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Languages - Quick Fix - Essential phrases in 40 languages
5 Phrases That Can Boost Employee Morale
I left the company years ago for another but I still run into former colleagues. Usually the ensuing conversation involves something along the lines of, “Hey, did you hear about the (latest management decision I think is really stupid) at the plant?” This question was different. “You worked there for almost 20 years,” my ex-coworker said. I thought about it later. Instead I most regret the things I didn't say: To employees who reported to me, to some of my peers, and to at least one person I worked for. It's too late for me, but it’s not too late for you. “That was great how you...” Feel free to go back in time. “Can you help me...?” Even though I could tell he really wanted to participate, I never let him. Asking someone for help implicitly recognizes their skills and value. And there’s a bonus: You get help. “I'm sorry I didn't...” Say you're sorry. Say you're sorry, say why you're sorry, and take all the blame. “Can I help you...?” And then actually help. “I'm sorry I let you down.”
7th Graders Publish Their Own Textbook
Mac Life wrote an article titled Super 7th Graders Publish Their Own eBook to the iBookstore. It explains the project in more detail. "Each student has to choose an organisms they wanted to study and were required to submit their topic for approval. Afterward, students had to write informative – but entertaining! Andrea collected work from 69 students and entered it into iBooks Author. iBooks Author is free but only works on Macs running 10.7 Lion or higher. iBooks Author is a fantastically powerful tool. There are some disadvantages to using iBooks author for crafting your own learning materials. Check out what Andrea and her students say about writing their book. I think the comment by CNEBBY in the Customer Reviews of Creatures, Plants and More sums up the project well: "This is an awesome example of what kids can do when they are properly motivated by a skilled teacher."