H. Darwish, Paul Ricoeur et la problématique de la méthode dans l'herméneutique - Interpréter, comprendre et expliquer dans les théories du symbole, du texte, de la métaphore et du récit Housamedden Darwish, Paul Ricoeur et la problématique de la méthode dans l'herméneutique - Interpréter, comprendre et expliquer dans les théories du symbole, du texte, de la métaphore et du récit Paris : L'Harmattan, coll. "Ouverture philosophique", 2012. 226 p. EAN 9782296567979 (EAN Ebook format Pdf : 9782296487512) 23,50 EUR (version numérique : 17,63 EUR) Présentation de l'éditeur : Ce livre se concentre sur la problématique de la méthode dans l'herméneutique ricoeurienne des symboles et du texte. Housamedden Darwish , chercheur d'origine syrienne, est diplômé de l'Université de Bordeaux.
Team of Dutch scientists want to create island the size of Hawaii from plastic bottles A recycled island could be made using plastic bottles floating in the Pacific say scientist / WHIM Architecture Source: Supplied Solar and wave energy will be used to sustain the island and its 500,000 inhabitants / WHIM Architecture Source: Supplied Designers plan to model the island on the waterways of Venice, Italy / WHIM Architecture Source: Supplied Powered by renewable energy Completely self sufficient Could be home to 500,000 Join us over on Facebook | Twitter An island the size of Hawaii and made entirely from plastic bottles could one day become the hottest postcode on earth, and is part of an incredible environmental vision for a future settlement. CGI images show how a team of Dutch scientists plan to take 44 million kilograms of plastic waste currently bobbing around in the Pacific Ocean and transform it into Recycled Island, reported The Daily Telegraph. Solar and wave energy will be used to sustain the island and its 500,000 inhabitants.
Herbal Tea Benefits This page is a quick summary of some of the specific herbal teal benefits, that you can check when deciding which herbs to use in making an herbal tea, or times when you want to know what each herb may do for you. I will be doing a full page on many of these herbs, as time allows. When done, the names of those herbs will be linked to that more detailed page. Alfalfa - Arabs call this the "father of all foods" while westerners treat it as cattle fodder. Angelica Root - tonic for stomach troubles, colds, fevers, colic, and strengthens heart. Anise (Star Anise) - helps expel gas, promotes digestion, relieves nausea and abdominal pain, soothes coughs and colds, and helps clear up congestion. Black Cohosh - relieves menopausal symptoms, and when used as a muscle relaxant, a natural anti-inflammatory treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Borage - the tea can be used to bathe inflamed eyes, drunk as a tea, it is good for cleansing the blood, for fevers and jaundice, and to expell poisons. St.
How To Grow Sweet Potatoes? Growing Sweet Potatoes The Easy Way How To Grow Sweet Potato Vines At Home Growing Sweet Potatoes is very easy in tropical and sub tropical climates. (And not difficult in cool climates, either.) In fact, the question is not how to grow sweet potatoes, it's rather how to stop sweet potato vines from taking over the whole garden! But even though they can be a pain in the you know what if not managed (harvested regularly), you absolutely have to grow sweet potatoes! Sweet potato is one of the most useful food plants in a warm climate: Sweet potatoes are the perfect substitute for normal potatoes.Sweet potatoes have less disease problems.Growing sweet potato vines is much easier than growing other potatoes.Sweet potatoes are very nutritious.And sweet potatoes grow with little water and fertilizer. You can use sweet potatoes in the kitchen just like you would use potatoes. So, how do you grow sweet potatoes, and how do you keep them under control? How To Grow Sweet Potatoes What Sweet Potatoes Like And Dislike How much water?
