Proposal for MIT Global Environment Initiative seeks public comment As the world’s population continues to expand, our natural resources will become increasingly strained. In an effort to find sustainable solutions for the planet’s growing population while minimizing environmental impacts, MIT’s Environmental Research Council (ERC) has put forward a detailed implementation plan to establish a Global Environmental Initiative to complement the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI). The interdisciplinary, faculty-led council presented the plan to the MIT community last Thursday in a forum held at the Kirsch Auditorium in the Stata Center. Council members outlined an initiative that would bring together MIT’s “core strengths” across campus to help solve the world’s pressing environmental challenges, from mitigating climate change to curbing contamination and maintaining fresh water supplies. In the areas of climate and oceans, MIT already has a strong foundation of interdisciplinary collaboration.
Academic Earth | Online Courses | Academic Video Lectures psychotrope Rating: 3.7/5 (20 votes cast) Molécule de caféine (Wikipedia) Est-il vrai qu’un sachet de thé trempé une 2e fois ne contient plus de théine? L’effet sur l’homme de la caféine provenant du thé est plus doux et plus progressif que celle provenant du café. Comme dirait notre ami Marc Montangero Que se passe-t-il chimiquement? La toile d’araignée sous caféine (Wikipedia) La caféine est une molécule de la famille des méthylxanthines et la plupart des méthylxanthines sont utilisées comme pesticides aussi bien par l’homme que par les plantes elles-mêmes. Avez-vous déjà vu cette image de la toile d’une araignée qui a pris de la caféine? Certains plus grands animaux sont également très sensibles à la caféine, qui est carrément toxique pour les chevaux et les chiens (comme la théobromine pour ces derniers, qu’on trouve dans le chocolat) Et chez nous autres ? Les effets physiologiques de la caféine chez l’humain Deuxième surprise, les plus gros consommateurs ne sont pas ceux qu’on croit! Sources:
Sustainable Development – Earth Charter Initiative Principle 14 of the Earth Charter emphasizes the importance of “Integrating into…education and life-long learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life”. Education is fundamental to the mission of Earth Charter Initiative. ECI has therefore created the Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development at the University for Peace in Costa Rica. The Earth Charter Center’s mission is the same as the Earth Charter Initiative’s, “…to promote the transition to sustainable ways of living and a global society founded on a shared ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, universal human rights, respect for diversity, economic justice, democracy and a culture of peace.”, with a special focus on education. The Earth Charter Center for ESD: What is Education for Sustainable Development? Read the Journal on ESD, September 2010; 4(2) issue, dedicated to the Earth Charter.
MIT World | Distributed Intelligence Business Communication for Success About the Author Scott McLean is the Shadle-Edgecombe Endowed Faculty Chair at Arizona Western College. He serves as the professor of speech communication with an emphasis in business communication for a combined campus partnership with the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University–Yuma. Scott is the author of The Basics of Speech Communication and The Basics of Interpersonal Communication, both currently published by Allyn & Bacon. Beyond his classroom experience, Scott regularly serves as a communications advisor to the industry. Scott studied at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and at Washington State University’s Edward R.
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