Dispatch Rider
words go the distance - November 25 - (Source: cherrylisa) 5 notes link - August 29 - (Source: lowresthoughts) 525 notes link - August 21 - Attila Sassy Opium Dreams 1909 (Source: kvetchlandia) 104 notes link - August 18 - Vulpes Vulpes by Robert Farkas (via nicolelacriola) 21 notes link - August 17 - Painting by Jarek Puczel (via nicolelacriola) 1,377 notes link (Source: oldhollywood, via bouquetofclematis) 3,645 notes link (Source: nicolelacriola, via apornstarsfuneral) 310 notes link (Source: mounfield, via musingofarose) 17,634 notes link (Source: cornerofperversion, via rubydeville-deactivated20130117) 5,680 notes link (Source: thedailypozitive, via phalange) 6,698 notes link (via phalange) 724 notes link Joe Fig, Jackson Pollock 1951, 2002 (Source: travisleegrant, via phalange) 52 notes link - August 7 - (Source: inspiro) 79 notes link (via thefloorsheardeverything) 3,004 notes link God I loved the movie splash as a kid (Source: , via pisceanunicorns) 148 notes link older
I waste so much time
Bug - random nonsense 5 days a week
True American (Drinking Game) Rules
Hyperbole and a Half