background preloader - Simply the Web's Best Financial Charts - Simply the Web's Best Financial Charts Index:Baltic Dry Index - BDI (BALDRY) The Baltic Dry Index is a daily average of prices to ship raw materials. It represents the cost paid by an end customer to have a shipping company transport raw materials across seas on the Baltic Exchange, the global marketplace for brokering shipping contracts. The index is quoted every working day at 1300 London time. This index can be used as an overall economic indicator as it shows where end prices are heading for items that use the raw materials that are shipped in dry bulk. Composition of the Index What the Index Means To Investors Economic Implications This index is one of the purest leading indicators of economic activity. Price Increases Passed To Businesses/Consumers In the current scenario any rise in price of consumer goods is not possible but if this trend continues for an extended period the companies tend to pass on the prices to the end users to maintain its margin Key Trends and Forces Example of Global Ports Congestion Index Report Other Indices Winners/Losers U.S.

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