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Template Toolkit Home Page Pinspire -디자인 검색 Apple app Pinspire iPhone app is here. Browse and share your pins, repin and create boards, and upload photos directly. All for free. 로그인 About Contact 컬렉션 전체 Repin x 확인 취소 추가 인터넷에 마음에 드는 사진이 있으세요? Pin It 북마크를 통해 Pinspire 컬렉션에 Pin하세요! Pin 추가하기 웹사이트 URL 주소를 입력하고 Pin하고 싶은 이미지를 선택하세요 Pin 올리기 컴퓨터에서 파일 업로드 Pin 컬렉션 만들기 새 컬렉션을 만드세요 Pin 추가하기 Select Collection: 다음 중 선택해주세요… +Pin 컬렉션 만들기 Or create a new collection Pin Description: 이미지에 대한 설명을 적어주세요! Price: Facebook 메시지 Pin 컬렉션 만들기 컬렉션 제목 카테고리 Pin 허용 설정 컬렉션 수정 Collection Description New collection description 컬렉션 삭제 Pin 수정 Pin 삭제 Repin Pin 올리기 이 Pin을 친구들과도 공유해보세요! 좋아요 내용 없음 UX / UI / Design 102 of 203 KimLeon 197 일 전에 Pin되었습니다 , 출처 Papers - Your personal library of research Intérêt du Personnal Knowledge Management en organisation Résumé : Un grand mérite de la Gestion Personnelle des Connaissances* (PKM) est de remettre l’utilisateur au centre du dispositif KM. Certes ses enjeux en organisation paraissent modestes relativement à d'autres leviers d'action KM. Mais, peu coûteux en moyens, le PKM permet d'obtenir des résultats rapides auprès des opérationnels. Idéal pour le Knowledge Manager qui doit d'abord faire ses preuves. I. Les promoteurs du PKM n'hésitent pas à s'opposer aux approches centrées sur la codification ou sur l'échange de connaissances. La surabondance d’informations est l'obstacle majeur rencontré par un grand nombre de collaborateurs. Le PKM se distingue en apportant des outils et des méthodes applicablespar l'opérationnel, pour l'opérationnel, à son niveau individuel. II. Le PKM optimise donc le travail de consommation des informations et des connaissances. III. Le PKM est donc une corde parmi d'autres à l'arc du Knowledge Manager.

Beware of soapy frogs: Using IET (ISCSI Enterprise Target) for Windows Server Backup Windows Server Backup in win2k8 server is fantastic - it's a consistent, snapshot-based automatic backup system capable of full disaster recovery / bare metal restore. I'm not a huge fan of much of the way the Windows servers work, but the backup setup is fantastic. With one wee flaw... Manual backups may be made to a network share, or to a local volume then copied to a network share. Unfortunately, automatic scheduled backups require direct access to a drive, they won't work on a mounted NTFS volume or on a network share. I could run a FireWire 800 drive over cat5e to the near-site backup location, but that's surprisingly expensive to do, especially as I want redundant storage to protect against pesky HDD failures. The solution: Win2k8 has a built-in iSCSI initiator. Security notice It would be a very good idea to enable mutual authentication, but by time of writing I was unable to get it working. Configuring the iSCSI target First, install the ISCSI Enterprise Target software (IET):

Pinspire -디자인 검색 Apple app Pinspire iPhone app is here. Browse and share your pins, repin and create boards, and upload photos directly. 로그인 About Contact 컬렉션 전체 Repin x 확인 취소 추가 인터넷에 마음에 드는 사진이 있으세요? Pin It 북마크를 통해 Pinspire 컬렉션에 Pin하세요! Pin 추가하기 웹사이트 URL 주소를 입력하고 Pin하고 싶은 이미지를 선택하세요 Pin 올리기 컴퓨터에서 파일 업로드 Pin 컬렉션 만들기 새 컬렉션을 만드세요 Pin 추가하기 Select Collection: 다음 중 선택해주세요… +Pin 컬렉션 만들기 Or create a new collection Pin Description: 이미지에 대한 설명을 적어주세요! Price: Facebook 메시지 Pin 컬렉션 만들기 컬렉션 제목 카테고리 Pin 허용 설정 컬렉션 수정 Collection Description New collection description 컬렉션 삭제 Pin 수정 Pin 삭제 Repin Pin 올리기 이 Pin을 친구들과도 공유해보세요! 좋아요 내용 없음 UX / UI / Design 82 of 203 KimLeon 208 일 전에 Pin되었습니다 , 출처 Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on stumbleupon Share on tumblr More Sharing Services 0 JungNan onto Graphic Design 박남이 onto UI / UX

