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Top Visual Search Engines: The Most Interesting Ways To Visually Explore Search Engine Results

Top Visual Search Engines: The Most Interesting Ways To Visually Explore Search Engine Results
1. Grokker Grokker is a web-based search engine that allows you to explore your results in a visual fashion. Your results are displayed both in a standard outline and in a dynamic map you can interact with. Grokker takes advantage of Yahoo!, Wikipedia, and Amazon Books search engines to perform its queries. Results can be sorted by date, source, domain and refined selecting (or excluding) specific related keywords. Cooliris is a browser extension for Firefox (all platforms), IE (Windows), and Safari (Mac and Windows) that allows you to explore SERPs in a visual fashion.

Aerobot - Machine Learning for Marketing and Social Media When we started taking a look at their customer’s behavioral patterns, we noticed that each one of those customers tended to buy a specific set of products. We found movie fans, who love the 2x1 discount in tickets, a lot of foodies, who tend to pick some specific foods from sushi to barbecue, and others who love shopping, enjoying some great discounts in clothing and accesories. This caused an interesting problem: As the number of users and products grew, the brand started feeling generic and not really tailored to anyone in particular. This posed the question: How do we make each one of those individuals feel identified with the brand? (from the website through the newsletters) We arrived at a unique solution: Making a thousand different websites for a thousand different customers By applying clustering algorithms to the consumer database we taught the servers to recognize which customers belonged to each segment. (it turns out that gmail users tend to like going to the movies).

Photo Pin - About - Add Photos to your Blog the Easy Way PhotoPin helps bloggers find photos for their blog and makes adding them to their post fast and easy. Just search for any topic using the search box (e.g. "Kittens", "Flowers", etc.), preview the photo, and click "get photo" to download the photo as well as the proper attribution link. PhotoPin uses the Flickr API and searches creative commons photos to use for your blog. (Note: we are not associated with Flickr in any way, other than powering our search results using their API.) If you find the tool useful, please share it with your friends so we can keep building and refining the service or Contact Us and let us know. If you don't find the tool useful, we suggest using iStockphoto.

Mnogosearch Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. mnoGoSearch est un moteur de recherche open source écrit en C. Il est distribué sous la licence publique générale GNU et conçu pour effectuer des recherches dans un site web, un groupe de sites web, intranet ou sur un système en local. mnoGoSearch peut indexer nativement des données text/plain, text/html et text/xml, et beaucoup d'autres types de données en utilisant des parsers externes. Ce moteur est opérationnel pour indexer des sites webs multilingues : un large choix de jeux de caractères et de langues sont supportés et peuvent être détectés automatiquement, il utilise une technologie de négociation de contenu pour récupérer les versions de la même page dans différentes langues, il peut effectuer une recherche insensible à la casse (avec ou sans accent) accent et faire de la segmentation de phrases en chinois, japonais et thaï. Les résultats peuvent être triés par pertinence, dernière date de modification et par titre.

NodeXL: Network Overview, Discovery and Exploration for Excel - Home Applications du Net Les concepteurs de sites web ne peuvent pas se passer des icônes pour embellir leurs projets de conception. Un designer a cette capacité de choisir les belles couleurs, des logos, des images de fond ainsi que des icônes pour créer une atmosphère qui correspond en maximum à chaque projet en fonction de la thématique qu'il traite. Pour chercher des icônes pour son projet, un designer peut en créer les siennes ou faire appel direct à de multiples sites qui offrent des icônes gratuitement ou il peut encore aller dans des moteurs de recherche spécialisés dans la recherche d’icônes gratuites. Si vous aussi vous êtes un concepteur, ou un simple blogueur et vous cherchez des icônes pour donner un look acceptable à votre blogue je vous propose ci-dessous quelques moteurs de recherche des icones à utiliser gratuitement dans des différents projets de conception. 1° Vector us: est un moteur de recherche qui permet de chercher des icones parmi plus de 150 000 icones gratuites.

