Web Social VS Apple Web Social VS Apple Depuis quelques semaines, le web social ressemble à une fourmilière en effervescence lorsqu’il s’agit de parler du prochain iPhone qui devrait être annoncé le 12 Septembre 2012 (Lire : La keynote d’Apple du 12 Septembre 2012). Tiens, on me dis dans l’oreillette que c’est pour demain d’ailleurs ! A vrai dire, cela a commencé le 11 Juin 2012 avec la keynote d’Apple nous présentant les nouveautés d’iOS6 (Lire : iPhone 5 : les nouveautés d’iOS6). Les séries de questionnements, d’affabulations et/ou de vérités étoffés par les internautes (Lire : Apple, ou le marketing by customers) ont donc commencées il y a pile poil trois mois. Trois mois que le web social est en ébullition que ce soit au niveau de la presse et des articles de blogs, des prototypes fabriqués mais surtout au niveau des commentaires laissés par les internautes sur les articles du web. La rédaction web : l’étincelle ! Les prototypes : l’alimentation… Les internautes : débats et autres joutes verbales
'Three formats cannot be played in equal numbers' | Cricket Features | Global Rahul Dravid's speech at the Bradman Oration in Canberra, in which he covered issues from flaws in cricket scheduling to the need for cricketers to be more transparent Thank you for inviting me to deliver the Bradman Oration; the respect and the regard that came with the invitation to speak tonight, is deeply appreciated. I realise a very distinguished list of gentlemen have preceded me in the ten years that the Bradman Oration has been held. Yet, but first before all else, I must say that I find myself humbled by the venue we find ourselves in. Yes, we cricketers devote the better part of our adult lives to being prepared to perform for our countries, to persist and compete as intensely as we can - and more. The people of both our countries are often told that cricket is the one thing that brings Indians and Australians together. India's first Test series as a free country was played against Australia in November 1947, three months after our independence.
Startup entrepreneurs are ‘arrogant and psychopathic’ The startup economy is well-known for lauding the most successful young entrepreneurs, those twenty-somethings who are turned into millionaires — or even billionaires — through their exploits. Yet there are also plenty of stories about the bad behavior and kill-or-be-killed attitudes that often emerge inside startups. That’s no coincidence, say a pair of German academics. In an interview in Germany’s Der Spiegel, Dominik Schwarzinger and Matthias Kramer, who are researching the entrepreneurial personality, say that borderline personality disorders can actually be crucial elements behind startup success. As part of a study that has been underway since 2009, the duo suggest that there are several traits that may be highly unpleasant in ordinary life but can help startups succeed. In many ways, this is no revelation. The duo admit that in most cases, these are not full blown personality disorders (hence the “sub-clinical”) and merely trends.
What You Can Learn From Apple Product Design When you mention education technology, you’re likely to hear about Apple, Google, and basically everything else. In that order. So why all the fuss about Apple in the classroom? The tech behemoth has made huge inroads into education and they’re going to be around for quite awhile. One of the biggest reasons they’re such a big part of education might be Apple product design. So what can we learn from Apple’s product design? Use the following video to help understand the current state of Apple products, how you can think twice about designing something, and what it means to ‘design like Apple.’ Ten Principles to Live by in Fiercely Complex Times - Tony Schwartz by Tony Schwartz | 10:08 AM July 12, 2011 If you’re like most people I work with in companies, the demands come at you from every angle, all day long, and you have to make difficult decisions without much time to think about them. What enduring principles can you rely on to make choices that reflect openness, integrity and authenticity? Here are ten that work for me: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
What’s the worst thing that can happen? « Startup Marketing Lessons Learnt Matthieu Ricard - Happiest man in the world You have been there too, in a similar situation, I am sure. For me, there is this startup I am running called Buffer. What used to happen, is that I would think the world collapses. What I found is, we keep thinking about that terrible situation, but we don’t think about that big thing in our head and why it is even there. A quote I found most accurate is this one: Worrying is interest paid on a debt that you might never owe. Whilst we keep worrying about the situation, that big thing in our heads is possibly something completely unnecessary. “Joel’s exercise” to battle tough situations The one thing that helped me the most is something I have started to call “Joel’s exercise”. Joel would in every case keep a calm mind and just say:”Let’s think about it, what’s the worst thing that can happen?” Happiness is a skill, not a state “Happiness – in essence, is not a state, but a skill to be learned.” So yes, we have to practice being happy.
