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Related:  EducationVisualization

CoRT 1: Breadth | CoRTthinking Each of the lessons in CoRT 1 is designed to encourage students to broaden their thinking. In the thinking of both children and adults, the dominant fault is often the tendency to take too narrow a view. An example of this would be to take up an instant judgment position on an issue without examining all the factors involved, before you reach, or make a decision. The lessons in CoRT 1 define attention areas into which thinking can be directed: Looking for plus and minus points Considering all factors Consequences Aims and objectives Assessing priorities Taking other people's views into account. By making the deliberate effort during the lessons to direct their thinking towards these areas, students can develop the habit of broadening their thinking. Research has shown that the use of these lessons can have a considerable effect in increasing the number of aspects of a situation that are considered.

Les renseignements généreux Nous vous invitons à découvrir le troisième numéro de notre revue, La Traverse. À travers des entretiens, des analyses, des exposés, cette revue s'efforce de tendre vers deux directions : forger des outils d'autodéfense intellectuelle ; imaginer, construire et faire découvrir des actions politiques ou des alternatives qui nous semblent pertinentes. Dans ce troisième numéro vous trouverez : Qu'est-ce qui renforce les luttes collectives ? Qu'est-ce qui les fragilise de l'intérieur ? L'intégralité de la revue est consultable en ligne. Si vous souhaitez recevoir cette revue en format papier, à prix libre, écrivez-nous. Pour être averti-e de la sortie du prochain numéro, inscrivez-vous sur notre liste-de-diffusion.

Visual Harvester - Visual Facilitaton - Visual facilitator - Visual practitioner - Visual Harvesting - Large Group Interventions - Visual Facilitator - Graphic facilitation - graphic recording - Meeting design Last year, same date I could never imagine my Visual Harvesting year would be so exciting, challenging, full of experiences, meeting incredibly nice people and had so much fun! So key themes: travel, workshops and classes, wide variety of assignments, working in special locations and building a Visual Harvesting team. Travel Beside my work in Belgium, I worked in The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Wageningen, Culemborg,…) and maybe I need to think about subscribing to a frequent flyer program. I’ve been invited to work in Turkey (Istanbul), Estionia (Tallinn), UAE (Dubai), Sudan (Karthoum) and I travelled to the US (Pittsburgh and NYC) to reconnect with my tribe at the IFVP-conference. Unusual, interesting places and an unexpected experience Classes and workshops Spreading the word in different countries, lot’s of enthusiast participants and I’m happy to see their results in the field. A variety of assignments Visual Harvesting Team

What Makes A Good Data Visualization? Hi there. I’m David McCandless, creator of this site and author of two infographic mega-tomes, Information is Beautiful (2009) and Knowledge is Beautiful (2014). I’ve created a lot of data and information visualizations. Around 540 over six years. (An eye-bleeding, marriage-crumpling average of 1.7 per week). There are 196 in my new book, Knowledge is Beautiful (out now). This graphic visualises the four elements I think are necessary for a successful “good” visualization. i.e. one that works. All four elements in his graphic seem essential. See how, interestingly, if you combine information & function & visual form without story, you get “boring”. Similarly, if you combine visuals, information & story without considering functionality and your goal, you get something useless. These elements form the backbone of my process and also what I teach in my dataviz workshops. I’m not really a follow-this-system type of person. Thanks, David

amazon CoRT Thinking Programme | de Bono The CoRT Thinking Programme (CoRT) is a simple and practical tool based framework specifically designed to teach thinking as a basic skill. The CoRT Thinking Programme is divided into six sections, each of which deals with one aspect of thinking. Each section contains ten lessons. The six sections of the CoRT Thinking Programme do not need to be used or taught in sequence. Each section is specifically designed to develop different skills in Thinking. As a whole the CoRT Thinking Programme offers 60 powerful tools to direct and support thinking and to broaden the cognitive map in any situation. CoRT 1 – Breadth – Directional Thinking / Broadening Perception Broadens perception by demonstrating a number of different directions thinking can follow. CoRT 2 – Organisation – Organising Thinking Shows users how they can organize their thinking so that it can be used in a deliberate and productive manner. CoRT 6 – Action – Operative Thinking Thinking in action.