Use Wood Glue to Clean and Restore Old LPs @squishyalt: Wow, hostile much? Speaking of morons, did it occur to you that a guy who devises a method for cleaning LPs with wood glue is, I dunno, a MUSIC FAN? And perhaps he likes having a little quiet music on in the background while he's spending his evening teaching a lot of nice internet strangers and one ungrateful jerk (note: that's you) how to use his technique. Your overreaction was incredible even by the hyperbolic nature of the interwebs. Tone it down and be thankful that people are out there sharing their knowledge with you. Thanks, Wood Glue Guy! —Jason @Jason: Hey man, you seem a little hostile yourself. @Prairie Moon: I make a big distinction between hostility (if mine was hostile) in response to hostility versus hostility in response to some nice fellow trying to help others keep their LP's clean. @squishyalt:Dude. The guy instructing what to do was actually very good, he kept talking and explaining what he was doing.
Guide to Common Edible Wild Plants It’s often said that the last thing you need to worry about when in a survival situation is what you’re going to eat. The human body is highly resilient, and can go without food for longer than you think. Shelter and water, on the other hand, are pretty much non-negotiable in order to survive. However, it is possible to familiarize yourself with edible wild plants before you get into a survival situation, in which case you’ll have a good idea of which wild plants you can eat if necessary. In addition, once you learn to identify some of these common edible wild plants, you might be able to add them to your diet while you’re still in the city. READ MORE: 7 Mountaineering Knots to Use in Everyday Life Dandelions Probably the easiest plant to identify, and one of the most widespread, dandelions (pictured at top) are a great introduction to wild plant foods. Burdock The burdock plant sure doesn’t look very appetizing (especially when full of those giant prickly seedheads!) Cattails Plantain Nettles
H. Blumenberg, Le Concept de réalité Hans Blumenberg, Le Concept de réalité Préface de Jean-Claude Monod. Traduit de l'allemand par Jean-Louis Schlegel. Paris : Editions du Seuil, coll. "Traces écrites", 2012. 128 p. Prix 19EUR Présentation de l'éditeur: L’idée de « réalité » nous semble une donnée évidente de notre relation au monde : nous comprenons immédiatement ce que veut dire un romancier lorsqu’il parle de son ambition de « dévoiler une dimension du réel » ou lorsqu’un homme politique accuse son concurrent d’« irréalisme ». Hans Blumenberg s’attache ici à dégager une typologie des grands « concepts de réalité » qui se sont succédé et parfois superposé dans l’histoire occidentale, afin de comprendre aussi bien la place fondamentale du roman dans la conscience moderne que les liens entre une rhétorique du « réalisme » et une politique de la puissance. Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996). On peut lire sur le site nonfiction.fr un article sur cet ouvrage: "La réalité perdue du concept de réalité", par C.
Foods to Improve Moods - Healthy Living Tips at WomansDay.com While that tub of ice cream in the back of the freezer may be what you crave when you’re feeling blue, there is a long list of other (healthier!) foods that can cure a grouchy morning or a stressed-out afternoon. We talked to the experts to get the scoop on what to eat to make you feel better no matter what your mood. Stressed: Eat Chocolate The scenario: It’s Friday at 6:30 p.m. Sluggish: Eat a Spinach Salad Can’t concentrate? Cranky: Eat an Apple with Peanut Butter Did you snap at your kids…and the telemarketer on the phone? Anxious: Eat a Salmon Burger Worrying about your finances, your marriage, your kids? Angry: Sip Green Tea Maybe your neighbor’s dog barked all night long and kept you up or your coworker took credit for a project you worked on over the weekend. Sad: Eat Whole-Grain Cereal with Lowfat Milk Need a happiness boost? PMS: Eat an Egg-Salad Sandwich All photos by Shutterstock. Sarah Jio is the health and fitness blogger for Glamour.com.