18 nouveaux moteurs de recherche ! - Actu Abondance : Référencem 18 nouveaux moteurs de recherche ! 1.5 (30%) 2 votes Comme souvent, lorsque l'actualité dans de domaine est assez fournie, nous vous présentons ci-dessous une petite sélection de nouveaux moteurs sortis il y a peu et d'outils qui nous ont été signalés et qui ont suscité notre intérêt. A vous de "faire votre marché" parmi ceux-ci : - Tineye (version bêta privée uniquement pour l'instant) se donne pour but de retrouver des images copiées sur le Web par un système de reconnaissance de forme (analyse du contenu). - Swotti est un moteur de recherche d'opinions. - Cluuz est un moteur de recherche qui présente ses résultats sous forme de graphes, clusters, etc. - Clever Search Engine (excusez du peu...) s'annonce comme révolutionnaire. - CreativSpace est un moteur de recherche d'image s'appuyant sur l'interface CoverFlow "à la iPhone". - HowDoYa tente de répondre (en anglais) à la question "comment faire pour..." - Boom!

Regressive Imagery Dictionary - Provalis Research Download WordStat Versions of the RID English version (created by Colin Martindale) French version (translated by Robert Hogenraad) Portuguese version (translated by Tito Cardoso e Cunha, Brigitte Detry, and Robert Hogenraad) Swedish version (translated by Torsten Norlander, Moira Linnarud, Marika Kjellén-Simes, and Robert Hogenraad) German version (translated by Renate Delphendahl)Hungarian version (translated by Tibor Pólya and Levente Szász) Latin version (translated by Ron Newbold) Russian version (translated by Leonid Dorfman) - Under development! Installation Instruction Extract the content of the zip file into the WordStat Dictionary folder (by default: c:\Program files\Provalis Research\Dictionaries). Most versions of the dictionary come in two files, the main .CAT file includes the various categorization of words, while the .EXC dictionary handles exceptions by excluding specific word forms. Dictionary Information Selected references Goldstein, K. (1939). Lévy-Bruhl, L. (1910).

6 solutions gratuites en ligne pour créer des nuages de mots-clés La création de nuage de mots-clés est une façon simple de cartographier des idées, des champs sémantiques, des concepts, d’évoquer des notions essentielles… Et de mettre en forme via des réglages (couleur, taille des mots, position dans l’espace, jeu de polices de caractère…) un instantané visuel qui offre une forme de représentation synthétique pour l’internaute et la personne. Ce type de mode cartographique peut être utilisé en gestion de projet, pour de la formation, de l’analyse de texte, du remue-méninges (brainstorming)… Voici 6 solutions gratuites en ligne pour créer des nuages de mots-clés : Wordle Il s’agit de l’outil le plus connu de création de nuage de mots-clés. Tagul Pour utiliser Tagul, cela est gratuit, mais sur inscription. Tagxedo L’originalité du format du nuage de mots-clés créé est l’un des points forts de ce service en ligne sur inscription. ToCloud TagCrowd Licence : Creative Commons by-nc-saGéographie : France Tags: nuage, outil en ligne

5 | Stamen Turns Facebook Sharing Into Intricate Digital Art We’ve all heard the term “viral.” And no one knows the term better than George Takei, a former crew member on the Enterprise who has found a whole new, outspoken identity on Facebook. Whether it’s gay rights or silly meme-riffic photos, his posts sit at the epicenter of hundreds of thousands of shares. But what does all this sharing look like beyond the like button? Facebook tapped data visualization specialists at Stamen to answer that exact question. The full design story is told over on Stamen’s blog, and it’s a worthy read. Arabesque Ultimately, watching George Takei share a simple Photoshop of Marvin the Martian becomes an almost transcendental experience. I want to use so many cliches to describe this unbelievable animation--fireworks, tentacles, spider legs, starbursts--yet they all fall a little bit short of explaining exactly what it is that we see. See more here.

