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Still unsure? Take this quiz to find out!

Still unsure? Take this quiz to find out!
Parenting Styles No one denies that parenting is difficult, but you can make it easier on yourself by identifying your parenting style. According to scientists, there are four parenting styles. Parents are authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, or neglectful. Identifying where you fall on the spectrum is a great way to determine what you need to work on to become a better parent. What’s in a Style? Your parenting style says a lot about your relationship with your child. Authoritative parents are deemed the most effective. Authoritarian parents are typically defined as strict parents. Indulgent, or permissive, parents, are extremely lenient. Taking the Test As you look through the parenting styles, there is likely one that you want to be. If you answer honestly, this test will provide you with an inside look into how you interact with your child.

Related:  4 parenting styles

Uninvolved Parenting Style By Stephen Walton © 2012 The Uninvolved Parenting style (often referred to as neglectful parenting) as the name implies, the parent is totally disengaged and emotionally uninvolved in their child's life. There is little if any expression of love and affection. Developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind in her studies based on the dimensions of "Parental Responsiveness" and "Parental Demandingness" conclude that: The uninvolved parenting style is low in parental responsiveness (the nurturing aspect of the child) and low in parental demandingness (control over the child). Often these parents provide only the basic needs of food and shelter. Brief introduction to the 4 different parenting styles Your parenting style can affect everything from how much your child weighs to how she feels about herself. It's important to ensure your parenting style is supporting healthy growth and development because the way you interact with your child and how you discipline her will influence her for the rest of her life. Researchers have identified four types of parenting styles:1

Parenting Style Quiz Instructions: This quiz is designed to help you better understand your parenting style. For each item, indicate how much you agree or disagree with the statement. This takes most people about 4 minutes to complete. Take your time and answer truthfully for the most accurate results. (If both parents are available, they should both take the quiz and then compare their parenting styles.)

The Difference Between An Asian Parent And A Western One Different types of parenting... They are many types of parenting, whether we like it or not, we tend to inherit our parent’s parenting style; the way we were raised. Living in Asia and being raised in a predominantly Asian household with Asian values, we tend to use the “Asian” approach with a modern twist. Harith Iskandar's take on Asian vs Western parenting is definitely apt, scroll down for the video!

Many Singaporeans’ parenting style not helping children succeed - TODAYonline I was disturbed to read the report “MP proposes piloting cluster of schools without exams, streaming” (Jan 22). In the current debate on how best to restructure the education system, more people seem inclined to wash the outside of a dirty cup and call it clean, but leaving the inside filthy as ever. An examination-free education system would serve only to mask the inadequacies of the current generation of pupils, rather than help them to succeed. While some of the pressure they face is due to the existing system, my experience as an educator tells me that the root problem lies with the quality of young people now. Born into a world where advanced technology is at their fingertips, our children are accustomed to having everything quickly and with little effort. Over-reliance on technology can breed an impatient, attention-deficit, as well as mentally and physically slothful generation who cannot cope with anything that requires them to sit for hours to concentrate.

Why Being an Authoritative Parent Is the Best Approach What kind of parent are you? Which would you say best describes your parenting style—someone who is demanding and controlling; someone who is warm and responsive; or someone who indulges their kids and rarely disciplines? As in the case of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, one of these approaches is clearly better than the others. The Four Types of Parenting Styles In the 1960s, psychologist Diana Baumrind wrote a groundbreaking paper based upon her research in which she detailed three types of parenting styles she observed: authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative parenting. Authoritarian Parenting

Parenting skills: Role of parents in early childhood learning December 2014, Rev. ed. Introduction Children’s development of the cognitive and social skills needed for later success in school may be best supported by a parenting style known as responsive parenting.1 Responsiveness is an aspect of supportive parenting described across different theories and research frameworks (e.g. attachment, socio-cultural) as playing an important role in providing a strong foundation for children to develop optimally.2-4 Parenting that provides positive affection and high levels of warmth and is responsive in ways that are contingently linked to a young child’s signals (“contingent responsiveness”) are the affective-emotional aspects of a responsive style.5 These aspects, in combination with behaviours that are cognitively responsive to the child’s needs, including the provision of rich verbal input and maintaining and expanding on the child’s interests, provide the range of support necessary for multiple aspects of a child’s learning.6 Subject

What’s the ‘best’ parenting style to raise a successful child? Since kids don’t come with an instruction manual, we are all just forced to figure it out as we go along. So it’s likely that the way you parent is influenced by the way you were parented, and probably complicated by the way your partner (if you have one) chooses to parent. There are several parenting styles that most experts agree on, and each one affects our children differently. While some reports favor specific parenting styles over others, Marsha Ferrick, Ph.D., BCC, licensed clinical psychologist says there really isn’t a best parenting style.

Permissive Parenting Style By Stephen Walton © 2012 What's It All About... and... What Are its Effects? The Permissive Parenting Style is an extremely relaxed approach where parents are generally warm, nurturing and affectionate. However, they are overly accepting of their children's behaviour, good or bad. They feel their children are capable of making their own decisions with little parental guidance. What type of parent are you?, Opinion News What's the best way to raise your child? It's a question that has spawned numerous books, and seen authors race to coin the next quirky name for a new style of parenting. And it turns out there are many styles. To date, some of the best-known categories are: Tiger parents, who are seen as pushing their children to succeed according to the parents' terms.Helicopter parents, who take over every aspect of the child's life.Snowplough parents, who remove obstacles to make life easier for their child.Free-range parents, who allow children a great deal of freedom.Attachment or gentle parents, who are relaxed but set limits in line with the child's needs and character.
