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Origami Neko (cat) (Jo Nakashima) - remake

Origami Neko (cat) (Jo Nakashima) - remake

1000 Paper Cranes Backdrop A few weeks ago I introduced you to one of my lovely Brides Laura who was new to the Diary of a Boho Bride feature. You can read all about Laura’s wedding plans HERE . In Laura’s’ introduction I explained that she is a BIG fan of the old DIY and after a few emails and a few sneaky pictures of stuff she had already created, it was clear that she was an even bigger fan of DIY than I first thought. Tête de LAPIN en 3D - Trophée {DIY} Pendant ma grossesse, j'ai découvert une illustratrice française vivant en Californie : Chloé Fleury. Et j'ADORE les trophées de tête de lapin qu'elle fait. C'est la décoration de la chambre de sa fille

How to make gift bags from newspaper When I bought something at a store recently, the clerk handed me my purchase in a bag made from a newspaper. I liked it very much and had to make some more—thus today's DIY recycled newspaper project: gift bags made from the Wall Street Journal. You can vary the dimensions, of course, but here's what I used to create a bag that's 5" tall, 4.5" wide, and 3" deep. Stack two sheets of newspaper on top of each other. This will be a two-ply bag for extra sturdiness. Cut out a rectangle that's 15.5" wide and 8.25" tall.

Paper Starburst Pendant Light So I had a different project that I was going to post today, an update version of my Book Pages Pendant Lantern from Project 19, but then I started working on this light idea, and I am so excited by the results I just couldn’t wait to show you guys! My inspiration and guide was this light from Design*Sponge, that I spotted on Pinterest. I really liked the idea, and I had a roll of white vellum lying around left over from college that I thought would look beautiful. So I started cutting triangles. And then I started glueing. Paper flower tutorial I thought some of you would enjoy a quick tutorial on how to make those little paper flowers I used as part of my table setting a couple weeks ago. The credit for these go to Martha Stewart (I saw this idea nearly 10 years ago in her magazine, but haven't been able to find it on her website). So here I go.. Step 1: Draw a spiral on a 4x4" square sheet of paper Step 2: Cut out spiral along lines you have drawn Step 3: Begin rolling up the spiral from the outside

Build 3D paper letters from a nifty font Speaking of Fontstruct, I found something cool over there. Punched Out is a free font that allows you to type letters, print, cut, fold, and glue to make 3D forms. Created by Tobias Sommer, it's available for download at Dafont or Fontstruct. I gave it a try while watching TV. It's a little tedious, but the result is fun! I printed the letters in gray, scored along the center of the dashed lines, and folded so that the printing ended up on the inside of each letter. Flashback: Woven Map Basket Maps can be amazing design elements, with all their intricately drawn lines and minute details. But what do you do with a regular paper map that is starting to fall apart from use? In CRAFT Volume 05, crafter Jane Patrick suggested we weave maps into baskets, a fun and interesting way to reuse castoffs and weave a little memory into a functional item. Check out her full tutorial here and pick up a back issue of CRAFT Volume 05, the Paper issue, in the Maker Shed.Woven Memory Basket Weave your vacation road maps into an attractive souvenir. By Jane Patrick Think of basketry as three-dimensional weaving.

Pocket Edition Gameplay[edit | edit source] The objective of the game remains the same as its more developed PC and Console Edition counterparts, where players can build virtual realities in a sandbox-like environment. Like its counterparts, Pocket Edition also has survival elements present in other versions of the game such as brewing, hunger, and dimensions like the Nether but doesn't include any bosses in Pocket Edition yet. The multiplayer mode is cross-platform compatible between all touch-screen devices capable of running Pocket Edition.[25] The 2013 Sony World Photography Awards - In Focus The Sony World Photography Awards, an annual competition hosted by the World Photography Organisation, has recently announced its shortlist of winners. This year's contest attracted more than 122,000 entries from 170 countries. The photographs are being judged in six different competition categories, including Professional, Open, and Student Focus. The organizers have been kind enough to share some of their shortlisted images with In Focus, gathered below.

patron doudou lien di site ceci est le modele typiquement US....... IL FAIT BEAU ET CHAUD ,METTEZ LES ENFANTS DEHORS ! ben quoi ! Sacoche de l'été : le tuto ! - Méli-Mélo de Maggot Vu que vous êtes toutes d'accord avec moi pour dire qu'une petite sacoche l'été c'est indispensable pour se balader et que vous avez été nombreuses à répondre à l'appel du tuto, eh bien le voici le voilà ! Pour le patron c'est ici : clic et pour le tuto c'est là : clic**** Erratum *****pour celles qui ont téléchargé le patron avant 11h15, il y manquait un bout, c'est corrigé ! C'est mon premier tuto donc j'espère que ça sera clair, sinon si vous avez des questions, je suis là :)Et surtout n'hésitez pas à me montrer le vôtre !.