Mac OS X - Logiciels libres Faire un don 741 logiciels portant ce mot-clé. CollectiveAccess CollectiveAccess est une suite logicielle libre pour la gestion des collections de musées. Calibre Gestion de bibliothèque numérique personnelle Greenstone Un logiciel libre d’archivage de documents Rapla Logiciel de gestion de ressources Scan Tailor Assistance à la création de livres numériques Birdy Enfin un logiciel libre multi-plateformes de gestion de collection de BD (et para-BD) ! Scribus Scribus, un outil de PAO multi-plateformes et multilingue LibreOffice La suite bureautique vraiment libre... AbiWord Un excellent traitement de texte léger et efficace du monde libre Gnumeric L’excellentissime tableur en provenance du monde GNOME celtx Scénarisation, édition de scénario, pré-production et production, rien que ça ! Twine Créer des histoires et des récits interactifs en quelques clics JessyInk Faites des présentations avec Inkscape ! Impressive (ex-KeyJNote) Et vos présentations auront de l’effet ! DjVuLibre Libérons le format Djvu ! OmegaT txt2tags

Grand Reductions: 10 Diagrams That Changed City Planning In 1902, Ebenezer Howard, an unassuming stenographer and amateur inventor, published one of the most influential visions in the history of city planning, called Garden Cities of To-morrow. In it, Howard created a series of diagrams that helped to establish the orthodoxy of 20th-century city planning. The crisis behind what Howard called the “Garden City idea” — the pollution and overcrowding of the industrial city — is encapsulated in one diagram’s title: “A Group of Smokeless, Slumless Cities.” Howard proposed decentralizing industrial cities by constructing a regionally coordinated series of smaller Garden Cities in the countryside. Linked by railroads and canals and separated by a permanent greenbelt, the Garden Cities would offer the best of both town and country life to their 32,000 residents, including employment in factories and workshops, affordable rents and abundant open space. [2] The Towers in the Park From Le Corbusier’s “The Radiant City” (1933). [3] The Rural Grid esthetic.

Does Visualization Really Work? Here’s Evidence That It Does Do you remember a scene in The Matrix when Neo opens his eyes and says “I know Kung Fu”? I bet you wished you could learn that fast. I know I did. I have wonderful news for you. You can become an expert in a similar way, just not as fast, by using the power of your mind. What is Visualization? In laymen’s terms, it means recreating all the images, sounds and feelings in your mind surrounding an activity in order to practice in a perfect environment. It may sound hard, but let me prove to you that you can do it. Were you able to imagine the cup of coffee? Don’t worry if you didn’t catch all the details, just like any other skill, you need to practice. Some Proof That This Technique Works This example has been used to death because it proves visualization works time and time again. Australian Psychologist Alan Richardson made a little experiment. The results were astounding. Another great example comes from one of my favorite artists. How to Use Visualization On Route to Expert Status img

Event visualization in a 3D environment Semantic event tracker (SET) is an interactive visualization tool for analyzing events (activities) in a three-dimensional environment. We model an event as an object that describes an action, its location, time, and relations to other objects. Real world event information is extracted from Internet sources, then stored and processed using Semantic Web technologies that enable us to discover semantic associations between events. We use RDF graphs to represent semantic metadata and ontologies. SET is capable of visualizing as well as navigating through the event data in all three aspects of space, time and theme. Temporal data is illustrated as a 3D multi-line in the 3D environment that connects consecutive events. Information Visualization for Knowledge Discovery – MAT 595M Seminar Series Speaker: Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland–College Park Abstract Interactive information visualization tools provide researchers with remarkable capabilities to support discovery. These telescopes for high-dimensional data combine powerful statistical methods with user-controlled interfaces. This talk reviews the growing commercial success stories such as, and and research tools for time series data such as ( ). The central theme is the integration of statistics with visualization as applied to temporal event sequences such as electronic health records ( and and social network data ( and Bio Ben is the co-author with Catherine Plaisant of Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction (5th ed., 2010) Video