[News] Le sens du détail toujours présent chez Apple La keynote d’Apple qui se déroulera après demain (Lire : La keynote d’Apple du 12 Septembre 2012) se situera comme chaque année au Yerba Buena Center, à San Francisco. Pour l’occasion, les couleurs ont été mises à l’honneur via un drap affiché sur le bâtiment : Beaucoup d’internautes se sont demandés pourquoi une telle palette graphique avait prit position de cette manière sur la place de la conférence et c’est finalement un passant du forum MacRumors qui a trouvé l’astuce ! Si l’on écrase cette image sur la hauteur, on arrive en effet à : Chaque morceau d’image correspondant donc à un logo, à une application de l’Apple Store, de gauche à droite : Musique ?, Game Center, iTunes, Bourse, ? Il semble étrange que des applications soit en double dans cette fresque, il nous manque d’ailleurs toujours l’une d’entre elle si l’on ne veut pas dire trois au total… Seriez-vous capable de les reconnaitre ? Kevin Poudoulec - Fondateur
How Israel turned itself into a high-tech hub 22 November 2011Last updated at 00:12 By Katia Moskvitch Technology reporter, BBC News, Tel Aviv WATCH: How did Israel establish itself as a fertile ground for hi-tech start-up companies? When a grey-haired grandmother clutching a smartphone mounted the stage at Montreal's Start-up Festival this summer, young Israeli entrepreneur Guy Rosen knew he had pocketed a very special award. His company, Tel Aviv-based Onavo, offers an application that shrinks mobile phone data to help users save money - and appeals to any age. Standing in his office in Tel Aviv, Mr Rosen recalls the moment: "They went on stage and said: 'We love Onavo and we understand what it does... it is such an easy app to understand' - we just save money, that's it, period, they loved us." Guy Rosen is one of Israel's many young, enthusiastic entrepreneurs who, fresh out of the army, decided to set up a tech firm. Formula for success In 2010 alone the flow of venture capital amounted to $884m (£558m). Government's role Lost decade
The Ultimate Guide To Apple’s Presence In Education Added by Jeff Dunn on 2012-08-31 All eyes are on education right now. Whether it’s in the political theater or the venture capitalists, everyone has set their sights on the future leaders of tomorrow. Some companies, like Apple , have long realized the potential of this demographic and have specifically targeted them with iPads, iPod Touches, and other devices . In an effort to share exactly how Apple is targeting students, MDG Advertising whipped up a thought-provoking infographic. Smart devices are having a real impact on both literacy and learning levels. Awesome Apple logo via DeviantArt Comments are closed.
Generation Y Is Born To Startup Every generation rebels against their parents. When parents approve, their offspring disapproves. Parent says black, adolescent teen says white. Psychologists who are expert in these matters explain that rebellion is a factor in establishing identity. It’s part of the journey of growing up -- personalities are taking shape and a sense of self is being nurtured. Even if you haven’t quite worked out what you want, it helps to know what you don’t want. But the times seem to be a-changing, yet again. Our conventional views of rebellion have been summed up in iconic images: think Marlon Brando wearing a leather jacket astride a Triumph Thunderbird motorcycle in 'The Wild Ones.' A quick visit to Facebook will show you just how many teens have begun selling products on their pages. Every day I’m contacted by at least 100 kids asking for advice on starting their own businesses. You have nothing to lose You have no mortgage, you have no husband or wife to support.
Apple : son historique, le pourquoi de son appellation Apple : son historique, le pourquoi de son appellation Tout le monde connait l’entreprise Apple, qui est l’entreprise qui a révolutionné le monde du mobile notamment grâce à l’iPhone et à l’iPad. Attention, j’ai bien dis « révolutionné » et non que cette entreprise était aujourd’hui la meilleure dans ce domaine ( en fait si mais chut ). Google avec Android fait son bout de chemin également, mais on ne peut nier le fait qu’Apple soit à l’origine de cette avancée technologique proposé au plus grand nombre. Bref, tout le monde connait Apple, mais voici un petit cours de culture générale sur cette société que tout le monde connait sans pour autant avoir chercher à en savoir plus à son sujet Historique Apple Computer est une société vendant des ordinateurs créée le 1er Avril 1976 et mis juridiquement sous la forme de société le 3 Janvier 1977. On ne peut pas parler d’Apple sans parler de Steve Jobs. Pourquoi Apple ? Kevin Poudoulec - Fondateur