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Petit Rituel Pour La Paix du Coeur

Petit Rituel Pour La Paix du Coeur
Voici un petit outil, en cadeau pour notre travail fait avec tant de bonne volonté, un petit rituel proposé pour traverser avec plus d’aisance cette période à la fois splendide et trouble. Il concerne la souffrance, car nous avons tous accumulé des mémoires de souffrance, passées ou présentes, qu’il s’agisse de souffrance physique ou morale. Posons-nous un instant avec la notion de souffrance, sous toutes ses formes, et laissons remonter les scénarios qui nous viennent à l’esprit qu’il s’agisse de traumatismes de guerres, de violences physiques, de tortures, de sacrifices, d’abus de pouvoir sur nous, toutes les souffrances que nous pouvons avoir vécues de façon réelle dans cette vie ou sous forme de mémoires passées, ou même sous formes de fictions ou d’histoires entendues, toutes les formes de souffrances qui nous touchent. “Je pardonne à tous ceux qui m’ont fait souffrir, sous quelque forme que ce soit, sciemment ou inconsciemment, dans cette vie, mes vies passées et futures ”.

Ho'oponopono "Un chemin vers la Conscience" - HO'OPONOPONO Tanq. Ign. Sulp. Medit. MS-WORD Doc THE SPIRITUAL LIFE A TREATISE ON ASCETICAL AND MYSTICAL THEOLOGY by Adolphe Tanquerey, tr. H. Branderis, Desclee, (New York, 1930). BOOK I The Purification of the Soul or the Purgative Way, Ch. §VI. 688. Because at first sight these methods appear rather intricate, it is well, before introducing beginners to their use, to prepare them by what may be called meditative reading. I. We find in all the various methods certain common traits which are manifestly the most essential; hence, attention must be called to them. 689. (1) There is always a remote, a proximate, and an immediate PREPARATION. a) The remote preparation is nothing more than the effort to make our daily life harmonize with prayer. 1) the mortification of the senses and of the passions; 2) habitual recollection; 3) humility. These are, in fact, excellent dispositions for a good meditation. b) The proximate or, as others call it, the less remote preparation, includes three principal acts: Tgnatian Meditation II. 692.

Comment pratiquer le Ho’oponopono Auto-Identité | Notre Monde <a href=" program</a> (Ce texte fait suite à l’article Ho’oponopono déjà publié) Vous comprendrez ici pourquoi l’intellect ne dispose pas des ressources pour résoudre les problèmes, il peut seulement les manoeuvrer, les diriger. Mais manoeuvrer, diriger, ne résout pas les problèmes. En faisant Ho’oponopono vous demandez à Dieu, à la Divinité, de nettoyer, et purifier l’origine de ces problèmes, qui sont des souvenirs, des mémoires. Vous neutralisez ainsi l’énergie associée à une certaine personne, à un lieu ou une chose. Dans le processus, cette énergie est libérée et est transmuée en lumière pure par la Divinité. Au moment où vous remarquez en vous quelque chose d’inconfortable par rapport à une personne, un lieu, un événement ou une chose, entamez le processus de nettoyage, demandez à Dieu : « Divinité nettoie en moi ce qui contribue à ce problème. » Utilisez alors les phrases de cette série : « Je suis désolé. « Mes mémoires je vous Aime ! Le Dr. Dr.

Four Holy Marshals - Wikipedia Saint Catherine of Alexandria with two of the Four Holy Marshals: Saint Quirinus (left) and Saint Hubertus (middle). The small kneeling figure is the donor. The Four Holy Marshals (Vier Marschälle Gottes or just Vier Marschälle) are four saints venerated in the Rhineland, especially at Cologne, Liège, Aachen, and Eifel.[1] They are conceived as standing particularly close to throne of God, and thus powerful intercessors.[2] Their joint veneration is comparable to that of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, who are also venerated in the Rhineland. They are considered “marshals of God” and were invoked against diseases and epidemics during the Middle Ages. Evidence of their cult is testified by documentation dating from 1478; however, the joint cult of these four saints may have existed earlier.[2][3] The cult reached its high point in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and diminished by the seventeenth.[1] There were churches dedicated to them at Hüngersdorf, Schleiden, and in the Mariwald.[4]

Patron saints of ailments, illness, and dangers - Wikipedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a list of patron saints of ailments, illness, and dangers. A[edit] B[edit] C[edit] D[edit] E[edit] F[edit] Fiacre – Venereal disease sufferers, hemorrhoidsFillan – mental illnessFlorian – invoked against fire, floods and drowning[27]Four Holy Marshals – epidemics, diseases[28]Fourteen Holy Helpers – epidemics, bubonic plague or the Black Death G[edit] H[edit] Hemma of Gurk – invoked during childbirth and against diseases of the eyeHermes – mental illnessesHarvey – eye problems, eye diseaseHippolytus of Rome – sick horsesHubertus - RabiesHugh of Cluny – feverHyacinth – those in danger of drowning J[edit] K[edit] Kentigern – against bullies and verbal abuse L[edit] M[edit] N[edit] O[edit] Saint Olaf – difficult marriageSaint Ovidius – auditory conditions and diseases[42] P[edit] Q[edit] Saint Quentin – coughs, sneezes, and dropsy.[49]Quirinus of Neuss – invoked against the bubonic plague, smallpox, and gout[50]Quiteria – against rabies[51] R[edit] S[edit] T[edit]

Fourteen Holy Helpers - Wikipedia Painting of the Fourteen Holy Helpers The Fourteen Holy Helpers are a group of saints venerated together in Roman Catholicism because their intercession is believed to be particularly effective, especially against various diseases. This group of Nothelfer ("helpers in need") originated in the 14th century at first in the Rhineland, largely as a result of the epidemic (probably of bubonic plague) that became known as the Black Death. History of veneration[edit] Devotion to the fourteen "Auxiliary Saints" began in Rhineland, now part of Germany, in the time of the Black Death.[1] At the heart of the fourteen were three virgin martyrs: As the other saints began to be invoked along with these three virgin martyrs, they were represented together in works of art. Saint Christopher and Saint Giles were invoked against the plague itself. Comparable to the cult of the Fourteen Holy Helpers was that of the Four Holy Marshals, who were also venerated in the Rhineland as "Marshals of God."
