Daniel Kahneman on Making Smarter Decisions The bestselling author of Thinking, Fast and Slow talks about overcoming the cognitive biases and errors that can affect decision-making. You can avoid decision-making mistakes by understanding the differences between these two systems of thought. Nobel winner Daniel Kahneman says we tyically fear loss twice as much as we relish success. Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman says people always overestimate their ability to predict the future. Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman says that if you rationally weighed the odds of success, you'd never start a business. Don't let especially lucky or unlucky outliers influence your decisions. You're likely to give more weight to experience than hard data, even when the past is unlikely to predict the future. You can gain the upper hand in negotiations by setting--or resetting--the anchor number. Be wary of constructing a story based only on what you see--you may not realize what you don't know.
Truth, Philosophers and Reading Between the Lines « Bad Conscience {*style:<b>Truth, Philosophers and Reading Between the Lines: A Critical Examination of the Methodology of Leo Strauss </b>*} Leo Strauss’ contains a striking claim. At first glance, this astounding claim appears to rely on a series of conspicuously poor arguments. This claim about persecution initially appears simply too general to be credible as an account of history. Strauss appears to rest this claim about persecution generating hidden “esoteric” teachings on a host of arguments which initially appear decidedly third-rate. Unsurprisingly given Strauss’ standing as a thinker there is significantly more to his work than first meets the eye and such easy retorts miss their target. For Strauss, “persecution” properly understood (i.e. when applied to “philosophers”) means more than simply censorship or suppression by authorities. What exactly this terrible society-destroying truth naturally becomes the burning question. Imagine a reader who is sceptical of Strauss’ core contention.
Survival of the ... Nicest? Check Out the Other Theory of Evolution by Eric Michael Johnson A new theory of human origins says cooperation—not competition—is instinctive. posted May 03, 2013 A century ago, industrialists like Andrew Carnegie believed that Darwin’s theories justified an economy of vicious competition and inequality. They left us with an ideological legacy that says the corporate economy, in which wealth concentrates in the hands of a few, produces the best for humanity. Nearly 150 years later, modern science has verified Darwin’s early insights with direct implications for how we do business in our society. Tomasello holds that there were two key steps that led to humans’ unique form of interdependence. However, this survival strategy brought an entirely new set of challenges: Individuals now had to coordinate their behaviors, work together, and learn how to share. Like what you’re reading? This evolutionary legacy can be seen in our behavior today, particularly among children who are too young to have been taught such notions of fairness. Interested?
Canada Research Chair for Social Justice: Shadia B. Drury Leo Strauss was a German- Jewish émigré political philosopher and historian of political thought, who wrote some fifteen books and eighty articles on the history of political thought from Socrates to Nietzsche. Strauss was no ordinary historian of ideas; he used the history of thought as a vehicle for expressing his own ideas. In his writings, he contrasted the wisdom of ancient philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle with the foolhardiness of' modern philosophers such as Hobbes and Locke. He thought that the loss of ancient wisdom was the reason for the 'crisis of the West--an expression that was in part a reference to the barbarities of the Holocaust. He therefore sought to recover the lost wisdom. Strauss was born in Kirchhain, Hessen, Germany. According to Strauss, the fundamental issue that divides ancient and modern thinkers is the relative importance of reason and revelation in human life. List of works ----------, (1959) What is Political Philosophy?
Illustrated English Idioms and their Meanings Having recently moved to Brazil, learning a new language and also teaching English, illustrator Roisin Hahessy got thinking about the the English language. On her website, she declares, “When I stopped to think about some English idioms and their literal meaning, I found some of them very funny and thought it would be a nice idea to pick a few of the most common idioms and illustrate them.” The images below have been reproduced with the direct permission of the illustrator These fantastic illustrations would be ideal for classroom use, when discussing idioms, and similar expressions used in the English language: You can purchase each print individually on Roisin’s website by clicking here. News Websites for Language Learners by @rbsaglam I watch TV series in English and I read news in English. 8th April 2015 In "GuestBlog" Guest-Blog: The Importance of Language Learning by @TheEmmaWhite1 25th February 2015
Political Philosophy Political philosophy begins with the question: what ought to be a person’s relationship to society? The subject seeks the application of ethical concepts to the social sphere and thus deals with the variety of forms of government and social existence that people could live in – and in so doing, it also provides a standard by which to analyze and judge existing institutions and relationships. Although the two are intimately linked by a range of philosophical issues and methods, political philosophy can be distinguished from political science. Political science predominantly deals with existing states of affairs, and insofar as it is possible to be amoral in its descriptions, it seeks a positive analysis of social affairs – for example, constitutional issues, voting behavior, the balance of power, the effect of judicial review, and so forth. Table of Contents 1. Political philosophy has its beginnings in ethics: in questions such as what kind of life is the good life for human beings. 2.
