TURKS :: Chronology
The Turkic speaking Uighurs were one of many distinct cultural groups brought together by the trade of the Silk Route at Turfan in Chinese Central Asia. The Uighurs, primarily pastoral nomads, observed a number of religions including Manichaeism, Buddhism, and Nestorian Christianity. Many of the artefacts from this period were found in the 19 th century in this remote desert region of China. The Seljuks were another Central Asian nomadic group. The Seljuks were Sunni Muslims . The last Seljuk sultan died in battle in 1194 when the Great Seljuks were defeated by the Mongols. These enigmatic paintings are by Muhammad Siyah Qalam – ‘Muhammad of the Black Pen’. Timur (1336-1405) is known in the west as Tamerlane. It was during Timur’s reign that the nomadic steppe culture of Central Asia fused with the settled culture of Iran. Contemporaries noted Timur’s preoccupation with history.
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Nachbildung einer Irminsul in der Kirche St.Petrus und Paulus Obermarsberg Standorte und Funktion[Bearbeiten] Irminsul-Nachbildung auf der Bornhöhe in Harbarnsen-Irmenseul Die Irminsul als Weltenbaum mit neun Ästen. Erst der Mönch Rudolf von Fulda schrieb dazu 863 in De miraculis sancti Alexandri (Kap. 3):[3] „Truncum quoque ligni non parvae magnitudinis in altum erectum sub divo colebant, patria eum lingua Irminsul appellantes, quod Latine dicitur universalis columna, quasi sustinens omnia „Sie verehrten auch unter freiem Himmel einen senkrecht aufgerichteten Baumstamm von nicht geringer Größe, den sie in ihrer Muttersprache ,Irminsul‘ nannten, was auf Lateinisch ,columna universalis‘ (dtsch. Spätmittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit[Bearbeiten] Die Irminsul nach Sebastian Münster. Schon früh begann man sich Gedanken darüber zu machen, was es mit dieser Säule wohl auf sich gehabt haben könnte. Irminsul nach Heinrich Meibom. 1612. Der Rest der Irminsul soll sich nach einer seit dem 16.
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Rome Reborn
201 Ways to Arouse Your Creativity
Arouse your creativity Electric flesh-arrows … traversing the body. A rainbow of color strikes the eyelids. A foam of music falls over the ears. It is the gong of the orgasm. ~ Anais Nin Creativity is like sex. I know, I know. The people I speak of are writers. Below, I’ve exposed some of their secret tips, methods, and techniques. Now, lie back, relax and take pleasure in these 201 provocative ways to arouse your creativity. Great hacks from Merlin Mann of 43 Folders
Enuma Elish: Babylonian Creation Myth
Dennis Bratcher The Enuma Elish is a Babylonian or Mesopotamian myth of creation recounting the struggle between cosmic order and chaos. It is basically a myth of the cycle of seasons. This version was written sometime in the 12th century BC in cuneiform on seven clay tablets. However, there are simply too many similarities to deny any relationship between the accounts. The version presented here is a combination of several translations but is substantially based on the translation of E. Tablet I The stage is set for the story. When on high the heaven had not been named, Firm ground below had not been called by name, When primordial Apsu, their begetter, And Mummu-Tiamat, she who bore them all, Their waters mingled as a single body, No reed hut had sprung forth, no marshland had appeared, None of the gods had been brought into being, And none bore a name, and no destinies determined-- Then it was that the gods were formed in the midst of heaven. "My little son, my little son!" Tablet II
Characters with Character: Random Personality Generator
If you're enjoying the content here, check out our new site, Thoughtcrime Games. Thanks for visiting! If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. I don’t know about you but when I sit down for a one-shot game with a pregen character, I can’t always come up with a unique and interesting personality on the fly. Using the Generator is a snap. Motivation: What is it that really gets your character’s motor running? Instinct: What is your character’s first reaction to a threat (physical or otherwise)? Approach: What archetype is your character best known for being? Now just because every character in D&D is combat-capable does not necessarily make them all warrior-type personalities. Carrion, Tiefling Earth WardenMotivation 3 (Information); Instinct 4 (Protect Others); Approach 10 (Disciplined Commander) Though the city of Bael Turath stands in ruins, much of the Tiefling heritage lies buried ignobly around the Known World. If you enjoyed this post, you may also enjoy:
English Monarchs - A complete history of the Kings and Queens of England.
Armenië is sinds 2001 lid van de Raad van Europa. Staatshoofd (president) is Serzj Sarkisian, regeringsleider (minister-president) Tigran Sargsian. Het land grenst aan Georgië, Azerbeidzjan, Iran en Turkije. Geschiedenis[bewerken] De tempel van Garni (1e eeuw n.Chr.) Het bergklooster van Tatev (in Syunik) Armenië is een van de oudste landen ter wereld en omvatte vroeger een veel groter gebied dan nu. Armenië is meerdere malen in zijn geschiedenis geannexeerd door buitenlandse rijken, zoals door dat van de Meden, Achaemeniden, Seleuciden, Sassaniden en verscheidene Arabische en Turkse machten zoals het Rashidun-Kalifaat en door de Seltsjoeken. In de 19e eeuw kwam een groot deel (Perzisch deel) van Armenië onder het bestuur van het Russische Rijk. In december 1988 vond er een zware aardbeving plaats in het noorden van het land. Geografie[bewerken] Armenië ligt in de Zuidelijke Kaukasus en is een land dat geheel niet aan zee ligt. Steden[bewerken] Bestuurlijke indeling[bewerken] Taal[bewerken]
"The Heroic Monomyth." Library.thinkquest.org. Webweavers, 5 Aug. 2011. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. < by gregorypeters Dec 6
The heroic monomyth, as described in this article, is the common stages of a hero’s journey that most stories follow. The journey starts with the hero/heroine being called to adventure. At first the hero will deny the claim and refuse to partake in the adventure. Later, the hero will have to overcome a few trials and tribulations that will better their character and skill set. Finally, after all is said and done, the hero will reach an understanding with himself and will be able to live freely. This resource relates to the overall plot of Super Human in many ways. One way that it relates to the book is that many of the heroes or heroines follow these specific paths. When applied to the book as a whole, one is able to predict most of the outcomes of specific situations due to the precise alignment with the monomyth. by gregorypeters Dec 4