Disease-Fighting Plants: 7 Delicious Herbs that Pack a Powerful Antimicrobial Punch Disease-Fighting Plants: 7 Delicious Herbs that Pack a Powerful Antimicrobial Punchby www.SixWise.com Adding herbs to your favorite dishes adds flavor, variety and color. Antimicrobial herbs provide all of that - PLUS they give your health a major boost. Antimicrobial herbs have a unique ability to destroy and inhibit the growth of disease-causing microorganisms. This takes major stress off of your immune system, helping to stimulate it and thereby helping you to fight off a wide array of potential infections. Antimicrobial herbs are capable of taking on a large variety of microorganisms, such as: Bacteria Mold Parasites Viruses Yeasts Other living organisms You may already be familiar with the following antimicrobial herbs, but their potent disease-fighting properties may surprise you. 1. Chili peppers contain a substance called capsaicin, which is what makes them so spicy (the spicier the pepper, the more capsaicin it contains). Did you know? 2. Did you know? 3. Did you know?
GNN - Picture Books with Punch Scientist-by-day and mother-by-night, Fran Balkwill searched for picture books that could explain her occupation to her children. Unable to find one, she teamed up with illustrator Mic Rolph, and they began penning and illustrating life science books for children. Their latest collaboration is a series of four picture-size books called Enjoy Your Cells, Have a Nice DNA, Gene Machines, and my favorite, Germ Zappers. Balkwill, who is a professor of cancer biology in London, opens one book with a disclaimer: "Please note that most cells are gray and grainy. Rolph, a former graphic designer for television, draws children in shades multicultural white, peach, black, and brown. The books are energetic, enthusiastic and full of playful humor. Germ Zappers stars unsung heroes—the cells of the immune system. Sometimes the good guys win and sometimes they lose. Have a Nice DNA tells the story of life, which begins as one single cell and evolves into a human baby. Back to GNN Home Page
Top 10 Places You Don’t Want To Visit Travel In previous lists we have looked at amazing holiday destinations – today we are looking at the bottom ten; these are ten places you don’t want to visit! Having said that, maybe the curious would get a thrill from visiting some of these strange and dangerous places, but for most of us, reading about it is quite enough. Feel free to mention any other contenders for the list in the comments. Great Pacific Garbage Patch Pacific Ocean The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also described as the Pacific Trash Vortex, is a gyre of marine litter in the central North Pacific Ocean located roughly between 135° to 155°W and 35° to 42°N. The Izu Islands are a group of volcanic islands stretching south and east from the Izu Peninsula of Honsh? The Door to Hell Turkmenistan Address: Derweze, Turkmenistan This has featured on listverse before, but it would be remiss of us to exclude it from this list. Alnwick Poison Gardens England Address: Denwick Lane, Alnwick, NE66 1YU, England Mud Volcanoes of Azerbaijan
The Fifteen Most Fabulous Herbal Sedatives : Kitchen Table Medicine Do you ever just feel like you need to take a pill to take the edge off? Well a lot of us get extra stressed around the holiday season, and if you don’t want to take something that will totally knock you out, try a gentle relaxing cup of sedative tea instead of popping a pill. Now opinions may slightly differ amongst herbalists as to what the best herbal sedative is, but I think we can all agree that the best herb is the one that works best for the individual. #3 Schisandra- Referred to as “Chinese Prozac” this herb is commonly unappreciated and underutilized in American herbal practice. #7 Lavender- Try adding lavender to your favorite baked good recipe. #9 St. #10 Red Clover- Not traditionally recognized as a sedative, but as a mineral source and blood thinner, this “cooling” herb calms the system and has a special affinity to the lungs, throat, and salivary glands. #15 Chamomile- One of the most common kitchen herbs, chamomile is a great mild sedative and digestive bitter.
Giotto - Mestres da Arte Giotto di Bondone mais conhecido simplesmente por Giotto, (Colle Vespignano, 1266 — Florença, 1337) foi um pintor e arquiteto italiano. Nasceu perto de Florença, foi discípulo de Cinni di Pepo, mais conhecido na história da arte pela introdução da perspectiva na pintura, durante o renascimento. Devido ao alto grau de inovação de seu trabalho (ele é considerado o introdutor da perspectiva na pintura da época), Giotto é considerado por Bocaccio o precursor da pintura renascentista. Ele é considerado o elo entre o renascimento e a pintura medieval e a bizantina. A característica principal do seu trabalho é a identificação da figura dos santos como seres humanos de aparência comum.