Fresques murales avec des bouchons en plastique source : art bouchon plastique Voir aussi : créations en bouchons plastique Psykopaint - Create and paint amazing art from photos CadeauxFaitsMains Should I Work for Free? Les cahiers de Joséphine Book Of Art Un concept très bien exécuté avec cette série Book of Art imaginé par les créatifs Veronica et Isaac Salazar. Un pliage très réussi des pages de chaque livres, afin de transformer l’ouvrage en véritable création avec un mot en 3D. Plusieurs exemples dans la suite de l’article. Plus d’images et de créations dans la galerie.
Pliant 5 pointues Ornements Origami étoile de Noël These 5 pointed origami stars are easy to fold and make beautiful Christmas decorations. You can make them from magazines, scrapbook papers or sheet music, whatever you happen to have lying around. We don’t have our tree up just yet so for now I’ve put these Christmas star decorations on our mantelpiece. One of the 5 pointed origami stars is folded from scan of a dictionary page and the others are made from vintage style scrapbook papers. I went for vintage patterns but you could equally well use bright Christmas colors. I also tried hanging them on the mirror in our living room and I think they look quite nice there: Perhaps we’ll move them to our Christmas tree once it’s up :-) Credit for this design belongs to Shuzo Fujimoto, who created the design in the 70s. Materials for 5 Pointed Origami Star All you need is: a square sheet of paper some scissors Origami purists will frown upon me using scissors but hey, this is the 21st century not feudal Japan ;-) Making the 5 Pointed Origami Star
What's so wrong with Comic Sans? 20 October 2010Last updated at 11:37 Comic Sans, that unassuming jaunty typeface lurking inside millions of computers, has become the target of an online hate campaign. Simon Garfield explains why normally mild-mannered people are so enraged by its use. How did schools ever advertise their Christmas fairs without it? If you wrote these questions in Comic Sans you'd have something that was warm, inoffensive and rather unsuitable, a typeface that's gone wrong. Comic Sans is unique: used the world over, it's a typeface that doesn't really want to be type. Last year it stuck out like an unfunny joke in Time magazine and Adidas adverts, and even the BBC wasn't immune, choosing the font to promote its Composers of the Year during the Proms. What can be done? Black-tie do (not) Holly and David Combs, the husband and wife cottage industry behind, argue that the misuse of the font is "analogous to showing up for a black tie event in a clown costume". Mrs Gates' role
Le Quilling ou les Paperolles : L’art des filigranes en papier par Rachel, le 14 mai 2012 J'ai découvert l'art du quilling il y a plusieurs années, mais il est si peu répandu en France que si vous demandez une pince à quilling dans un magasin de loisirs créatifs, on vous répond neuf fois sur dix : "Une pince à quoi ? ?" "Ben, une pince à quilling, quoi ! Vous voyez pas ? Une sorte de stylet fendu ! Et pourtant, le principe même du quilling est très simple, puisqu'il s'agit d'enrouler de fines bandes de papier, appelées alors paperolles, et d'en faire des formes qui, assemblées, donnent des résultats incroyables. Concernant le matériel, je vous renvoie à un article très complet de Céline, du blog "atelier fleur d'esprit" qui vous montre non seulement la fameuse pince qui permet de tenir le papier pour l'enrouler, mais aussi les indispensables bandelettes de papier, ou encore le trace-cercle et le tapis de mousse, utile pour piquer et maintenir ses formes le temps qu'elles collent entre elles. Cliquez pour visiter sa rubrique Quilling !
The DC Super-Heroes Ultimate Pop-Up Book [Video Review] - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews This week, I picked up something I’ve been pretty excited about for a while: Matthew Reinhart’s DC Super-Heroes Ultimate Pop-Up Book! With six pages of vignettes that include the Anti-Monitor popping out, a towering fight scene between heroes and villains and a light-up Bat-Signal, I thought this thing was pretty awesome. So awesome, in fact, that still pictures just don’t do it justice, which is why today, I’ve busted out the flip camera to give you a video review of a couple of my favorite parts. Check it out after the jump! Here’s a close-up of the pop-up Lex Luthor and his totally awesome smarmy smirk: Reinhart, who also did a Star Wars pop-up, did a great job putting it together, and like I said in the video: If you like neat stuff involving super-heroes, it’s well worth checking out.