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5 FREE Programs to make your computer (slightly) easier to use and look cool(ish)

5 FREE Programs to make your computer (slightly) easier to use and look cool(ish)
This is a neat little gizmo that sits on any side of the screen. In its original format, I found it slightly obtrusive (it covered up the tool bars). I used these solutions. Make it too small to obstruct the toolbars (I did this) Put it at the left of the screen (the right has the scroll bar) Set it to 'Pop up on Mousover' in the dock settings. Some other similar programs are: Objectdock download Mobydock download Y'z dock download Rk launcher download Xwindows dock download Orbit dock download All of these are perfectly good, but again, I prefer Rocketdock. You can download Rocketdock here. Related:  shaundonnelly

Top 10 Tips, Features, and Projects Every Windows User Should Try How Do I Torrent Safely Now That Demonoid Is Down? iMac Desk This is a teak desk, with a 1" thick arcyclic top/inlay. The desk is 31" tall, 48" wide, and 24" deep. The dimensions were chosen to maximize leg room and working space.'' If you hate wires, this arrangement is for you... I bought my iMac in early may, and refused to open the box until I had the proper desk to place it on. I didn't really have a specific budget in mind, but i figured a large desk with a veneer and a cool top would cost me around $300-$400. Asides from being ripped off in Chinatown, the costs of this desk were kept pretty low... kind of. **Home depot's 4" blocks are actually 3.5". update: I recently added a remote controlled mount to my desk that allows me to use my iPad as a distant monitor and as a mouspad. This is a motor driven iPad mount created using a Firgelli track actuator. Actuator:

6 Things I Bet You Didn't Know You Could Do with Google Some of the tips below are effortless to implement and save you a lot of time and energy when dealing with these issues. Let’s start with the first proof of the awesomeness of Google… 1. Create unlimited disposable email addresses with Gmail If you add dots (.) between the letters of your Gmail username, sending an message to the new username will get forwarded to your original email (which is without or with only 1 dot.) For example: It doesn’t matter how many dots you’ll add between your username, all of the emails sent will go to your original email. Gmail doesn’t recognize dots as characters within usernames, you can add or remove the dots from a Gmail address without changing the actual destination address; they’ll all go to your inbox, and only yours. = = = All these addresses belong to the same person. Why is this helpful? 2. Results:

Table of keyboard shortcuts In computing, a keyboard shortcut is a sequence or combination of keystrokes on a computer keyboard which invokes commands in software. Some keyboard shortcuts require the user to press a single key or a sequence of keys one after the other. Other keyboard shortcuts require pressing and holding several keys simultaneously (indicated in the tables below by this sign: +). Comparison of keyboard shortcuts[edit] Keyboard shortcuts are a common aspect of most modern operating systems and associated software applications. General shortcuts[edit] A note regarding KDE's shortcuts is that they can be changed and the below list contains the defaults. [edit] Power management[edit] Screenshots[edit] Text editing[edit] Many of these commands may be combined with ⇧ Shift to select a region of text. Text formatting[edit] [edit] Web browsers[edit] Tab management[edit] Window management[edit] User interface navigation (widgets and controls)[edit] Command line shortcuts[edit] Accessibility[edit] See also[edit]

Light and Ladder light + ladder from Dina R on Vimeo. DOB: July 4th 1982 Quality is the heart of our business and independence is its soul. Light and Ladder founder Farrah Sit has been making useful, original home decor since 2009 and with the overwhelming success of her personal line, she has been inspired to expand and collaborate with other visionary artists and bring a modern approach to traditional American values through craft. United under Farrah's fresh aesthetic and careful direction, Light and Ladder provides hand-picked artists and designers with a platform to produce their far from ordinary household objects. Strikingly unique and fun to use the collections are crafted by caring local artisans. Harkening back to the days of American-based, American-quality manufacturing, the brand is making a commitment to a disappearing standard for excellence and creativity. Currently, we have the capabilities to retail the products directly to customers. We need your help to do this.

64 Things Every Geek Should Know - The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject. A techie geek is usually one who knows a little about everything, and is thus the person family and friends turn to whenever they have a question. 1. USB – Universal Serial Bus GPU – Graphics Processing Unit CPU – Central Processing Unit SATA – Serial ATA HTML – Hyper-text Markup Language HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol FTP – File Transfer Protocol P2P – Person to Person data sharing 2. 3. Here’s what one looks like: 4.

Are There Any Demonoid Alternatives? Demonoid is gone, at least for now. The servers in the Ukraine were pulled offline and an investigation into the site’s alleged owners is ongoing in Mexico. At the time of writing the Demonoid domain once again redirects to random ads… For former Demonoid members there’s no other option than to find a replacement. The easy option would be to list to the top 10 torrent sites of 2012, but those aren’t really a match for Demonoid. While the music and movie industries would quickly label Demonoid was a piracy haven, it was also place where creators were happy to share their work. Xihilisk for example, who shared one of his music albums exclusively on Demonoid. “I’ve been with Demonoid for a few years, and it’s always been the first place I go to look for something. A lot of this “obscure” content may now be gone for good. I really wanted to close this post with a few good alternatives to Demonoid, but I’m afraid that’s easier said than done. So here’s my question to everyone who reads this.

Platform/storage bed frame So after taking bits and pieces from the following instructables and doing a lil research and design of my own. I decided to embark on making my own platform/storage bed. This is a very bare instructable cause it was just myself taking pictures mostly. The Ultimate Excel Cheatsheet Working with the new Excel 2007 is now more frustrating than ever when it comes to finding the right commands. Sometimes it seems like part magic and part luck. That’s why we’ve put together the cream of the crop of Excel shortcuts in easy to use cheatsheets you can print up and keep handy. Highlighting the most commonly used and commonly looked for Excel commands, this list puts it all at your fingertips. Learn how to get around Excel using only the keyboard. These cheatsheets have the keyboard shortcuts for mainpulating files, editing content, changing formatting and navigating around workbooks. Excel Function Cheatsheets The key to being efficient with Excel is knowing which functions to use. Excel Formula Cheatsheets If you need specific calculations, this is a good place to start. How To Read Cell References Simple Math Formulas From Adding Numbers Calculate Percentages Rounding Numbers Advanced Excel Tips From Guidelines and Examples Of Array Formulas

Cheap GPUs are rendering strong passwords useless Think that your eight-character password consisting of lowercase characters, uppercase characters and a sprinkling of numbers is strong enough to protect you from a brute force attack? Think again! Jon Honeyball writing for PC Pro has a sobering piece on how the modern GPU can be leveraged as a powerful tool against passwords once considered safe from bruteforce attack. Take a cheap GPU (like the Radeon HD 5770) and the free GPU-powered password busting tool called 'ighashgpu' and you have yourself a lean, mean password busting machine. The results are startling. It gets worse. Surely throwing symbols in there keeps you safe, right? What's the solution? [UPDATE: Take a look at this - whitepixel 2 running with 4 x HD 5970 cards (8 x GPUs) capable of 33.1 billion MD5 password hashes/sec.

Walking Table I've seen a video of a table that can walk, I really wanted one but I couldn't find one for sale, so I thought "Hey, I'm an engineering student, I'll make one!" But when i started out the search for the plans to the walking table I quickly realized that there were absolutely zero plans. So I had no choice but to make one myself starting from scratch. With some reverse-engineering, engineering, imagination, and basic shop skills it can be done with a bunch of time it can be done. Plus you're going to have pretty a kick ass table. Just letting you know, I did this project at school in my dorm room and in the shop with whatever materials I could find. Here's a video of the mechanical legs operating to demonstrate its awesomeness. sliding on the tile floor
