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Flash Art

Flash Art

FUCKING GOOD ART Art History News - by Bendor Grosvenor Archée : cyberart et cyberculture artistique e-flux Journals A Hacker Manifesto at Twenty June 2024 With: McKenzie Wark, Yifan Wang, Changwen Chen, Isabel Ling, Bami Oke, Liara Roux, Chelsea Thompto, Francisco Nunes, Valérian Guillier, Luce deLire, Hugh Davies, Kim Córdova, Bruce Schneier, and Janus Rose May 2024 With: Ghoncheh Ghavami, Bahar Noorizadeh, Nahal Nikan, Arnavaz, Negar Hatami, Elaheh, Shouka Alizadeh, Goli Baharan, Nuzhan Didartalab, Aram, Parva, and Dasgoharan April 2024 With: Daniel Muzyczuk, Robert Ashley, Michał Libera, Alice Notley, Kimberly Alidio, Alessandro Bosetti, Ben Vida, and Andrius Arutiunian March 2024 With: Oriab Toukan, Evan Calder Williams, Charles Tonderai Mudede, Antonia Majaca, T. February 2024 With: Ben Eastham, Anton Vidokle, Christina Kiaer, Ekaterina Kulinicheva, Hallie Ayres, Xin Wang, Elena Vogman, Zhen Zhang, Jonas Staal, Lukas Brasiskis, Zairong Xiang, and Arseny Zhilyaev December 2023 November 2023 With: Thotti, Joan Kee, Serubiri Moses, Rizvana Bradley, Katherine C. October 2023 September 2023 June 2023 May 2023

Reviews by Nicholas Forrest, Kristen Boatright SYDNEY — Japanese-born Australian artist Hiromi Tango has emerged in recent years as one of the most interesting and unique artists of Asia Pacific art scene, developing a practice that has... Galleries, Hiromi Tango, Nicholas Forrest, Pacific, Promised, sullivan and strumpf, Video, Contemporary Arts, Reviews, Visual Arts KINDERHOOK, NY — This past Saturday, the gallerist Jack Shainman inaugurated a new institution in this small town where has kept a home for the past decade, some twenty minutes from the... WHAT: “SuperAwesome: Art and Giant Robot”WHEN: April 19-July 27WHERE: Oakland Museum of California (OMCA), 1000 Oak Street, Oakland, CAWHY THIS SHOW MATTERS: Founded in 1994 as a small,... Galleries, Alanna Martinez, Comics, design, Giant Robot, Graffiti, graphic art, OMCA, Shows That Matter, Toys, Contemporary Arts, Reviews, Visual Arts Rachel Adams, Modern Painters Paul Laster, Modern Painters

CONVOCATORIA ABIERTA REVISTA CIENTÍFICA REG|AC VOL3 (2015) Repensar lo público. Intersecciones entre las prácticas culturales y el escenario colectivo En las últimas décadas hemos asistido a un creciente desplazamiento de las prácticas artísticas hacía el espacio social con la voluntad de trascender la noción clásica de “arte público” y abrir nuevas zonas de intersección entre las prácticas culturales y el escenario colectivo. Este giro ha provocado una encrucijada fundamental que obliga a las prácticas artísticas con vocación social a pronunciarse respecto a si contribuyen a fortalecer el modelo de cohesión social establecido (un ideal de integración) o, por el contrario, deberían focalizar su interés en la imaginación y ensayo de otros modelos comunales y constituirse así en un ejemplo de posibles prácticas instituyentes. Martí Peran y Diana Padrón Alonso, editores invitados Ámbitos propuestos: - Esfera pública / Espacio público: Metodologías de actuación - Prácticas instituyentes - Nuevos formatos de la movilidad social Criterios de publicación: Painting Archives A recent exhibition in Minneapolis investigates the inherent desire to organize and structure our world, and the ensuing clutter and confusion when we become increasingly influenced by the sprawling technologies we’ve invented to helps us. Eddie Perrote, Leanna Perry and Bill Rebholz conceived Scategories as a display to highlight ordered chaos. ”We’ve enabled our minds to perceive more information, decrease our mental clutter and externalize our memories,” reads the press release, which explains why the exhibition feels a bit overrun, offering too much to process, even when the looking is enjoyable. Each of the artists has one foot firmly planted in the design world, which is perhaps the ideal middle ground to view the changing landscapes of art and design, and how technology is rapidly altering them. The exhibition itself is presented with this visual cacophony in mind. Scategories is currently on view at The Abstracted Gallery in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Universes in Universe - Worlds of Art - The First Art Newspaper on the Net CTRL+P: a journal of contemporary art