Apple Search - Apple Trees for Sale <div class="noscript"><p><strong>WARNING: Many features of this website require JavaScript. You appear to have JavaScript disabled or running a non-JavaScript capable web browser.</strong></p><p>To get the best experience, please enable JavaScript or download a newer web browser such as <a href=" Explorer 8</a>, <a href=" <a href=" or <a href="www.google.com/chrome">Google Chrome</a>.</p></div> Apple Search Apple trees are $20 each. You can help the heritage apple search and preservation effort by purchasing some of Tom Brown’s apple trees. We have about 100 apple varieties for Spring sale in very limited quantities. Banana---large to very large, globular, yellow with a red blush, juicy, from an immense old tree laying down on the ground, ripe October, found in Alleghany Co., NC. Top of Page
Autonomy: Normative Autonomy is variously rendered as self-law, self-government, self-rule, or self-determination. The concept first came into prominence in ancient Greece (from the Greek auto-nomos), where it characterized city states that were self governing. Only later–during the European Enlightenment–did autonomy come to be widely understood as a property of persons. Today the concept is used in both senses, although most contemporary philosophers deal with autonomy primarily as a property of persons. This orientation will be maintained here. Most people would agree that autonomy is normatively important. This article will be devoted to canvassing the leading work done by philosophers on these two issues, beginning with the question of the nature of autonomy, and then moving to the question of the normative significance of autonomy. Table of Contents 1. The concept of autonomy first came into prominence in ancient Greece, where it characterized self-governing city-states. 2. a. b. c.
University of Idaho Center for Forest Nursery and Seedling Research - Home Page Strauss’s Rousseau and the Second Wave of Modernity – Steven B. Smith : the art of theory – a quarterly journal of political philosophy Leo Strauss’s Rousseau chapter in Natural Right and History is perhaps the most neglected aspect of the book. This is surprising because Strauss himself paid Rousseau the considerable compliment of taking him seriously. At a time when Rousseau was dismissed as either a crank outside the philosophical canon or as a dangerous obscurantist responsible for the radical politics of the French Revolution, Strauss helped to revive a serious interest in his philosophical thought. The Rousseau chapter is titled “The Crisis of Modern Natural Right” and begins: “The first crisis of modernity occurred in the thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau” (252). The crisis initiated by Rousseau, ironically, took the form of a return to antiquity. Rousseau, Strauss tells us, attacked modernity in the name of two classical ideas: virtue and the city, on the one hand, and nature, on the other. Strauss recognizes that his interpretation of Rousseau faces a grave difficulty. Steven B.
Edible Landscaping Plant Sale: Buy plants online from our garden center and plant nursery Guide to Philosophy on the Internet philosophy philosophical filosophy philosophical gourmet philosofy gourmet report zweibel american philosophical association philosophy and phenomenological research philosophical association philosophical gourmet repor General Guides to Philosophy on the Internet Philosophers and Philosophies Philosophical Topics Philosophical Associations and Societies Philosophy Journals and Newsletters Philosophy Courses, Syllabi, Teaching & Learning Philosophy Etexts Philosophy Bibliographies Philosophy Mailing Lists Philosophy Newsgroups Philosophy Projects Philosophy Preprints Philosophy Jobs Philosophy Dictionaries and Glossaries Philosophy Quotations Philosophy Miscellany internet philosophy - Guide to Philosophy on the Internet Table of Contents Why list more than one, especially unstarred guides when there are so many starred ones? Guides in Czech Filosofové. Limited to major philosophers, i.e. omitting "professors with home pages" as far as possible. Many major philosophers have etexts in various sites across the web but no central page collecting them all together. Also see the sections on Associations, Bibliographies, and Quotations.
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