Introduction 5e by laurence.langlois-bluem on Genial.ly Introducing a schoolfriend's likes and dislikes,Activities IN class ,My mission,Getting to know each other,World café Matching exercise and memory gameDiscovering British teens' likes and dislikesSpeed-meetingOral and written presentation of a schoolfriend,My diary,My working plan,Help box and training,INTRODUCTION,1,2,4,FINAL CRITERIA,3,BONUS,WATCH,5,What is a World café?
London by dennisamargos789 on Genially LONDON,Tower Bridge is built between 1886 and 1894. The bridge crosses the River Thames close to the Tower of London and has become an iconic symbol of London.,Tower Bridge,The London Eye, is a observation wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London. It is Europe's tallest observation wheel, and is the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom. Chapter 2 – Let’s Hit the Road! – Keep calm, learn english and have fun! Into the Wild, trailer. Wild, trailer. America, Here We Come! Travel blog here. On the Road! 12 Eco-friendly travel tips here and a blog of eco-friendly travelers here. « So much plastic » video in ocean of Bali. Video on Tourist plastic pollution in the mediterranean sea. Man, Steve Cutts. Wake up call, Steve Cutts. Mobile World, Steve Cutts. Heal the World, Michael Jackson. WordPress: J’aime chargement…
Uncanny Canada (séquence voyage) – It's English O'Clock! Je pensais que cette année allait être celle de l’Australie (car je n’ai jamais traité ce thème pour le moment) mais entre l’Afrique du Sud, l’Australie et le Canada, ils ont choisi le Canada. Retrouvez dans cette séquence des documents authentiques, cela a été un vrai régal de la créér. Je remercie Adeline Holmes pour l’idée des working holidays. Je vous préviens tout de suite, j’ai failli acheter à plusieurs reprises des billets d’avion pour Alberta lors de la création de cette séquence. Séance 1 : J’ai failli prendre mon premier billet d’avion lorsque j’ai trouvé cette vidéo qui est devenue mon anticipation de séquence. Séance 2 : Pas d’anticipation pour cette séance, je vais donner une brochure faite maison à mes élèves. Séance 3 : Compréhension écrite à partir d’un billet trouvé sur un blog qui comporte quelques occurrences du present perfect. Séance 4 : Séance spéciale sur le présent perfect qui viendra suite à l’article (voir séance précédente).
Mrs Recht's Virtual Classroom Teaching Resources Yet to be added Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Homeschool, Staff, Not Grade Specific English Language Arts, Creative Writing, Reading, Grammar, Spelling, Vocabulary, Specialty, Math, Social Studies - History, Civics, Elections - Voting, U.S. History, World History, Arts & Music, Art History, Physical Education, EFL - ESL - ELD, British History, Geography, Other (Social Studies - History), Other (ELA), Life Skills, Gifted and Talented, For All Subject Areas, Literature, Classroom Management, Professional Development, School Counseling, Basic Reading, Short Stories, Writing, Reading Strategies, Writing-Essays, Holidays/Seasonal, Back to School, Thanksgiving, Christmas/ Chanukah/ Kwanzaa, Poetry, Autumn, Halloween, Winter, The New Year, Valentine's Day, Presidents' Day, Black History Month, St. Patrick's Day, Informational Text, For Administrators, End of Year, Phonics, Close Reading, Women's History Month, Classroom Community
Les sports britanniques: Rugby, cricket... | EF English Live Blog Comme vous le savez sans doute, les Britanniques ont inventé de très nombreux sports, comme notamment le football. Nous nous intéresserons aujourd’hui à d’autres sports, peut-être un peu moins connus, qui trouvent également leur origine dans les îles britanniques. Connaissances indispensables pour toute personne qui suit des cours d’anglais! Cricket Le cricket est-il toujours un sport de gentleman ? C’est un sport qui ressemble à : une version très atténuée du base-ballChaque équipe comporte : 11 joueurs (tous habituellement vêtus de blanc)Ce sport se pratique : sur une vaste pelouse ronde, parfaitement tondue ou sur un grand champ, avec une partie centrale encore mieux tondue. Rugby Il existe trois sortes de rugby de compétition : le rugby à XV (qui est la forme la plus populaire), le rugby à XIII et le rugby à sept. Curling On dit que ce sport étrange aurait été inventé en Écosse, à la fin du Moyen-Âge. C’est un sport qui ressemble à : un brossage du sol très vigoureux sur de la glace.
New York, New York C. Rollo Mila Studio, NY map She left a message, she is playing hide-and-seek... I don't likethis game because I don't have a good sense of direction. Can you help me find her? Nina has disappeared... Hey Christine,You know I like playing games and today's game is: Hide and Seek! Hello young lady,Do you know me? What is thismonument? LOOK! Who built the Statue of Liberty? The statue was a gift from the people of France.What does the statue represent? Hey Christine,I'm happy you found my book. Who built the Statue of Liberty? The statue was a gift from the people of France.What does the statue represent? What an immense place! Watch for 2mns 10 BEST THINGS TO DO & EAT in CONEY ISLAND | Brooklyn , New York ( There's nothing here :( Oh yes,Times Square you're right There's nothing here in...What's the name of thisplace? Oh yes,The Brooklyn Bridge you're right There is no message fromNina here, on the.... Let's go inside! Creation: 1872 1959 1997 1930 Price: 39$ 25$ 117$ Free
Mercantilism - 8th Grade Social Studies Mercantilism became popular in Europe in the 1500s and was the primary reason behind Europe’s desire to colonize new lands.The theory of mercantilism states that there is a certain amount of wealth and riches in the world and that it is in a nation’s best interest to accumulate it. Through wealth, a nation can achieve power. A country achieves wealth by producing and exporting more goods than it imports (having a favorable balance of trade). These manufactured goods must be sold at a profit for wealth to accumulate.Profits are made when a country spends a small amount of money on raw materials needed to create a product and sells the manufactured goods for a high price. It is easy to see how a new colony in North America would be the perfect place for Europeans to find a steady supply of new raw materials. Here's an example.
Final Task: Pop Art – EASY-PEASY you can not hand this in on the 13th of November, if you try you will have a very bad grade! you can choose. You can take the first task or the second one. You do only one! be creative create a pop art andy warhol style convert and create an artwork create a street art artwork to help you with correct writing and spelling with MS word: “révision” puis “langue”, select “definir la langue de verification”, choose “English” grammar and spelling a free version to help you say it correctly text reader reads what you have written that helps for a good pronunciation, it is only for training, you must record your voice. to record yourself audacity your phone or tablet has a microphone good grammar: good vocabulary: j’utilise un maximum de mots du lexique page 158 du livre.je varie mes tournures de phrase, et j’utilise des connecteurs courant comme: because/ that’s why, and, or, but etc… realisation de la tache – 5 pts la syntaxe – 5 pts l’ordre des mots dans la phrasela place des adjectifsles temps utilisés