드온 Woody Leonhard | InfoWorld 데스크톱 브라우저 전쟁에서 구글 크롬은 엄청나게 빠른 속도로 강력한 경쟁자로 부상했다. 가장 많이 사용되는 브라우저가 무엇인지는 여전히 논란의 대상이지만(넷 애플리케이션스는 IE를 1위로, 스탯카운터는 크롬을 1위로 추산) 능숙한 윈도우 사용자들 사이에서 크롬이 상당히 인기가 있음은 부정할 수 없는 사실이다. 추천하고 싶은 다른 애드온이 있다면 댓글을 통해 공유하자. editor@itworld.co.kr 라스트패스 2.0(LastPass 2.0) 무료. 가장 유명한 온라인 암호 관리 프로그램의 크롬용 확장 프로그램이다. GoConqr - Changing the way you learn Twelve Ideas for Teaching with QR Codes Updated 01/2014 As mobile learning becomes more and more prevalent, we must find effective ways to leverage mobile tools in the classroom. As always, the tool must fit the need. Mobile learning can create both the tool and the need. With safe and specific structures, mobile learning tools can harness the excitement of technology with the purpose of effective instruction. Using QR codes for instruction is one example of this. A Quick Tutorial QR stands for Quick Response. 1. Have students use QR to create resumes that link to other content such as their professional website or portfolio. 2. You can create QR for linking students to examples of quality work, whether it's PowerPoint or slideshare for a class presentation, or people speaking a foreign language specific to your current lesson. 3. Integrate QR with a PBL or Service Learning project where students can create the codes that will link to the content they create. 4. Save a few trees! 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
150 Best Browser Extensions & Web Apps Of 2012 Chrome and Firefox came a long way in 2012, as did the web itself. The year saw Google try its hand at cloud storage with Google Drive, offering users 5GB free storage and integration with Gmail. Then there was the usual number of apps that integrate with Dropbox to add a certain functionality to the service better and a few extensions that helped you make the most of your Google Drive. Among other highlights were apps and extensions for social media management, making Facebook cover pictures and keeping your treasure trove of Instagram pictures safe. Chrome Extensions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. tubeStop (Get better YouTube keyboard shortcuts) 10. 11. 12.Facebook Nanny (Restricts Facebook access unless you have notifications) 13.Please bring back photo grid view! 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. eHistory (Add time-based search filters to Chrome’s default History Page) 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.
Cooperative Learning: Assigning Individual Tasks to Group Members Introduction When I first started using cooperative learning in my classroom, it was truly on a trial and error basis. And I'm here to tell you, I made LOTS of errors. I finally figured out that I was not giving my students sufficient directions and organizational tools. On their own, my kids determined who was going to talk (everyone), when the talking was to occur (constantly), and just exactly WHO was going to do WHAT (no one). Clearly, I had not given sufficient forethought to this. What follows on this page, as well as the Overview to Cooperative Learning and Grouping Strategies pages, is what I've learned from all my trials and errors. I'm not saying that I've covered everything here, but I am saying that this is certainly a much better way to start this endeavor than what I chose. Quick Links for THIS Page You may use the following quick links to go directly to what interests you on this page. Preparing Students for Group Work Return to Top of Page Members of each group should TRY to...