Mixx - Latest news and top videos and photos from around the web Clipmarks - What are you finding on the web? Slashdot Stories (10) How to Be Happy in Life? | Happiness is a Choice Written by Naren on October 31, 2008 I am reminded of an incident from my childhood and I think it makes sense to include it in this article. Whenever I used to get ill, my mom used to give me so much care and attention that I got a little spoiled. I started taking advantage of the situation, and sometimes just pretended to have a headache or fever. I loved it when I was the center of attraction and getting anything I wanted. And, it is true that many of us also apply this trick, whenever we can, to gather sympathy and care from the others. This game that we have learned as a child is one main reason why we choose to be sad and miserable instead of happy. The second important factor is that when people see others happy, they tend to get jealous -- because it reminds them of their own inner misery. However, when we are feeling sad or something bad has happened to us, lots of our friends console us with their words of comfort. So, how can we overcome this and be happy in life? Conclusion
Today's Most Popular Study Guides The Next Big Web Thing Google © 2021 - Privacy - Terms Skimit - Home - Visually bookmark options you are considering fo Eckhardt Tolle : Practicando el Poder del Ahora Eckhardt Tolle : Practicando el poder del Ahora Más allá de la miríada de formas de vida que están sujetas al nacimiento y a la muerte existe la Vida Una, eterna y omnipresente. Muchas personas utilizan la palabra Dios para describirla, pero yo suelo llamarla Ser. La palabra Ser no explica nada, pero la palabra Dios tampoco. Por eso sólo hay un pequeño paso entre la palabra Ser y la experiencia del Ser. EL SER NO SÓLO ES TRASCENDENTE; TAMBIÉN IMPREGNA PROFUNDAMENTE cada forma, y su esencia es invisible e indestructible. Sólo puedes conocerlo dejando la mente en silencio. La iluminación es recuperar la conciencia del Ser y residir en ese estado de «sensación-realización». La palabra iluminación suscita la idea de un logro sobrehumano, y al ego le gusta que sea así; pero no es más que tu estado natural en el que sientes la unidad con el Ser. La incapacidad de sentir esta conexión crea la ilusión de que estás separado de ti mismo y del mundo que te rodea. Empiezas a despertar.
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but to each their own.in the end i just want the world to be a better place by randyindiego Nov 21
by randyindiego Nov 21
we are learning more and more everyday how governments are corrupt thanks to recently leaked files by randyindiego Nov 21
obviously governments are nervous about the public reaction so are weary to release all of the truth they have hidden away by randyindiego Nov 21
by randyindiego Nov 21
i too use to scoff at the idea of aliens but once you honestly open your eyes and mind. a nasa scientist wrote a book claiming to have found life on mars and has pictures as well by randyindiego Nov 21
why are you so egotystical to believe we are the only life in this infinite universe? by randyindiego Nov 21
no there are countless testimonies, eye witness accounts, stonehenge, pyrimids, top military officails have confessed as well by randyindiego Nov 21
actually that says science rejects that the earth is hollow, so why would i believe it is, that like the cop out "faith"-the belief in something that is not there. by randyindiego Nov 21
All you have successfully proven is that you clearly have no understanding of how the scientific method or critical thinking works. Congratulations randy, you're as uninformed as the religious zealots. Since you'll believe anything, here is "proof" that the Earth is hollow: by jmile69 Nov 21
proof cannabis is safer than alcohol by randyindiego Nov 21
proof our monetary system is not run by our govt by a rivate corporation, the federal reserve: by randyindiego Nov 21
proof that religion is false: by randyindiego Nov 21
jfk was inside job proof: by randyindiego Nov 21