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Club of Rome “How the Quest for Mineral Wealth Is Plundering the Planet” – Find out more about the 33rd Report to the Club of Rome, to be released in English on 12th June 2014! [...] Shale Gas Fracking – Bubble, Scare or Solution? Hydraulic fracturing – or “fracking” – of shale gas is a highly controversial contemporary topic in politics, society and business alike. A New Story for a New Economy Economists debate whether the economy is recovering from the financial crash of 2008. Why Empires Fall Empires seem to be a typical human structure that reappears over and over in history. Direct Democracy for Climate Protection in Switzerland The Club of Rome is organizing partner of the “Klimalandsgemeinde 2014″, a project based on the traditional Swiss direct democracy approach, granting 10.000 Swiss Francs for the implementation of local climate protection initiatives. [...] Club of Rome Member Ashok Khosla honoured with Zayed International Prize Acting on climate change Related:  Education for Sustainability for Pupils Aged 9 - 13

Blog J Généreux - Principles of Sustainability The earth is a naturally sustainable system. However, the accumulated impacts of human activity threaten our continued well-being. Research by an international network o f scientists defined three basic conditions that must be met to maintain the essential natural resources, structures and functions that sustain human society. While written to be clear scientifically, the specific wording of the four system conditions can be confusing. The problem is not that we mine and use heavy metals, or use chemicals and compounds produced by society, or disrupt natural processes, or even temporarily interfere with people’s capacity to meet their basic needs.

Bureau d'?tudes Conjoncture : L'État aura économisé 15 milliards en cinq ans Depuis 2007, avec la «RGPP», l'État s'est réorganisé et a réduit ses effectifs. Pour la gauche, la réforme s'est faite au prix d'une dégradation de la qualité du service public, mais le gouvernement assure le contraire. Depuis 2007, l'État se réforme comme jamais: nouvelle répartition des tribunaux et des bases militaires, fusion d'administrations, développement de services sur Internet… Et surtout, non-remplacement d'un fonctionnaire sur deux partant à la retraite, soit 150.000 postes supprimés entre 2008 et 2012. Ce big bang a un nom officiel, la Révision générale des politiques publiques (RGPP). La réforme de l'État a en effet besoin d'être défendue. La ministre du Budget, Valérie Pécresse, répond qu'il vaut mieux avoir moins de tribunaux et moins d'hôpitaux, mais mieux équipés. Autre politique après 2012 «Certes, la RGPP a été imposée aux fonctionnaires sans beaucoup de concertation. Au total, en cumulé, la RGPP aura dégagé 15 milliards d'économies d'ici à 2013.

George W. Bush, John Kerry, test the spirit, Skull & Bones occultists and the Mausoleum they're based in at Yale University Bonesmen | BIS | IMF | Davos | Report | TABD | Trilat | BAP | Media | Rockefeller Other Western Élites The occult Bush family 'dossier' - Hidden secrets of Tony Blair's MSWord 'dodgey dossier' revealed - Testing the spirit of truth according to the New Testament When Saddam Hussein talked of 'the devil Bush' he may not have been so far from the truth. U.S. president George W. Any serious researcher on this subject should get a copy of Kris Millegan(ed.)' John Kerry (D) and George W. Adolf Hitler was obsessed with the occult, in his case the Thule Society, closely inter-connected with German Theosophists. If the Nazis' occult lodges had been exposed then shut down, not treated as a taboo, millions of lives could have been saved. Contents The 'meditation room' where a candidate for freemasonry is left alone before being conducted to the 'Lodge' in order to be initiated into the first degree. 05May08 - In World War the devil 'has surpassed himself' - Dennis Wheatley Skull and Bones Links Tony

Education for Sustainability | Sustainable Schools Project Educating for Sustainability is “learning that links knowledge, inquiry, and action to help students build a healthy future for their communities and the planet.” EFS helps teachers bridge grade levels and subject areas, curriculum and school operations, parent and community partnerships. Through SSP, a school develops its own meaningful, coherent approach to improve curriculum, community partnerships and campus ecology. Teachers learn about the community’s vision and strategies for a sustainable future, then bring this larger dialogue into their curriculum with a focus that’s appropriate for their students. With each lesson learned, students develop their own understanding of the web of connections that make up their community and their role in it. Read the US Partnership's White Paper on Education for Sustainability.

