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Unity Training ( Free )

How can I show split screen or multiple camera views at the same time? Yes it is possible. Just use the "Normalized View Port Rect" setting of each camera, to set each camera to fill the portion of the screen that you want. Simply create both cameras, and then - for example - a side-by-side view (split screen vertical) could be achieved by setting: Left Camera - Normalized View Port Rect: X : 0Y : 0Width : 0.5Height : 1 Right Camera - Normalized View Port Rect: X : 0.5Y : 0Width 0.5Height 1 And a split screen horizontal view (one view on top of another) could be achieved with these settings: Top Camera - Normalized View Port Rect: X : 0Y : 0.5Width : 1Height : 0.5 Bottom Camera - Normalized View Port Rect: X : 0Y : 0Width 1Height 0.5

Khanacademy UNITY 3D MULTIPLAYER GAMES may be available for purchase. Inquire today! Inquiry Form Inquire with your Facebook or LinkedIn profile, or complete this form to receive a free quote. Every big dream that became a reality had one thing in common: A solid foundation. First impressions matter.Get an email address as big as your dreams. Owner and CEO Don't be limited by a free webmail address. Visibility is the cornerstone of every business.Your dreams deserve to be seen. The leading Dmu site on the net"We're the best at what we do"Your NameFounder, CEO If they don't see you, you don't exist.

HTML5 This specification defines the 5th major version, second minor revision of the core language of the World Wide Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features continue to be introduced to help Web application authors, new elements continue to be introduced based on research into prevailing authoring practices, and special attention continues to be given to defining clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to improve interoperability. This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at This document was published by the Web Platform Working Group as a W3C Recommendation for HTML 5.2 that would obsolete the HTML 5.1 Recommendation. This document was produced by a group operating under the W3C Patent Policy.

DMU UNITY 3D GAMES SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides Features - Creating Modular Game Art For Fast Level Design This article, based on my experience working on multiple FPS mods and commercial products and my current work on Unreal Engine 3 titles, explains how to speed up production by creating modular art assets for building fast, clean, and easy large 3D environments, talking from a level design perspective. Most artists know how to make art look good, while staying within limits of texture size and polygon count but it is also important to make it easy to use, modular, and seamless. The key to achieve this, and empower the level designers to make the best game possible, is through use of the grid and pivot points. Every level editor has some kind of grid system. Some game engines use a grid system with meter units (for example Far Cry or Max Payne). The way the meter grid system works is fairly simple: the size can be set to straight values like 1, 5, 10, 20, or 50 meters and every 10th grid line is highlighted. Aligning with Gridlines Measurements to the Power of 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

11 Incredibly Inspiring Service & App Websites A lot of times, services and app websites are a little bit neglected by designers, and this is why finding a well designed service/app site can be a challenge. But if you really dig around, you can find something inspiring, like the ones we will show here today. From good use of images and type, to videos and navigation, these websites are good examples that you need to deliver a good webpage to present your service or application to attract users. Remember that the user needs to understand what you are offering. Timely Schedule your hours, and you’ll spend no time tracking them. foogi Localytics Gain deep, actionable insights in real-time from Localytics, the leading and most powerful app analytics platform. Klout The best way to have an impact online is to create and share great content. Inside Travel Guides We find local writers to offer tips and advice to help you explore their hometowns. Loomideck WorkFu Say goodbye to endorsing, liking and ‘working on your profile’. Peek Calendar PandaDoc

More Design Patterns | Writing Serialised Data to a String Instead of a File in C# Instead of writing the serialised data to a file, which can be done using using (Stream s = File.Create("foo.xml")), you might want to have just the string – maybe because you want to send it to a server? You can use the StringWriter class to do so: string data;using (StringWriter stream = new StringWriter()) { xs.Serialize (stream, foo); data = stream.ToString();} Uploading Data to a Server in Unity 3D Unfortunately, you can’t directly upload data to server in Unity 3D. Since you can create POST variables in Unity, you can mainly work with those in your script. A very simple, preliminary implementation could look like this: concierge.php <? NetworkSave.cs Of course, this design allows for quite some flexibility, since it decouples the storage of data from the game logic.

HTML Borders The best way to create HTML borders is to actually use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Using CSS, you can create a border around any HTML element. There are a range of CSS properties that you can use to define borders but the shorthand border property is the most concise way. Below are some examples of what you can do with HTML, borders, and CSS. Solid Border Dotted Border Dashed Border Outset Border Inset Border Grooved Border Double Border Ridged Border Mixed Border You can combine different border types and styles for each side of the HTML element. Inline, Embedded, or External? All of the above examples use "inline" styles to create the borders. Use embedded style sheets if you need to apply the same border to multiple objects on the same page. To learn more, see Inline Style Sheets, Embedded Style Sheets, and External Style Sheets. For more info, check out the various border properties on the CSS Properties list.

Unity 3.x Scripting-Character Controller versus Rigidbody Exclusive offer: get 50% off this eBook here Unity 3.x Scripting — Save 50% Write efficient, reusable scripts to build custom characters, game environments, and control enemy AI in your Unity game with this book and ebook. by Devon Kraczla Volodymyr Gerasimov | June 2012 | Open Source Character controller is extremely important part of any game. Learn Character Controller versus Rigidbody – pros and consTeach player-controlled character walk, run, jump, and shootProgram camera controls and switching between different camera types with a press of a single buttonLearn script animations to follow character's actions There are two ways to create a controllable character in Unity, by using the Character Controller component or physical Rigidbody. It's not programmed for those entities and their behavior. In this section, we will write a script that will take control of basic character manipulations. Most game engines, if not all, use vectors to control the movement of objects. Creating movement

wiseGEEK: clear answers for common questions Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results. Loading... 1 5:08 - Essentials 00 - Projects by willgoldstone 24,538 views 2 4:29 - Essentials 01 - Scene Panel by willgoldstone 17,850 views 3 2:15 - Essentials 02 - Hierarchy by willgoldstone 12,762 views 4 3:33 - Essentials 03 - Game View by willgoldstone 14,136 views 5 2:08 - Essentials 04 - Project Panel by willgoldstone 10,984 views 6 1:36 Unity3DStudent - Essentials 05 - What is a Game Object by willgoldstone 13,086 views

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