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Download & Streaming : Open Educational Resources : Internet Archive MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW), available at , makes the course materials used in the teaching of all MIT undergraduate and graduate subjects available on the Web, free of charge, to any user in the world. Educators utilize the materials for curriculum development, while students and self-learners around the globe use them for self-study or supplementary use. With more than 2,000 courses now available, OCW is delivering on the promise of open sharing of knowledge. This library of open educational resources features course materials for seven Advanced Placement (AP) courses. These high school level materials are available for free download. This library of open educational resources features 187 courses from 14 universities in China.
Dowsing for bombs: Maker of useless bomb detectors convicted of fraud. Photo by Sabah Arar/AFP/Getty Images Sometimes, the good guys win. In 2009, it came to light that a man named James McCormick was selling a device he claimed could detect hidden bombs. Clearly, something like this would have great military utility. The thing is, the detectors McCormick made didn’t work. O'Reilly Open Books Project O'Reilly has published a number of Open Books--books with various forms of "open" copyright--over the years. The reasons for "opening" copyright, as well as the specific license agreements under which they are opened, are as varied as our authors. Perhaps a book was outdated enough to be put out of print, yet some people still needed the information it covered.
AP Courses from MITE : Free Education The Monterey Institute for Technology and Education (MITE) is an educational non-profit committed to improving access to education. This library of open educational resources features course materials for seven Advanced Placement (AP) courses from MITE. These high school level materials are available for free download. Click for more information on the Monterey Institute for Technology and Education. Gallery For Ross Berens Follow Gallery for Ross Berens Sort By Pluto By Ross Berens Choose a collection Neptune By Ross Berens Choose a collection Uranus By Ross Berens Choose a collection Saturn By Ross Berens Choose a collection Jupiter By Ross Berens Choose a collection Mars By Ross Berens Choose a collection Earth By Ross Berens Choose a collection Venus By Ross Berens Choose a collection Mercury By Ross Berens Choose a collection
A First Course in Linear Algebra (A Free Textbook) Open-Source Textbooks Instead I am concentrating recommendations and examples within the undergraduate mathematics curriculum, so please visit the Open Math Curriculum page. If you are linking to this site, please use that page for a broad list, or link to linear.pugetsound.edu specifically for the Linear Algebra text. JHSPH OCW Adolescent Health Aging Behavior and Health Biostatistics Cancer Chronic Diseases Environment General Public Health Genetics Global Health Health Policy HIV/AIDS Infectious Disease Injury Prevention Malaria Maternal and Child Health Mental Health Nutrition Occupational and Worker Health Population Science Presentations Public Health Preparedness Refugee Health Pythagorean Theorem and its many proofs Professor R. Smullyan in his book 5000 B.C. and Other Philosophical Fantasies tells of an experiment he ran in one of his geometry classes. He drew a right triangle on the board with squares on the hypotenuse and legs and observed the fact the the square on the hypotenuse had a larger area than either of the other two squares. Then he asked, "Suppose these three squares were made of beaten gold, and you were offered either the one large square or the two small squares. Which would you choose?"
Global Text Project We maintain the chapters for all Global Text Project books in open document format with extensive use of style sheets so that we can quickly convert them into different media or formats. Global Text Project books have been internationalized and converted to a standard format using OpenOffice. You can access individual chapters in open document format and modify them to meet your needs. We control changes to the master version of each chapter, so please report corrections and suggestion changes to the Associate Editor. There are two ways to find books, by directory or by search.
BREAKING: You Know That TED Talk You Weren't Supposed To See? Here It Is. Presented in partnership with Nick Hanauer, self described "super-rich" entrepreneur, gave a fantastic TED Talk about how the middle class—not the super-rich—are the real job creators. But TED, which has released over 100 different political videos in the past, thought this one was too partisan and refused to release it. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is a 1962 book about the history of science by Thomas S. Kuhn. Its publication was a landmark event in the history, philosophy, and sociology of scientific knowledge and triggered an ongoing worldwide assessment and reaction in—and beyond—those scholarly communities. Kuhn challenged the then prevailing view of progress in "normal science." Normal scientific progress was viewed as "development-by-accumulation" of accepted facts and theories. Kuhn argued for an episodic model in which periods of such conceptual continuity in normal science were interrupted by periods of revolutionary science.
"Eric Hoffer, an award winning social writer and philosopher of the 20th century, once said: The central task of education is to implant a will and facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning people. The truly human society is a learning society, where grandparents, parents, and children are students together. OnlineSchools.org adheres to that belief, and strives to provide a space where people can come together to learn about the things that interest them. In doing so, we recognize that there are primarily two forms of learning: formal and informal." by macopa Apr 26