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LSN: Macro Trends : Anxiety Rebellion

LSN: Macro Trends : Anxiety Rebellion

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Science Gallery London How can our environment affect mental health? Working with patients from the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit at Bethlem Royal Hospital, Offeh explores the value of paying focused attention to the overwhelming possibilities of our external environment. The participants mapped their experience of their immediate surroundings through detailed rubbings of the architectural surfaces, which were then incorporated into a dizzying lenticular pattern by the artist, designed to alter visitors’ experience of Science Gallery London’s architectural environment. How Each Generation Shops in 2019 - Salesfloor From Baby Boomers to Generation Z, each generation has its own defining political and cultural traits that have characterized their coming-of-age and shopping habits. As of now, there are four major generational demographics that economists have recognized as distinct markets: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y (more popularly known as Millennials,) and Gen Z—each of which is unique in their perspectives on marketing tactics and purchasing preferences. If retailers want to make their products available to each generation in the best way possible, they need to adapt their brand experience in a way that accommodates all the options that these groups rely on. That’s why we gathered all the data you need to know just what each generation is looking for.

Environmental Activism: Why We Need To Shake Up the Visual Graphic designer Claire Matthews founded independent campaign group Clean Air Now alongside Vasilisa Forbes in 2016. Clean Air Now advocate for positive environmental change in London and across the UK, through billboards, subverts, videos and street art placement. With the election of Donald Trump jeopardising many of the Obama-era policies aimed at curbing climate change and the potential loss of EU environmental regulations in the UK post-Brexit, local and global environmental protection should be a hot topic for all.

Science Gallery London Benedict Drew Benedict Drew lives and works in Whitstable and Margate, UK. He works across video, sculpture, music and their associated technologies. Doing good does you good Evidence shows that helping others is actually beneficial for your own mental health and wellbeing. It can help reduce stress, improve your emotional wellbeing and even benefit your physical health. Introduction You may recognise the expression that it is better to give than receive but did you know that this is backed up by research? This week’s Guardian Weekly is a climate change special designed by children While the impact of climate change on a future generation is still yet to fully unfold, according to the children of The Guardian Weekly’s art director, Andrew Stocks, we should be panicking. This week’s Kids V Climate Change February edition of the publication has allowed young people to set the visual agenda, directing and creating the imagery around the not so little story of, well, the future of our planet. Speaking to It’s Nice That about the aesthetic decision, Andrew says: “We wanted to capture the mood of children around the world regarding climate change – that the grown-ups in the room just aren’t appreciating the severity of the situation and taking action fast enough.

Anxiety and panic attacks Anxiety is what we feel when we are worried, tense or afraid – particularly about things that are about to happen, or which we think could happen in the future. Anxiety is a natural human response when we perceive that we are under threat. It can be experienced through our thoughts, feelings and physical sensations. For me, anxiety feels as if everyone in the world is waiting for me to trip up, so that they can laugh at me. Online shopping addiction is a mental health condition and 'should be officially recognised' Online shopping addiction is a mental health condition and should be officially recognised for its ability wreck people's mental health and relationships, psychotherapists claim People addicted to buying things were more likely to have anxiety or depressionBuying-shopping disorder is long-recognised but is taking on a new meaningShopping online is easy, always accessible and cheaper than real shopping By Sam Blanchard Senior Health Reporter For Mailonline

Food and fashion? How delicious It started with a fridge. Fashion officially entered the kitchen in 2016, when Dolce & Gabbana unveiled their decorative Smeg refrigerators. Hand-painted in their native Sicily and retailing at an astronomical £30,000, they brought high style into the heart of the home — fashion’s final domestic frontier. A colourful collection of “Divina Cucina” kettles, toasters and juicers soon followed. Mental health statistics: anxiety Anxiety is a type of fear usually associated with the thought of a threat or something going wrong in the future, but can also arise from something happening right now. In 2013, there were 8.2 million cases of anxiety in the UK.1In England women are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders as men.2The one-week prevalence of generalised anxiety in England is 6.6%3Be Mindful Online is an online mindfulness course offered by the Mental Health Foundation. Research on the online course in 2013 found that for the 273 people that completed the course, there was, on average, a 58% reduction in anxiety levels. Browse all the mental health statistics Download a PDF of all the stats 1Fineberg, N., Haddad, P., Carpenter, L., Gannon, B., Sharpe, R., Young, A., Joyce, E., Rowe, J., Wellsted, D., Nutt, D. and Sahakian, B. (2013).

‘We live our lives in clothes’ Dion tells me: ’The best way I can explain the complementary nature of fashion and wellbeing is through something a woman said to me during a talk I’d given. She explained that she had once worn her favourite David Bowie t-shirt for a week to stop a low mood from taking hold – it helped her feel happy. We’ve seen that exercise and physical health impact on emotional wellbeing – so do the clothes we wear. That’s not a trivial issue and I want to encourage thinking and research about it.’ Which is presumably why Dr Dion Terrelonge, a fairly recently qualified educational psychologist, wrote to us, saying, ‘[Fashion psychology] is an emerging, or rather re-emerging, field which so far seems to focus on the potential negative impact of fashion in the media interpretation of trends, etc… I am interested in the link between personal style and wellbeing, the relationships people have with clothing… and the effect dress has on our cognitions and behaviours.’
