Flipping the Classroom 4/27/2012 By: Teachers from around the world have adopted the flipped classroom model and are using it to teach a variety of courses to students of all ages. In the excerpt below from the book, Flip Your Classroom (©2012, ISTE® International Society for Technology in Education and ASCD), authors Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams outline reasons why educators should consider this model. Flipping speaks the language of today’s students. Flipping helps busy students. Flipping helps struggling students. Flipping helps students of all abilities to excel. Flipping allows students to pause and rewind their teacher. Flipping increases student–teacher interaction. Flipping changes classroom management. Flipping educates parents. Flipping makes your class transparent. Flipping is a great technique for absent teachers. Flipping can lead to the flipped-mastery program. VIDEO TIP: MAKING A ONE-TAKE VIDEO By Michael Gorman Assign the Groups In the spirit of PBL, students should be divided into groups.
TeacherBaker BAKER LibrarianAchieve 100 views of content you have shared on Edmodo Community MemberFollow a subject area community ConnectedConnect with at least 10 teachers on Edmodo Subdomain UserBelong to your school's Edmodo subdomain Verified TeacherVerify your teacher account Class BuilderHave at least 30 students join your groups About Ms. TeacherBaker BAKER Flipped 5th Grade Teacher Flipping the Class has been the greatest story of my long career in education. We are preparing students for careers which do not exist today! Coker College graduate~ Bachelor's Degree History, Physical Education minor. I have a passion for research/ learning and guiding students to discover their own unique passions within. Teachers and Students Learning Together. Here are a few of my favorite thoughts~ "Students don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." "Whether a person thinks he can or thinks he cannot, he is usually right
Should You Flip Your Classroom? At its core, "flipped instruction" refers to moving aspects of teaching out of the classroom and into the homework space. With the advent of new technologies, specifically the ability to record digitally annotated and narrated screencasts, instructional videos have become a common medium in the flipped classroom. Although not limited to videos, a flipped classroom most often harnesses different forms of instructional video published online for students. Despite recent buzz, catalyzed primarily by Salman Khan's TED talk, flipped instruction is by no means a new methodology. In the early 19th century, General Sylvanus Thayer created a system at West Point where engineering students, given a set of materials, were responsible for obtaining core content prior to coming to class. The Pros Advocates of the flipped classroom point to its potential as a time-shifting tool. And Cons Flipped Classroom in Perspective Reflection Step 1: Identify your current or desired teaching style.
Write comic instaGrok | A new way to learn Five Best Practices for the Flipped Classroom Ok, I'll be honest. I get very nervous when I hear education reformists and politicians tout how "incredible" the flipped-classroom model, or how it will "solve" many of the problems of education. It doesn't solve anything. It is a great first step in reframing the role of the teacher in the classroom. It fosters the "guide on the side" mentality and role, rather than that of the "sage of the stage." It also creates the opportunity for differentiated roles to meet the needs of students through a variety of instructional activities. 1) Need to Know How are you creating a need to know the content that is recorded? 2) Engaging Models One of the best way to create the "need to know" is to use a pedagogical model that demands this. 3) Technology What technology do you have to support the flipped classroom? 4) Reflection 5) Time and Place Do you have structures to support this? I know I may have "upset the apple cart" for those who love the flipped classroom.
blubbr - Play & create video trivia games techntuit / SMART Board Resources Getting Started, Working with Ink Aware Applications, and Notebook Software Basics SMART Board interactive whiteboard will give you an understanding of the basic functions of the SMART Board. Controlling the application with your finger and writing notes in digital ink to save and share later. You will be able to insert notes as graphics or text into Microsoft Word and Excel documents. PowerPoint presentations will be used on the interactive whiteboard and you will be able to save notes in your presentation as well. Notebook software basics will give you an understanding of the menus, side tabs, and navigating through the Notebook Gallery collections. You Tube Notebook Basics Video Tutorials by Marcia Jeans SMART Exchange Quickly find more than 29,000 free, high-quality, educational resources on the SMART Exchange. About the SMART Video Player SMART Video Player software is a tool for viewing and writing over videos. Best Resources Objects in Notebook software Interactive Games
6 Expert Tips for Flipping the Classroom Tech-Enabled Learning | Feature 6 Expert Tips for Flipping the Classroom Three leaders in flipped classroom instruction share their best practices for creating a classroom experience guaranteed to inspire lifelong learning. By Jennifer Demski01/23/13 "If you were to step into one of my classrooms, you'd think I was teaching a kindergarten class, not a physics class," laughs Harvard University (MA) professor Eric Mazur. Such pandemonium is a good thing, insists Mazur, an early adopter of the flipped classroom model that has become all the rage at colleges and universities across the country. In a flipped classroom, professors assign pre-class homework consisting of brief, recorded lectures and presentations, digital readings with collaborative annotation capabilities, and discussion board participation. While technology facilitates flipped instruction, it takes both planning and experimentation to perfect the model. 2) Be up front with your expectations.
Toondoo Duck and Cover Drills Bring the Cold War Home Duck & Cover After the Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb in 1949, the American public was understandably nervous. They were aware of the destruction that individual atomic bombs did to the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But the general public did not know a lot yet about the dangers of radiation and fallout. So, a new Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA) was set up in 1951 to educate – and reassure – the country that there were ways to survive an atomic attack from the Soviet Union. They commissioned a university study on how to achieve "emotion management" during the early days of the Cold War. One of their approaches was to involve schools. The next logical step was to promote these "preparedness" measures around the country, and the FCDA decided the best way to do that was to commission an educational film that would appeal to children. Archer called in teachers to meet with them and got the endorsement of the National Education Association.
5 Reasons Why the Flipped Classroom Works in Higher Education Education research expert David Miller reveals 5 benefits flipped classrooms provide higher education. By David Miller February 10, 2015 The concept of “flipped classroom” is popular nowadays, and most people have learned that despite its name, the idea behind it is not very aerodynamic. However, it’s turning into a great movement. Instructors turn to flipped classrooms in several different combinations. Others begin a lesson by asking questions about the material students previously watched, and have students answer those questions via clicker technology. Flipped classroom also provides other benefits: 1. Although there are no studies to prove student engagement level in flipped classrooms, there’s plenty of other data that show students are more willing to use classroom time in a discussion-focused manner. Most professors who have already turned to flipping classes state that students are more willing to learn thanks to this new concept. 2. Page 1 of 2 12Next » Comments
FLIPPED" Classroom Is All About The Relationships - Edwords Blog - BAM! Radio Network Most educators who consider flipping develop angst beginning with the fear of making videos. The concerns typically center on the time necessary to make the videos, the technological skills to produce the videos or the where with all to put voice and/or face on public display. And of course there is the option to use the million or so videos that are already available through, YouTube, Vimeo, Teacher Tube, etc… But I shout from the highest blog post, IT IS NOT ABOUT THE VIDEO!!! While videos do play a roll in most “Flipped” classrooms, the videos are simply a tool that can be employed for delivery of content. Articles, documentaries, textbooks, websites are also valuable tools to disseminate content. The success of any classroom but specially a “Flipped” classroom is in the building of relationships. The Student to Subject Relationship Just because I now flip my class, I still get the occasional, “When am I going to use this in real life?” The Student to Student Relationship In 1981 Dr.