mariage d'’une chèvre About CFR The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher. CFR members, including Brian Williams, Fareed Zakaria, Angelina Jolie, Chuck Hagel, and Erin Burnett, explain why the Council on Foreign Relations is an indispensable resource in a complex world. Membership CFR's current membership of nearly 4,700 is divided among those living in New York, Washington, DC, and across the country and abroad. For those between the ages of thirty and thirty-six there is the Stephen M. The Corporate Program serves an international membership of about two hundred leading global corporations. The Think Tank The David Rockefeller Studies Program—CFR's think tank—is composed of more than seventy full-time and adjunct fellows who cover the major regions and significant issues shaping today's international agenda. Informing the Public Debate Independent Task Forces work to reach consensus on how to deal with critical foreign policy challenges.

Education for Sustainable Development Abstract This article can be read as a stand alone piece but it is the intention of ATSE to eventually have clear links to ESD in many of the articles we produce. Here, however, we focus especially on some of the current thinking about ESD in ITE within Science. Our hope is that this article will attempt to stimulate thinking and provide ideas that we hope will act as a spur to enable colleagues to extract and use some of the materials with their science student teachers so that ESD becomes embedded within all ITE Science Education programmes across the country. This article contains:Ideas for Exemplar ITE Module Outlines which focus on ESD including :1.An ESD Elective module with a science element available to all trainees - Here you are provided with a full outline of an elective module undertaken in the fourth and final year of a BA Primary Honours programme available to all trainees following this programme some of which included science specaialists. 1.0 Rationale 2.1 Introduction 2.

Staff Lists: The Top 200 Tracks of the 1990s: 20-01 10. Weezer"Say It Ain't So"[DGC; 1994] It's been obscured by misheard lyrics, Rock Band histrionics, and Rivers Cuomo's guileless run as a pop mercenary, but "Say It Ain't So"-- lunging riffs and all-- is an intimate piece of songwriting. There's the specificity and shorthand in the lyrics ("Somebody's Heine is crowdin' my icebox"), and the shaded references to a father (and stepfather) addicted to alcohol. It's important to remember what made Weezer such a steady, original American band, and subsequently an almost bizarrely influential touchstone for so many young bands. See also: Weezer, "Buddy Holly"; Weezer, "Undone (The Sweater Song)"; Weezer, "El Scorcho" 9. Most of the big alt-rock stars, and alt-rock songs, of the 90s feel hopelessly tied to their decade, relics of a certain period, place, time. "Loser" misguidedly swept into pop culture on the same wave of slacker and outsider chic that earned Radiohead's "Creep" some spins. 8. 7. It's both lament and anthem. 6. 5. 4. 3. Dr. 2.

loving plants to sustain the Earth La géostratégie expliquée aux blondes - L'Orient c'est Moyen Amie blonde, tu sais qu'il existe d'autres pays que celui où tu résides. Si tu le sais, quand même, n'exagères pas. Notamment certains qui sont situés entre l'occident et l'orient. C'est pour ça qu'on appelle la région le Moyen-Orient. Non j'explique pour les cas avancés. Prends deux des pays de cette région au hasard. Et l'Egypte, celui ou vas faire youpilalala dans des hôtels clubs maritimes avec boissons incluses. Imagine qu'à la tête de ces deux pays, il y a un gros méchant dictateur tout vilain. Pour que tu ailles faire youpilalala dans des hôtels clubs maritimes avec boissons incluses du pays sans trop te poser de questions. Et que même ton ministre des affaires étrangères t'affirme que le dictateur est un mec vachement sympa. Ca explique beaucoup de choses. Donc en Tunisie, les gens en ont assez de voir les touristes faire youpilalala en maillot de bain alors qu'on leur interdit justement de le faire.Et il s'énervent et virent le dictateur. Oui, mais non, ça ne va pas du tout. Voilà.
