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Preschool Classes Available for Copley & West Akron, OH

KYLIE ROSE'S RUN/BAGS OF LOVE - Akron Children's Hospital We collect small activity items for kids and then sew small bags to put them in. We then donate to them patients at Akron Children's Hospital. Additionally, every August we host a 5K run to raise money for the patients at Akron Children's Hospital. Our preschool participates in the "PAJAMA PROGRAM of Eastern Ohio" providing pajamas, and books to children who are removed from their homes under emergency circumstance. A pajama party is part of our fun for the children at school at the end of our Pajama Program drive. Last year 160 pairs of pajamas were donated. HAVE A HEART - DO YOUR PART Change Bandits for Akron Children's Hospital. EASTER BASKETS - Everyone collects items that would go into Easter baskets for children.

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