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Content Curation with PearlTrees Note: This post is also cross-posted over at the EasyBib blog. I’ve written and spoken before about the essential skill (a literacy according to Howard Rheingold) of students not only being able to collect content from their network(s), but to curate what’s collected. Just like a museum curator pours over artifacts to find the very best to display, we should also do the same not just for our own professional resources, but see it as an obligation to model it for our students. I came across a new resource recently (I believe the hat tip goes to Alec Couros for this find) called Pearltrees. After you sign up for your account, you can start building your own Pearltrees. Pearltrees are made up of “pearls”, or sites you want to curate into particular the Pearltrees (topics) you’ve created. Once you’ve signed up for your account, you will already have your “root” Pearltree created for you with your username. You will also see there that I have created a Pearltree called Digital Citizenship.

Waking up early, 10 tips that work Getting up early can be a great way to help you establish a daily routine which is the first step to becoming more productive. Here I present you 10 tips that helped me in becoming an early riser. The most important step is to get up. Actually not just get up, literally try to jump out of bed. After your alarm rings get up instantly, go to another room and turn on the lights. Getting out of bed quickly rips you out of the cozy zone and you're less likely to fall asleep again. You know, the one that always tells you: "Just 10 more minutes of sleep won't hurt right? Just don't listen to it. This was also a big game changer for me. It took me a month of living with withdrawal symptoms and headaches to get over the addiction. You won't take my word for it? Having a clear goal for getting up early is essential. If you can get yourself even a little bit excited about the things that you will accomplish the next day, waking up early won't be a problem at all. Now let's play a simple game.

Pearltrees Website Pearltrees is a visual and collaborative curation tool[5][6][7][8] that allows users to organize, explore and share any URL they find online as well as to upload personal photos, files and notes.[9] The product features a visual interface[10][11] that allows users to drag and organize collected URLs, and other digital objects[12] that themselves can be further organized into collections and sub-collections,(URLs). Users of the product can also engage in social/collaborative curation using a feature called Pearltrees Teams. New links added to user accounts and new collections created by users can also be broadcast via a user's Twitter and Facebook accounts if users have enabled this feature. Users can also embed a collection into most CMS products including WordPress blogs, Drupal websites, Typepad blogs and others. History[edit] Development of Pearltrees began in 2007. In October 2011, Pearltrees introduced the app for iPad. In July 2012, Pearltrees launched their iPhone app.

1月 | 2011 | Fukuaki's Blog webをブラウジングして、これはと思った記事や画像を見つけたとき、あとで見直したい、もう一度じっくり読み直そうと考えたらどうするか。あるいは、何かの資料に借用したい(出展つきで)と思ったら。 リンク先のブックマークか、webページの該当箇所をクリップする、という対応が一般的だろう。 そんな中、自分なりにツールを使い方を決めたので、ココにまとめておく。 webクリップ用ツール Tumblr:拡張機能によってポストが楽なのがいい。 Springpad:自分用のクリップツール。 リンク先保存ツール Twitter:Evernoteに日付別だが、自動保存するよう設定済。 はてブ:リンク先保存の基本はこれ。 コメント付き Amplify:オートポスト機能をつかって、Tumblrほか多くのwebサービスにポスト可能。 あとで読む Instapaper:ポストの方法が多彩であることから。 Evernoteはタスク処理上の必要に応じて、これらツールからポストすることにする。

Pearltrees - Aplicaciones en Google Play Guarda páginas web, archivos, documentos, notas, PDF y fotos, y organízalos en fantásticas colecciones. Explora millones de contenidos relacionados con tus intereses y colabora en tus temas favoritos. ¡Con Pearltrees, puedes acceder a todos tus intereses en cualquier momento y lugar! Los medios dicen:“La forma más elegante y visual de recopilar y compartir contenido en línea”. The Next Web“Pearltrees, tu biblioteca de bolsillo”. Digital Trends“Esta aplicación convierte la exploración de colecciones en una experiencia maravillosa”. Pearltrees puede ser útil para muchas situaciones: Vida personal:¿Te entusiasma la cocina?