Xiaoji Chen's Design Weblog Senseable City Lab partnered with GE to create new ways of understanding human health. Our team created a disease network by analyzing data from over 7.2 million anonymized electronic medical records, taken from between January 2005 and July 2010, across the United States. Barabasi’s lab has published their disease networks generated by genetic similarity in 2007. In our first attempt, diseases/disorders are considered associated if a patient has got them at the same time or sequentially. The resulting network gives us new insight as to how closely connected some seemingly un-related health conditions might be. I made this interactive map for the general public to browse the data. Artiss YouTube Embed: The YouTube ID of ln6arKcE99E is invalid. It is a huge network. The network vis was made with Flex and the visualization library Flare, and the user interface with Flash CS4. Tools used: Flash, Flex, Flare, R

Mensen over de streep trekken met creatieve technieken - Daretoo Mensen over de streep trekken met creatieve technieken Maak je verhaal visueel! Mensen willen liever niets verkocht krijgen. Niet in letterlijke zin en niet in figuurlijke zin. Als beoogd koper in een verkoopgesprek zitten is niet de fijnste bezigheid van de dag. En daar sta jij dan, want jij wilt wel iets verkopen of gedaan krijgen. Probeer het eens met een visueel verhaal. Een visueel verhaal vertellen Mensen zijn dol op verhalen. Een whiteboard op schoot- of tafelformaat, waarop je het verhaal kunt verbeelden en kunt laten groeien.Meerdere whiteboard stiften in verschillende kleuren en een veger.Jouw boodschap die je goed in je hoofd hebt, eventueel met meerdere scenario’s.De bereidheid om te luisteren en ruimte te geven Vooraf bedenk je wat je wilt vertellen en hoe je dat in beeld kunt brengen met een paar simpele schetsen. Vervolgens geef je je gesprekspartner ruimte om elementen aan het getekende verhaal toe te voegen. De grote voordelen van een visueel verhaal

Visual Thinking What is Visual Thinking? Visual thinking is a way to organize your thoughts and improve your ability to think and communicate. It’s a great way to convey complex or potentially confusing information. It’s also about using tools — like pen and paper, index cards and software tools — to externalize your internal thinking processes, making them more clear, explicit and actionable. Why is Visual Thinking important? There’s more information at your fingertips than ever before, and yet people are overwhelmed by it. But can I do this? Drawing is a natural process for thinking, exploring ideas and learning. “I’m no artist” “I can’t draw a straight line” “I can’t draw a stick figure” This is a fallacy. Don’t believe me? Visual Thinking basics In this 20-minute video I share some basics of visual thinking that will get you up and running in about 20 minutes. How to know what to draw Visual thinking reading list.

Visual Thinking en Educación (1ª edición) Descripción general El Visual Thinking o Pensamiento visual es una herramienta que permite un acercamiento a la realidad a partir de la visualización organizada de ideas expresadas en forma de dibujos sencillos acompañados por algunas frases o palabras clave. Hasta la irrupción de las tecnologías en la escuela, el aprendizaje se ha basado fundamentalmente en textos tanto escritos como orales que han sido el vehículo principal para la transmisión del conocimiento. Con la aparición de la radio y la televisión el siglo pasado se inicia una lenta incorporación del lenguaje audiovisual a los procesos de aprendizaje que se generan en la escuela. La introducción de las nuevas tecnologías en el aula provoca un nuevo escenario pedagógico que demanda nuevas herramientas que enriquezcan el proceso de aprendizaje y amplíen las posibilidades de leer y crear mensajes. Objetivos Al finalizar el MOOC “Visual Thinking en Educación” habrás aprendido a: Y además habrás: Competencia Digital Docente Coordinación

untitled Whois AnalyticsZone Blog Guest post by Noah Iliinsky, IBM visualization luminary. This is a continuation of a series of posts covering the Four Pillars of Visualization. If you haven't done so already, please read the introductory post and the post, "Purpose: the bedrock of an effective visualization." Now that we have determined our purpose (the why of this visualization) we can start thinking about what we want to visualize. To figure out what to include, we look to our purpose to tell us the most important data points and relationships. We want this visualization to enable the following actions/decisions: _____ To do this, it needs to be able to answer these questions: _____ To answer those questions, we need to display these data types: _____ As you're selecting data to display, resist the urge to show everything all at once: remember that extra information is the same thing as noise. Here are two examples of why focus is often better. Instead, let's consider a more focused view.