Comprehensive Comparison of Reference Managers: Mendeley vs. Zotero vs. Docear Which one is the best reference management software? That’s a question any student or researcher should think about quite carefully, because choosing the best reference manager may save lots of time and increase the quality of your work significantly. So, which reference manager is best? Zotero? In this Blog-post, we compare Zotero, Mendeley, and Docear and we hope that the comparison helps you to decide which of the reference managers is best for you. Please note that we only compared about 50 high-level features and used a simple rating scheme in the summary table. Please note that the developers of all three tools constantly improve their tools and add new features. The table above provides an overview of how Zotero, Mendeley, and Docear support you in various tasks, how open and free they are, etc. If you don’t want to read a lot, just jump to the summary We believe that a reference manager should offer more features than simple reference management. Operating Systems & Languages

Mind Mapping Software – Productivity, Planning, Learning, Communication PubsSPs NIST uses three NIST Special Publication subseries to publish computer/cyber/information security and guidelines, recommendations and reference materials: SP 800, Computer Security (December 1990-present): NIST's primary mode of publishing computer/cyber/information security guidelines, recommendations and reference materials (SP 800s are also searchable in the NIST Library Catalog); SP 1800, NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guides (2015-present): A new subseries created to complement the SP 800s; targets specific cybersecurity challenges in the public and private sectors; practical, user-friendly guides to facilitate adoption of standards-based approaches to cybersecurity; SP 500, Computer Systems Technology (January 1977-present): A general IT subseries used more broadly by NIST's Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), this page lists selected SP 500s related to NIST's computer security efforts. Note: Publications that link to will redirect to another NIST website.

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BBEdit 10 BBEdit 12 It doesn’t suck.® BBEdit is the leading professional HTML and text editor for macOS. BBEdit offers a 30-day evaluation period. After the evaluation period, you may re-enable all of BBEdit’s exclusive features at any time by purchasing a license or by subscribing in the Mac App Store. With BBEdit, you can… An intelligent interface provides easy access to BBEdit’s best-of-class features. Take a tour! What’s new in BBEdit 12? Lots. Where can I learn more? Take the full feature tour, or see a detailed list of changes in BBEdit 12 and later. How do I get BBEdit 12? Download it and dive in! If you previously purchased a license: Mac App Store customers please note: when installing BBEdit 12 from the Mac App Store, you will start a new 30-day evaluation period. BBEdit 12 System Requirements

Modern Microprocessors - A 90-Minute Guide! WARNING: This article is meant to be informal and fun! Okay, so you're a CS graduate and you did a hardware course as part of your degree, but perhaps that was a few years ago now and you haven't really kept up with the details of processor designs since then. In particular, you might not be aware of some key topics that developed rapidly in recent times... pipelining (superscalar, OOO, VLIW, branch prediction, predication) multi-core and simultaneous multi-threading (SMT, hyper-threading) SIMD vector instructions (MMX/SSE/AVX, AltiVec, NEON) caches and the memory hierarchy Fear not! But be prepared – this article is brief and to-the-point. More Than Just Megahertz The first issue that must be cleared up is the difference between clock speed and a processor's performance. Table 1 – Processor performance circa 1997. A 200 MHz MIPS R10000, a 300 MHz UltraSPARC and a 400 MHz Alpha 21164 were all about the same speed at running most programs, yet they differed by a factor of two in clock speed.
