InspireUX – User Experience quotes and articles to inspire and connect the UX community
How to Find a UX Job in the San Francisco Bay Area 3 months ago, I relocated to San Francisco from Philadelphia. Finding a job in the San Francisco Bay Area proved to be harder than I originally anticipated. After all, San Francisco is known as one of, if not the, largest tech centers of the world, right? Surely, there is an over abundance of UX and Design jobs and you can essentially have your pick, right? Well, not exactly.
10 Useful Techniques To Improve Your User Interface Designs
Advertisement Web design consists, for the most part, of interface design. There are many techniques involved in crafting beautiful and functional interfaces.
How to Use jQuery to Make Slick Page Transitions
Adding the final touches to a site can be the difference between a polished and beautiful site that looks “refined,” and a mediocre site that leaves no impression on visitors. jQuery, the versatile JavaScript library, can be leveraged to create all these fine tuned elements. Today we’re going to look at how to use it to create elegant page transitions. Let’s get to it! If you would like to quickly take a peek at a very simple implementation of this technique, below is the demo for viewing and download.
Although you may not want to admit it, your customers have probably at one time or another experienced some type of pain while doing business with your company. It could’ve been a minor inconvenience, rather than a huge deal-breaking issue, but any way you look at it, it’s pain. So, ask yourself these questions: Can you clearly pinpoint where the customer pain points are in your organization?Do you and your employees have a clear picture of the process different types of customers go through when interacting with your company?
Customer Journey Maps - A 'Quick And Dirty' Technique To Create Them
A Customer Journey Map (CJM) is a very helpful tool that represents the whole interaction with a product or service in a transparent manner. It clearly points out the strengths and weaknesses of each stage of the interaction – particularly those that affect the user experience. In addition to this, Customer Journey Maps also show the possibilities for improvement. However, creating a Customer Journey Map is a very resource-consuming process. In this article I would like to introduce to you the approach we have taken for one of our clients.
» 10 Brilliant Multi Level Navigation Menu Techniques
Web-developers can create user-friendly horizontal or vertical navigation menus using CSS. Javascript makes it possible to create more interactive, more responsive and more flexible navigation to any website. Today we wanted to highlight 10 brilliant Multi Level Navigation Menu Techniques built using different Javascript Libraries including jQuery, Mootools along with some CSS magic to give us what you see below. 1. Create Vimeo-like top navigation Almost the same top navigation implemented on is created by Janko.
Semantic Foundry » Design Ethnography & Mood Maps
Over the last years I have noticed that many books and articles talk about the usefulness (or not) of personas, delving a little into the actual production and design of the persona as well as defending it’s usage. Very few explicitly define some of the activities that occur within the design research phase. It was Jared Spool that mentioned the real value of personas being the actual process of engaging with users and developing empathy towards their circumstances and experience interacting with a product.1 The following article grew out of a conversation with Nathan Curtis of Eight Shapes (author of “Modular Web Design“) when I offered to contribute what I called a “Mood Map” to the Unify Documentation System. Let’s start.
30 Essential Controls
By Theresa Neil As Bill mentioned in an earlier post, we don’t want to limit this blog to just the principles and patterns found in the book. For that you can check out our Explore the Book section.
Visualization Types - Introduction to Data Visualization
This taxonomy is based on a data taxonomy from: Shneiderman, B. (1996). The eyes have it: A task by data type taxonomy for information visualizations. Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages - Boulder, CO (pp. 336-343). The taxonomy is heavily weighted toward the more abstract information visualization techniques and is less representative of scientific visualizations, which can be highly specialized by domain and are more difficult to generalize. (A slightly different taxonomy with examples is available at Visual Analytics Digital Library - Visualization Types) Examples:
Design To Sell: 8 Useful Tips To Help Your Website Convert
Advertisement As we see more and more businesses move their services online, and even more that begin their life on the Web, a greater need arises for websites that are designed and built to sell. A great-looking website may achieve the goal of shaping and delivering a strong brand, but its good looks alone aren’t enough to sell the products or services on offer. For that, you need to introduce the element of marketing. You may want to take a look at the following related articles: 1.