Cross-site scripting
Background[edit] Security on the web is based on a variety of mechanisms, including an underlying concept of trust known as the same origin policy. This essentially states that if content from one site (such as is granted permission to access resources on the system, then any content from that site will share these permissions, while content from another site ( will have to be granted permissions separately.[citation needed] Cross-site scripting uses known vulnerabilities in web-based applications, their servers, or plug-in systems on which they rely. XSS vulnerabilities have been reported and exploited since the 1990s. Types[edit] There is no single, standardized classification of cross-site scripting flaws, but most experts distinguish between at least two primary flavors of XSS: non-persistent and persistent. Non-persistent[edit] A reflected attack is typically delivered via email or a neutral web site. Persistent[edit]
Remote file inclusion
Code execution on the web serverCode execution on the client-side such as JavaScript which can lead to other attacks such as cross site scripting (XSS).Denial of Service (DoS)Data Theft/Manipulation Programming languages[edit] PHP[edit] Example[edit] Consider this PHP script which includes a file specified by request: <form method="get"><select name="COLOR"><option value="red">red</option><option value="blue">blue</option></select><input type="submit"></form> The developer intended only blue.php and red.php to be used as options. /vulnerable.php? Local File Inclusion[edit] Local File Inclusion (LFI) is similar to a Remote File Inclusion vulnerability except instead of including remote files, only local files i.e. files on the current server can be included. See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]
Basic Work Cycle
Subversion has numerous features, options, bells, and whistles, but on a day-to-day basis, odds are that you will use only a few of them. In this section, we'll run through the most common things that you might find yourself doing with Subversion in the course of a day's work. When working on a project that is being modified via multiple working copies, you'll want to update your working copy to receive any changes committed from other working copies since your last update. These might be changes that other members of your project team have made, or they might simply be changes you've made yourself from a different computer. To protect your data, Subversion won't allow you commit new changes to out-of-date files and directories, so it's best to have the latest versions of all your project's files and directories before making new changes of your own. Use svn update to bring your working copy into sync with the latest revision in the repository: $ svn update Updating ' svn add FOO ? A item
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Manageability - Because Every Complicated Technology Needs It
Mercurial SCM
Basic Syntax A brief look at the structure of a Processing sketch reveals how easy it is to program interactive visualizations. As with any language, you begin by defining your global variables. Then you create a setup() function, where you control the visualization's properties, like the canvas size, frame rate and perhaps variables such as the stoke-weight or background-color. The next step is to create your draw() function, which controls the behavior of each frame in your animation. To the right is a basic example of Processing.js in action. Adding interactivity to your visualization is incredibly simple. Processing.js also tracks a range of pre-defined variables like key, which stores the value of the last key pressed; or mouseX and mouseY, which store the last recorded position of the mouse pointer. Using Processing There are two ways of implementing processing. First Method Needed files: processing.js anything.html anything.pde The anything.html file will look like: Second Method
Apache CXF -- Index
Java Business Integration
Java Business Integration (JBI) is a specification developed under the Java Community Process (JCP) for an approach to implementing a service-oriented architecture (SOA). The JCP reference is JSR 208 for JBI 1.0 and JSR 312 for JBI 2.0. JBI is built on a Web Services model and provides a pluggable architecture for a container that hosts service producer and consumer components. In-Only: A standard one-way messaging exchange where the consumer sends a message to the provider that provides only a status response.Robust In-Only: This pattern is for reliable one-way message exchanges. To handle functionality that deals with installation, deployment, monitoring and lifecycle concerns amongst BCs and SEs, Java Management Extensions (JMX) is used. JBI defines standard packaging for composite applications: applications that are composed of service consumers and providers. JBI implementations[edit] The following open-source software JBI based ESB implementations are available: Books[edit]
Enterprise service bus
All customer services communicate in the same way with the ESB: the ESB translates a message to the correct message type and sends the message to the correct producer service. An enterprise service bus (ESB) is a software architecture model used for designing and implementing communication between mutually interacting software applications in a service-oriented architecture (SOA). As a software architectural model for distributed computing it is a specialty variant of the more general client server model and promotes agility and flexibility with regard to communication between applications. Its primary use is in enterprise application integration (EAI) of heterogeneous and complex landscapes. Overview[edit] Duties[edit] An ESB transports the design concept of modern operating systems to networks of disparate and independent computers. The prime duties of an ESB are: Ambiguous use of the term ESB in commerce[edit] History[edit] ESB as software[edit] ESB hive of commodity components Books[edit]
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15. Expression-Based Access Control
Method security is a bit more complicated than a simple allow or deny rule. Spring Security 3.0 introduced some new annotations in order to allow comprehensive support for the use of expressions. 15.3.1 @Pre and @Post Annotations There are four annotations which support expression attributes to allow pre and post-invocation authorization checks and also to support filtering of submitted collection arguments or return values. Access Control using @PreAuthorize and @PostAuthorize The most obviously useful annotation is @PreAuthorize which decides whether a method can actually be invoked or not. @PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_USER')") public void create(Contact contact); which means that access will only be allowed for users with the role "ROLE_USER". @PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#contact, 'admin')") public void deletePermission(Contact contact, Sid recipient, Permission permission); @PreAuthorize(" ==") public void doSomething(Contact contact);