Pearltrees Raises $6.7M For Its “Collaborative Interest Graph” Pearltrees, a company offering a novel interface for sharing and finding content, has raised 5 million euros ($6.7 million US) in new funding. The basic unit of the Pearltrees service is the pearl, which is basically a bookmark. Users can assemble these pearls into trees based around a topic. Following the lead from Google’s PageRank and Facebook’s EdgeRank, Pearltrees has named its technology TreeRank. Pearltrees launched in December 2009, and the company says it has been growing consistently at 15 percent per month, and that users have now created 15 million pearls which were assembled into 2 million trees. Previous investor Groupe Accueil led the new round.

Zazen Life Pearltrees dans l’App Store Pearltrees permet d’organiser tout naturellement. Ajoutez des pages web, des photos, des vidéos, des fichiers, des documents ou des notes, et organisez le tout dans de superbes collections. Découvrez des millions de contenus sur vos sujets préférés et partagez-les comme vous le souhaitez. Avec Pearltrees, organisez tout naturellement ! Des versions dédiées de Pearltrees existent pour les établissements scolaires et les entreprises. A propos de Pearltrees : "La façon la plus élégante et visuelle de collecter et partager des contenus" The Next Web "Pearltrees met une bibliothèque dans votre poche" Digital Trends "Cette nouvelle application tire le meilleur des capacités de l'iPhone" Techcrunch Installez Pearltrees pour : • Avoir tous vos intérêts toujours sous la main • Accéder à vos collections sur ordinateur, mobile ou tablette • Garder tout ce que vous aimez : pages web, fichiers, photos ou notes • Consulter vos sélections agréablement et à très grande vitesse • Partager

自分がWebサイトから追跡されている様子を可視化してくれるアドオン「Collusion」 Firefox:先日も「 プライバシーを保護しながらネットサーフィンを楽しむ方法 」をご紹介したばかりですが、それでもまだ半信半疑で、ここまで広まっている問題に対して確信が持てないというのであれば、 Firefoxのアドオン「Collusion」を使えば、トラッキングクッキーなどを使って、自分が追跡されている様子をリアルタイムで見ることができます 。 Collusionは、訪問したサイトのトラッキングクッキーやスクリプトで自分が追跡されている様子を、インタラクティブなマップで可視化してくれます 。Collusionはインストールしても再起動の必要はありません。一旦インストールしたら、アドオンがタブを開いて、ブラウズしているWebサイトからどのように追跡されているかというマップを描き始めます。 ほとんどのWebサイトが、広告や統計、ソーシャルメディアでトラッキングクッキーのようなものを使っているのが分かるでしょう。 赤いドットは、PrivacyChoiceが複数のサイトを通して追跡されていると確認できたサービスです。 誰がどんな情報にアクセスしたのか、実際の情報を知りたい場合は、それぞれのドットに関連したサイトのリストを見ましょう。 Collusion | via @mikeisaac Alan Henry( 原文 /訳:的野裕子) コメント

Hot Car Crayons "Boy, was it hot out today" "How hot was it?" (the crowd answers in a sing-song voice) "It was sooo hot, that we were able to make these melted crayon molds... in our CAR!" Can you believe it? Here's how we did it: I set my kids to work peeling the wrappers off some crayons (the Crayola ones seem to work best for melting). I put the mold on a cookie sheet and took it out to our van. I set the tray with the crayon mold on the dashboard, and we went back inside the house to wait. We came out a few times to check on them... After about an hour, they were all the way melted. I put the mold in the fridge for a few minutes to speed up the cooling process, then popped our new crayons out.

Content Curation for Teachers  Have you ever felt that there is simply too much interesting, educational content on the web? Fortunately, there are also some great, free products that help learners curate all of the many things they can read, watch, hear etc. on the web. The beauty of taking control of your content by saving and organizing links is that you can quickly find, revisit or share content with others. By curating the web, one can essentially build up a library of data in the cloud for free. I know personally as a history teacher, I spend a lot of time surfing the web when I prepare lessons. The content curation tools that I have found most useful are Pearltrees, Diigo and Evernote. 1. Personal Use: The first tool that I fell in love with was Pearltrees because it allows you to lay out all web content into trees. 2. Personal Use: Diigo has a more complicated interface than Pearltrees but has some additional, spectacular features. 3. Nate Green Educator

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