Biology Animations Carnegie Mellon's Office of Technology for Education and Department of Biological Sciences create multimedia materials for teaching and learning Biology. After an analysis of a number of Biology courses was performed to identify when and how shared concepts where taught, a team of biologists, media programmers, and learning experts came together to create animations designed to improve understanding of some of the main concepts taught in Modern Biology and Biochemistry. Phosopholipid Membranes Tutorial page describing the construction and properties of Biological Membranes. Biological Membranes Biological membranes are dynamic structures composed of a diverse set of phospholipid molecules and proteins. Phase Transition This tutorial explains how phospholipids bilayers undergo to a cooperative phase transition or melting that is similar to protein denaturation. back to index Signal Transdaction Serine Protease Uniport - Glucose Transport Symport - Lactose Permease Transporter ATP Synthesis
Timetable of mankind By Dr J Floor Anthoni (2001) This page summarises the important events and discoveries that changed the world, its societies, populations and its environment. By restricting the events to important discoveries, this page allows you to take note of the full development of mankind while not wasting your time. Having evolved to an erect, thinking and talking ape over millions of years of evolution, Man has found ways of evolving at an even faster rate by extending his faculties by means of technology. Previous civilisations have risen and fallen, yet humanity has survived. Here is a schematic overview of the development of intelligence, be it on this planet or anywhere else: -2 million years: among all creatures, it must be an animal (which moves), which can develop intelligence. -1 million years: the omnivorous and opportunistic life style allows humanoids to live in , finding food easily. -5,000: extensive of cattle, beasts of burden and crops.
Science News, Research And Discussion Cinq inventions géniales inspirées par la nature A chaque fois que vous rencontrez un problème, observez la nature. Celle-ci a peut-être déjà eu les mêmes difficultés, et si c’est le cas, elle a sûrement trouvé une solution il y a quelques milliers d’années. Voilà la devise du biomimétisme, une démarche qui entend réconcilier progrès et respect de l’environnement. Théorisée en 1998 par la scientifique américaine Janine Benyus, elle séduit aujourd’hui des centaines de scientifiques et entrepreneurs. Leur credo : la nature reste le seul ingénieur capable de créer des multitudes de cycles de production sans consommer d’énergies fossiles, ni produire de déchets. Cet ingénieur original puise sa créativité dans les contraintes et s’adapte toujours à son environnement. « Le but n’est bien sûr pas de copier le scarabée de Namibie juste pour le copier. En route, Terra eco vous présente cinq de ces inventions : 1) Du martin-pêcheur au Shinkansen, le TGV japonais Le TGV japonais a une énorme qualité : il roule très vite, à plus de 300 km/h.
Home of CELLS alive! Global Issues : social, political, economic and environmental issues that affect us all | from Psychology: An Introduction | in Chapter 15: Social Psychology | Table of Contents | in Chapter 15: Social | from Psychology: An Introduction by Russ Dewey Psychology: An Introduction Table of Contents Next page Copyright© 2007-2011Russ Dewey Part One: Group Influences Part Two: Organizations and Movements Part Three: Social Cognition Part Four: Hostile and Helping Behavior Overview of Chapter 15: Social Psychology The 20th Century was a time of unusually severe social problems, marked by world wars, social upheaval, violence, religious and political conflict. Psychologists also studied more benign, pleasant, and productive social activities of humans, after the post-war decades. The rise of cognitive psychology in the 1970s and beyond ushered in a new era of social cognitive psychology, focusing on the informationg processing carried out by people to evaluate each other and group situations. How this chapter is organized More than most disciplines, social psychology is marked by classic experiments. The opening portion of the chapter highlights research on group influences upon the individual. Related topics in other chapters Write to Dr.
The Biology Corner Make your own cartoons and animations easily. Our tools are free and you don't need to learn Flash. Nostradamus and other Prophets, Prophecies, Predictions, by John Hogue Natural History Museum
Ce site est riche en activités de classe conernant la Théorie de l'Évolution. Une mine d'or!!!! by manonalbert Feb 19