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6 Classroom Management Tips Every Teacher Can Use

6 Classroom Management Tips Every Teacher Can Use
By Dave Foley Found In: classroom management, discipline, routines & procedures Effective teachers are passionate about educating their students. They want to spend their time teaching, not dealing with classroom disruptions. Here are some classroom management tips to help teachers settle problems, or prevent them from occurring, so that they can spend more of the classroom hour on teaching and learning. 1. Get everyone’s attention before beginning class. 2. If students aren’t paying attention or busy doing other things, get them focused by using nonverbal signals of disapproval. If non-verbal cues are disregarded, the next step will be imposing discipline measures within the classroom such as having them stay a few minutes after class or changing their seat. 3. At the beginning of the school year, let students sit where they want for a few days. 4. If the student has not made a real effort, then that student will be given a short homework assignment, due the next day. 5. 6.

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