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EOS Directory

EOS Directory

Find Open Source Alternatives to commercial sof... Cloud computing and open source face-off | Enterprise Web 2.0 | Cloud computing remains one of the big topics in software this year despite considerable and ongoing concerns over lock-in, lack of control, and security. The siren song of ease-of-development, reduced costs, highly elastic scalability, and next-generation architectures has many in IT and in the Web community carefully weighing the benefits and risks. This puts open source on individual installations at a distinct disadvantage with the cloud. Dana Blankenhorn's coverage last week ("IBM expects Linux to make money") of that company's re-emphasized focus on the bottom line with open source puts cloud economics on the front line of major computing vendors: IBM is tightly focused on server sales and the development of clouds, which can be sold, rented, or deliver profitable services.For cloud computing, “why wouldn’t you run it on Linux?” And Linux will make IBM money when used in cloud-based products which are metered to customers, often by the hour. A cloud cooperative.

funambol :: mobile open source Avec FOSSology, HP traque l'Open Source dans les systèmes d Confronté à des problèmes de gestion de licences, HP a développé un outil interne pour traquer les logiciels Open Source qu'il utilise. Et le met gratuitement à la disposition de tous. Comme toutes les grandes sociétés, le système d'informations d'HP regorge de logiciels divers et variés, notamment en Open Source. Or savoir quelle licence s'applique à quelle partie du SI relève parfois du vrai casse-tête. Les développeurs d'HP ont donc conçu un produit maison, nommé FOSSology, qui - à la manière de Black Duck - retrouve les logiciels Open Source installés dans un système d'informations et en analyse le code source pour savoir quelles sont les licences utilisées.

BerliOS Licenza pubblica generica (GPL) del progetto GNU Questa è una traduzione italiana non ufficiale della Licenza Pubblica Generale GNU. Non è pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation e non ha valore legale nell'esprimere i termini di distribuzione del software che usa la licenza GPL. Solo la versione originale in inglese della licenza ha valore legale. Ad ogni modo, speriamo che questa traduzione aiuti le persone di lingua italiano a capire meglio il significato della licenza GPL. This is an unofficial translation of the GNU General Public License into Italian. It was not published by the Free Software Foundation, and does not legally state the distribution terms for software that uses the GNU GPL – only the original English text of the GNU GPL does that. Versione 2, Giugno 1991 Copyright © 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Traduzione curata dal gruppo Pluto e da ILS, ultimo aggiornamento, 30 luglio 1998. Preambolo Appendice: come applicare questi termini ai nuovi programmi

Open Source Living Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Edi...
