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You’ve heard this a thousand times: WordPress is the most popular content management system (aka CMS) in the world. W3Techs reports that 59% of sites using CMS are built on WordPress. It’s so successful that it’s almost become a synonym for CMS! So what makes WordPress the preferred choice for millions of developers, designers, and anyone who needs a website really? First of all, WordPress is free and open source. This doesn’t only mean that you get it for free (duh), but also that a team of developers from all over the world works constantly on improving it. In a nutshell, it’s an extremely versatile system that enables you to create pretty much any sort of website you can think of. Yes, any sort. Another great thing about it? And WordPress themes is what this page is about! If you need to build a website but don’t have the time, or the skills, to design it yourself—you’re in the right place. Top quality.

Customization Ninjas You Can Call Whenever You Need Wordpress Tw Having a blog is almost like having a baby – it’s cute and all, neighbourghs admire you and you don’t have time for yourself anymore! BUT what can you do when your baby is sick and you don’t have a clue? Well, this is a post you should bookmark right now (yep, CTRL +D) because we asked all of our friends and neigborhs about the coolest, most responsive, most talented & skilled WordPress doctors and customization ninjas. So when you need some tweaks or if you have problems with your WordPress theme, don’t hesitate to contact these guys – 100% Inspired Approved! Madewithlove WP Bakery Kriesi Chris Wallace Derek Herman Southern Media Just The Web Tiago Noronha We Design Design 120 Cubicle Ninjas Sarl Gd6d Theme Tweak Customized Marketing Darren Hoyt Your turn now – what are your favorite WP doctors & customizations ninjas?

Kratong – Flexible Portfolio and Blog Template Custom Menu Support Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam. Lorem ipsum dosectetur adipisicing elit, sed do.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing... Wordpress 3 Support Many Shortcodes Shortcode Generator Plugin Admin Panel Portfolio by Set Image Uploader Flexible Color Options Créer son site web avec WordPress – Notre guide du débutant Installation : sauf si vous choisissez un hébergeur proposant une procédure d’installation en un clic, installer WordPress manuellement n’est pas une mince affaire et nécessite quelques connaissances techniques de base (FTP, MySQL, etc.). Maintenance et sécurité : l’un des principaux points faibles de WordPress est que vous devez mettre à jour le logiciel régulièrement. Si vous ne le faites pas, votre site web risque d’être compromis. La procédure de mise à jour en elle-même est simple (un seul clic), mais peut provoquer des conflits avec certaines extensions et, dans le pire des cas, faire tomber tout votre site. À moins que vous ne possédiez les compétences techniques nécessaires, vous pourriez alors atteindre vos limites. Aucune assistance directe : vous pouvez demander de l’aide sur des forums, mais ceux-ci sont tenus par des bénévoles.

Wordpress Anyone who has read my tutorials knows that I'm a big fan of Gravity Forms. I don't often promote paid plugins because there are just so many good free plugins out there, but when it comes to forms, there is just no easier, more flexible way to create the exact form you need than with Gravity Forms. Because I use Gravity Forms on almost all the sites I create, I use the developer's version, which has some really important features. In order to integrate your Gravity Forms with Zapier, the $199 Developer License version is required with the Advanced Add-Ons. Anyone who has read my tutorials knows that I'm a big fan of Gravity Forms. I don't often promote paid plugins because there are just so many good free plugins out there, but when it comes to forms, there is just no easier, more flexible way to create the exact form you need than with Gravity Forms.

Studiobox Wordpress Choisir un thème pour wordpress et créer son site internet 1ère option: Installer un thème gratuit à partir du back office Dans le back-office de votre WordPress, cliquez sur la section Appearance => Themes, puis sur l’onglet Install Themes. Vous pourrez y effectuer une recherche de thèmes, parmi ceux accessibles directement par le back-office. Tapez simplement, dans le champ près du bouton Search, un mot clé en anglais définissant le type de site que vous créez. Par exemple « portfolio » si vous voulez un thème adapté pour des galleries d’images, ou « business » si vous cherchez un thème prévu pour faire un site d’entreprise, … puis cliquez sur Search. Vous pouvez aussi filtrer les résultats selon les critères proposés (nombre de colonnes, couleurs dominantes, fonctionnalités spéciales (Features), … Vous pouvez prévisualiser un thème en cliquant sur « Preview » sous la colonne décrivant le thème. Cliquez sur « Install » pour installer un thème. 2ème option: Chercher un thème WordPress sur internet et l’importer Les très nombreux (plus de 3000!)

Customize your Wordpress Blog With more and more people building custom WordPress themes, it only makes sense to want to create it more personal. I have found a few ways that I will share with you on making your WordPress powered site more personal. This tutorial will show you how to create a custom WordPress login, and explain how to fit it to your needs. We will then take it a step further and create a custom admin panel footer, and also a custom admin header image for our WordPress site. Let’s Get Started Setting it Up For this example we are going to modify our functions.php file. Add the following to your functions.php file: functions.php Explanation of the Code We are using the functions.php file to tell WordPress to override the default settings for the .css file used to make up the login screen. Please make note that there are some very specific styles within the .css file that MUST be present, and changed accordingly for this to properly work. The Setup Next we will need to do two things. wplogin.css Full Breakdown

Display WordPress Theme Display Display is a WordPress Theme best used for Portfolio and Business Sites. It comes with a super sleek & clean design, a 3D Slideshow and tons of backend options to manager every aspect of the site! Read more Amanded with Adobe Flash The Theme makes use of a very sleek 3D image slider that helps showcasing your work or product in a unique way. It also has the option to display flash movies within a lightbox when clicking links or images… Read more jQuery to the rescue

45+ Wordpress plugins To Enhance Your Comments Besides a blog post content, the comment section is the most important part of your website, it’s not only create valuable discussion but also help you to improve the SEO ranking of the website by adding fresh new content and relevant articles to your post or further more sharing the post to the world. There are many WordPress plugins that can help you to boost your comment section and you can find many other articles talk about this topic by Google search, but in this article, I want to introduce to you the best and newest plugin that I always love: 1. CommentLuv This plugin fetches the feed found at commentators site URL while they type their comment and extracts the last blog post title with link and displays it below the comment form. DoFollow It will disable the automatic rel=”nofollow” attributes added to external links. NoFollow Free Dofollow Trackbacks Plugin The function is the same with the plugin above but it’s designed for Trackbacks only. 2. Subscribe to Comments Comment Relish
